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The OUYA Could Die Pretty Soon


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The Android based micro console that a lot of people were pretty hyped up about some years back which manged to raise 8 million dollars on kickstarter and even more millions from other investors has been struggling hard with its debt and it seems like unless someone buys off the debt/company, they're pretty much dead.

This is quite sad to see happen but clearly shows how devastating the console market is and it makes me question wether or not android based consoles will ever reach some form of success.

The OUYA now has over 1,000 apps and 40,000 developers it seems, so it could be building something bigger, but financial struggle really struck hard for them so we may never see what it could become.

What are your thoughts on this incident?

Do you think it was destined to fail from the start? And more broadly, do you think that different types of consoles simply can't survive in a market already dominated by the big guys?

Source: https://fortune.com/2015/04/28/exclusive-gaming-startup-ouya-needs-to-find-a-buyer-quickly/

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No big exclusives and it's competing with handheld mobile devices that play all the same games but portable. It'd be like a company trying to base their financial success off the Vita TV. Except even worse than that because most people already own a device, like a phone or tablet, that plays Android games. Android games have always been optimized for short, portable play and aren't really suited for sitting down and playing on the big screen when you could just buy a normal console and play new, exclusive home console games on that instead.


OUYA was pretty great for emulators... in fact I think a lot of people made the joke that OUYA should just advertise itself as an emulator machine since tons of people just used it for that.

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Well I think the problem was the hardware of the console, even emulating some N64 is a problem...is not really strong.


It wasn't competing with the xbo360 and ps3, not with some good emulator systems out there (like the  Raspberry pi for example), and most of the apps were the same ones of tablets and smartphones...it just didn't fit in any market.

I backed it when it was on kickstarter and i dont regret it, I'm sad to see this happening.

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This is interesting because NVIDIA who initially backed OUYA is now coming out with their own android based system that can supposedly run games at 4k 60fps which now makes me wonder if it will flop as well.

Indeed the OUYA was kind of a pioneer in home android consoles, but the entire concept might not be bad if it's optimized properly, proper ports can be made to run on home consoles better than they would on mobile devices, the OS itself is able to handle such things with the proper hardware, i feel like the OUYA had the potential but it was kind of too ahead of the game for its own good and the hardware itself was too limited.

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I think the other thing was, at the time of the Kickstarter, an open console that anyone could make a game for was a really attractive idea. However, by the time it came out PSN, XBLA, Steam Greenlight and all the other indie platforms had really opened their doors so the OUYA never really had a corner on the indie market like people thought it would. 

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