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Everything posted by shcboomer

  1. Usually the factor most commonly used is the script size. If someone pulls those stats, we can probably estimate given the same pace.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxyTNLKkMUk Can't stop listening to the OST.
  3. May I ask what version of Hoshimemo you are running. If you don't have 1.2, that might be the problem.
  4. I'm looking forward to it. A pity it will probably take quite some time to translate, I guess. Who knows, if we follow the same timeline, we should see both Meikyuu and Rakuen by a year from now. Since those two combined are shorter than Kajitsu.
  5. Looks nice, I will miss your drawings though. <3
  6. Good thing I have a PS3, just for these type of releases. Hehe
  7. Do you think you can post the directory you have the game installed in. It might be too deep into a directory when it looks for sounds or videos or something.
  8. I don't think so, but you could start a topic on it.
  9. Welcome to the forums, hope you'll be enjoying your time here with us.
  10. Welcome to the forums, I hope you'll enjoy your stay with us. I will jump on the Little Busters bus too!
  11. Yay, I finally finished Yumiko's route. That means I finally get to play some good routes now.
  12. Welcome to the forums, hope you'll enjoy your time with us on here.
  13. I see 27.5% on the website. Fuwanovel reads off of VNTLS if that is what you're asking.
  14. I can't really think of any off the top of my head either...
  15. I would say what makes VNs unique for me is the story telling, a visual novel really does feel like a novel. If I had to place it, I would say it is similar to those make your own adventure books where you flip to pages when you make decisions. That is what I absolutely love about VNs, the format in which they are able to tell the story and to be able to conceptualize it really is a work of art. From shorter VNs to longer VNs, I would say that is what hooks me. Also I do agree that people who don't know VNs just think of them as eroge or worse yet nukiges. I have yet to convert any of my friends otherwise, but maybe one day they will see it.
  16. I'll second the waiting for AstralAir no Shiroki Eien.
  17. Steve time to start up another TL group. GO GO!
  18. How many thing can you shove in Michiru's mouth?
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