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Everything posted by shcboomer

  1. Welcome to the forums, hope you'll enjoy your stay around here.
  2. Looks good, now if that link could be clicked, all would be good.
  3. Thanks for the hard work guys, everything is looking organized now.
  4. Granted, but it is spoiled. I wish for more 'dere'.
  5. Looking great, I look forward to seeing more. <3
  6. Granted, but Google tracks your data. (What's new?) I wish for more anime.
  7. Well glad to see all this stuff is finally in one place.
  8. Welcome to the forums, hope you'll enjoy your stay with the rest of us. What has been your favorite VN so far?
  9. Granted, but you are stuck inside of it. I wish for more UroButcher.
  10. I finally finished Ef, much longer than I thought it would be. No idea why I thought it would be shorter, it was a great ride. Next VN on the block is probably ML and MLA.
  11. That is a good question. On a more serious note, what is your favorite VN to date, and why?
  12. Granted, but you go in debt building it. I wish for more solidbatman.
  13. Yeah the "Rapelay" incident still sadly holds VN back a lot for localization purposes... No company wants to meet with that bad publicity again...
  14. I feel like gameplay elements are nice, it is a good way to spice things up. Although most people seem to like skippable options as well. Depends on the VN though I guess.
  15. Welcome to the forums, I hope you'll enjoy spending your time with us. Just don't go too Yandere on us.
  16. Welcome to the forums, wishing that you'll love spending your time here. Glad to see you want to join some projects already. XD
  17. Welcome to Fuwanovel, I hope you'll enjoy your time here.
  18. Granted, but your eyes burn because of it. I wish for more VNs in English.
  19. Almost done Ef here, on 5th chapter. After this it will be time for ML and MLA.
  20. Good job, that looks great. Saved on my computer now in my Rewrite pictures folder. <3
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