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Everything posted by shcboomer

  1. Granted, but they are translated to a language you don't understand. I wish for flying dogs.
  2. Based White Fox for a good rom-com. Last episode was a bit lackluster, but pretty good for an ongoing series. Looking forward to a season 2 as well.
  3. Yeah read through the interview, seems like they are in damage control.
  4. No real single player games right now, just play some League or Dota with friends.
  5. Granted, but it crushes you. I wish for more Hataraku Maou-Sama.
  6. Another quick update, we are now up to 6900/36959 (18.7%) lines translated. We are still looking for additional translators.
  7. Granted, but it sets the temperature to 0c. I wish for more programming.
  8. That seems like an interesting way to do things, I tried that before but usually forget or the stuff gets backlogged.
  9. Granted, but they also want your blood. I wish for a care free life.
  10. That is probably true, some of the choices in Haruka's route could take more than one try.
  11. I'm watching it... Or trying to anyways.
  12. Granted, but you're come back and die in a stupid way. I wish for more solidbatman updates.
  13. It gets better once you get about half way through the common route I'd say. After you meet all the characters and start splitting into routes.
  14. Granted, but you drilled into yogurt. I wish for sleep.
  15. Looking pretty good there Snowtsuku. Maybe I need a change of pace too.
  16. Granted, but instead of DRM, they just ban software outright. I wish for more cute animes.
  17. I think titles may stick regardless...
  18. Interesting, maybe I'll give this a go as well.
  19. Trying to finish off this season, watching oregairu right now.
  20. I also use torrents, setting up RSS feeds makes it easy to have my anime in the right place and ready to watch anytime.
  21. Nice picture, I see you really really really like HK.
  22. Granted, but there is no superbowl this year. I wish for maximal HNNNNGGGGG.
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