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Everything posted by shcboomer

  1. But it is Mare... And what is wrong with a sea of Mares? o.0
  2. Welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy your time with us. What has been your favorite VN so far? Also what have you played?
  3. It stands for Eternal Heart, it is the fandisk for Hoshizora no Memoria - Wish upon a shooting star.
  4. I think you just picked a fight wit a lot of people here. XD
  5. Seems interesting, I did the survey as requested. Let's see what happens from here.
  6. Well if we get enough interest, I don't see why not.
  7. Can't wait for KH3, time to pull out the old KH2 and replay it again.
  8. Welcome to Fuwanovel, hope you enjoy your stay with the rest of us here.
  9. Aaeru always has us right? We could all be 'clients' XD
  10. 良かった よかった Thanks goodness
  11. Thank you for translating that part, maybe if enough people are interested, we can start a full team to TL the whole thing. (Looking at you Steve)
  12. Granted, but they stop making figures. I wish for more wishes.
  13. Noooo Snow... And what is with the 53.3k references?
  14. Well there is always time to get back up there again?
  15. Yep, that is basically it. Still looking for any translators or a TLC which would be even better.
  16. Gratz on making it to the top Zaka, now how long can you keep it?
  17. Welcome to the forums, hope you'll enjoy your time with us.
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