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Fan Books Sale!


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Visual novels aren't the only thing that is cheap in Japan. Feel free to check out some of these fan books, complete with original art and other fun goodies. I tried to keep it to a list of VNs that I know people like.




My money... just take it. o-o

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Uwa, I want that Sekachu fanbook...


Btw, what exactly is in the fanbook? CG collection and character draft?


Artist drawings, CG material, sketches, background history, Q&A, etc. Every book is different, but it usually comes with bonus material as well (i.e. = a poster). That being said, I am not 100% sure because these are all sealed. Also, some of them are over 175 pages in length!

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So, regarding artbooks/fanbooks. I'd advise anyone wanting to buy one to try to know what kind of content is has firsthand, although I know finding english sources on that is not exactly easy.

Artbooks are really heavy, they usually cost about 2000-3000 yen as you can see (less than that second-hand) and you can add to that probably a solid 1000 yen for shipping (number out of my ass), so around 25-35$ a book. The good ones are really great collection items and contain nice stuff, but some are not necessarily worth it.


The only VN artbook I own, for example, is the Muv-Luv Alternative Memorial Art Book, which is a pretty good artbook. It contains all the sprites and CGs of the characters along with character information, all the CGs of the game with resume of the chapters, a fair amount of extra background information, and some staff comments.

But beware that some artbooks sometimes only have minimal amount of extra stuff - some only have CGs + illustrations.

The best ones add on top of that production details, interviews, roughs for the CGs, character-design ground work, etc... Some specific ones also contain tons of information about the universe (such as the Type-Moon Fate Complete Material books and stuff, but there are one billion of them). Of course you need to know japanese in order to read that.


One point that is specific to VNs: you probably do know a lot of CGs in VNs are dedicated to H-scenes (no shit). Therefore, you also should expect your art book to contain a fair bit of porn (roughs for the H-CGs, etc), which might not necessarily be interesting for you.


All in all, I really like artbooks because they're great collection items and sometimes have very interesting extra material, but try to know what you're buying first.

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Sent a PM earlier regarding interest in purchasing one or two of those books


Also, I have the White Clover - Hinoue Itaru and the Kanon one at home. It's really nice~ there are some NSFW images in there but definitely recommend it if you're interested in them~


I believe the Kanon one comes with a poster for each of the heroines~

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