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The Official Fuwa Anime Club: Voting and Summer Season Sign-Up

Stray Cat


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Episodes 22 - 25 / finished Shinsekai Yori

Misc. Thoughts / Comments 

  • What was up with the whole 'don't trust Kiroumaru' crap. That guy was loyal right up to the very end even sacrificing himself to stop Messiah. My favorite Monster Rat~
  • That trolly cliffhanger on Episode 23 -> 24 Shun = Kiroumaru hallucination of Saki's. Luckily we didn't have to wait a week just to be trolled >.>
  • A shame that they had to kill M & M's daughter / Couldn't get her to realize that she was human. That's all, folks! Maria's legacy ends with her rat-brainwashed daughter. So F#$%#ing tragic. DAMN. Maria's story is gonna leave me a bitter aftertaste for a looong while -.-
  • I didn't buy the whole Monster Rat revolting because of the Kami-samas oppressing/enslaving them and whatnot. If anything, this reason should apply to the kids because of the system with the Education Committee and Impure Cats. Monster Rats = Human was a decent reason, but I still didn't give a shit about them and was 100% happy to hear Squeara be sentenced to Infinite Hell (except when they actually show him being tortured. God that was HORRIBLE ;-; ) TL;DR I FKING HATE RATS.
  • +1 for Saki doing the right thing and putting him out of his misery later.
  • We learn that Saki's parents died. F@#%. I'm done.
  • The Monster Rats = Humans reveal was a 'whatevers'. A good way to tie things up, but eh, didn't really care.

All I cared about, was 












Well it's about time~

Will do a proper review thing when I get home

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Episodes 22 - 25 / finished Shinsekai Yori

Misc. Thoughts / Comments 

  • What was up with the whole 'don't trust Kiroumaru' crap. That guy was loyal right up to the very end even sacrificing himself to stop Messiah. My favorite Monster Rat~
  • That trolly cliffhanger on Episode 23 -> 24 Shun = Kiroumaru hallucination of Saki's. Luckily we didn't have to wait a week just to be trolled >.>
  • A shame that they had to kill M & M's daughter / Couldn't get her to realize that she was human. That's all, folks! Maria's legacy ends with her rat-brainwashed daughter. So F#$%#ing tragic. DAMN. Maria's story is gonna leave me a bitter aftertaste for a looong while -.-
  • I didn't buy the whole Monster Rat revolting because of the Kami-samas oppressing/enslaving them and whatnot. If anything, this reason should apply to the kids because of the system with the Education Committee and Impure Cats. Monster Rats = Human was a decent reason, but I still didn't give a shit about them and was 100% happy to hear Squeara be sentenced to Infinite Hell (except when they actually show him being tortured. God that was HORRIBLE ;-; ) TL;DR I FKING HATE RATS.
  • +1 for Saki doing the right thing and putting him out of his misery later.
  • We learn that Saki's parents died. F@#%. I'm done.
  • The Monster Rats = Humans reveal was a 'whatevers'. A good way to tie things up, but eh, didn't really care.

All I cared about, was 












Well it's about time~

Will do a proper review thing when I get home

Interesting, that's where I disagree.

First of all don't forget that Kiromaru is still a Queerat (or monster rat as your subs call them), and after Squealer revolts obviously they're going to be inclined not to trust him. Squealer was loyal too... right up to the point he betrayed everyone.


As for the rebellion, the whole point of the system is to make it impossible for children to deviate from the norm for the safety of the society, in fact for most of their childhoods they don't even realize the adults control their lives to such a degree, and it's implied that most of the adults don't either, besides the ones in the committees of course. Meanwhile the monster rats know perfectly well whom they are oppressed by, but unlike the children there's almost nothing they can do, even if they wanted too, so the cantus-wielding humans keep them alive for manual labour and such and don't keep as much of an eye on them.

Basically, the children are oppressed out of necessity and once they've grown up they're mostly no longer a threat so it's life isn't that bad for them, meanwhile the monster rats are oppressed to simplify humans' lives, and their entire race is eternally a slave. The only reason they're not rebelling 24/7 is because any one human can single-handedly stop pretty much any rebellion.


Finally, the human thing. When Squealer said they were human, he meant that they are human in the sense that they have the same kinds of thoughts, feelings, and emotions that humans with cantus do. Even though he didn't know that they literally are human like Satoru mentioned later (since the library terminals have had information about that removed) he didn't need to to come to the correct conclusion that the only real difference between the two races is what they look like and the ability to use cantus. But everyone laughed at him, because even though they also most likely realized that, to them using cantus is an integral part of "being human" and the monster rats obviously can't use cantus so they can't be human.

The ironic part is that life would be much better if the cantus users were wiped out because without them you wouldn't have to create a totalitarian dystopian society just to try to make sure one person doesn't go on a rampage and wipe out half of your population.

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WTF Reviews 2 Hard I give up


Story: 8 / 10

  • Lore & world are very rich although it can be confusing at first
  • Plot moves at decent pace although can be a bit draggy at times
  • Final arc does a good job utilizing the various lore established in the story
  • Raises some interesting questions regarding the way their society works

I hate Monster Rats and could never sympathize with them. Squeara made for an interesting antagonist but I would've preferred the main conflict to be like the 5 main characters vs. society or something instead of Monster Rats vs. Humanity. Or at least non-cantus using humans vs cantus using humans. Monster Rats even if they have human qualities/traits/personalities and DNA-wise are human are no-no. Give me HUMANS, not RATS. Yes, appearances matter.

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WTF Reviews 2 Hard I give up


Story: 8 / 10

  • Lore & world are very rich although it can be confusing at first
  • Plot moves at decent pace although can be a bit draggy at times
  • Final arc does a good job utilizing the various lore established in the story
  • Raises some interesting questions regarding the way their society works

I hate Monster Rats and could never sympathize with them. Squeara made for an interesting antagonist but I would've preferred the main conflict to be like the 5 main characters vs. society or something instead of Monster Rats vs. Humanity. Or at least non-cantus using humans vs cantus using humans. Monster Rats even if they have human qualities/traits/personalities and DNA-wise are human are no-no. Give me HUMANS, not RATS. Yes, appearances matter.

Characters: 8 / 10

  • Everybody's consistent in their personalities and how they act; no exaggerated characters
  • Enjoyable to see characters mature throughout the show

Only regret is that Episode 3 is the only time you have the 5 main characters all together just having fun

Favorite character: Maria

Art: 7 / 10

  • The art can become pretty inconsistent and awkward looking at times. When you go into Episode 5 you'll immediately notice the art being a different style than the previous episodes. I heard it was because there were like different directors or something early on. It becomes much more consistent later.
  • I would've liked there to be a bit more shading done on the characters

Music: 7 / 10

  • Fits the mood nicely, though since this was 25 episodes long it was easy to notice the repetitiveness of certain tracks
  • ED: I always enjoyed ending episodes 1 - 17 because it meant I could listen to the first 5 seconds of the ED. Catchy beat~

Enjoyment: 10 / 10

  • If you start to adore the characters by Episode 3 and become interested in the world & lore by Episode 4 like I did, this show becomes very enjoyable to watch just to see how the characters develop and what shenanigans can happen in this nicely crafted world.
  • I always looked forward to the next episode and for that to happen for a 25 episode series this gets a 10 from me~


Random- my favorite scene (obv spoilers):


This scene wins in so many ways. The revelation that I was too st00pid to see coming. Saki's eyes going into pure wtf mode; I bet my eyes were doing the same xD. Even the music I felt fit the mood pretty nicely. 


Totally doesn't have anything to do with me thinking that was Maria



Overall: 9 / 10 


I like that review and rating. Thanks for that Eclipsed ;) ... Why? Because it shows perfectly what I meant. We are not so far away in the single parts like, but the Enjoyment thing is a huge difference and this is also showing in the overall score. If you like that kind of show and get hooked by the whole story you'll love it -> I was none of them and so I couldn't come to love the anime...

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Now that I've had time to recover, I'd like to inquire something about M & M. They are bite sized chocolate cand-


M & M = Maria & Mamoru


It was never revealed as to the exact circumstances as to how they died, but what were you guys' speculations?

I'm still watching the series again, but from what I remember after Mamoru and Maria run away a couple of things could have happened. The possibilities that make sense to me are they they escaped with the help of Squealer or they somehow ended up running into his colony or Squealer himself. He somehow convinces them into procreating so that he can get his hands on a weapon to use for the rebellion against the humans. He is very well spoken at times so perhaps he manipulated them in some way into doing this in order to remain safe from prying eyes. Afterwards, he/or his minions most likely disposed of them because they were of no use to him. Of course, all of this happens off screen so it's all speculation. We are only allowed to see the final result of Squealer's machinations: the offspring between Mamoru and Maria who is a feral child after growing up in the bakenezumi colony.


This all of the top of my head, but I'll be able to answer this with more evidence from the show once I've finished watching it next week.

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Nearly finished with shin sekai yori I'm iffy on it currently but I imagine things will come together by the end.


Death Parade continues to impress me. Not the greatest of episodes (this last one) but it was nice to see a more light-hearted episode. Am curious what the overall purpose of the episode will actually be used towards or whether it was just filler. I'm assuming it was important beyond filler but who knows. Still enjoying the series thus far.

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Shinsekai Yori review
Seeing as how I was the person who suggested it, and that approximately 80% of my posts (on and off Fuwa) about anime that weren't about what I was watching at the time were about Shinsekai Yori, it shouldn't come as a surprise that I think rather highly of it.
Story: 10

One category in and this anime already does something I love - a false utopia. I like stories about failing societies like Lord of the Flies and a certain part of Grisaia, as well as just dystopias, but it's particularly interesting to see watch them from the perspective of the people who see them as utopias. And for the humans of Shinsekai Yori, the world they live in is pretty much a utopia, it's hard to imagine a better life given the circumstances. However, that utopia comes at a price, but thankfully for the humans that price is paid mostly by the queerats, in a tiny bit by the children and the parents of the children who are removed.
I guess this also goes under story, I originally found out about SSY while watching someone stream Umineko, as odd as that activity sounds. The stream didn't last, to my knowledge, but the streamer suggested I watch SSY if I liked figuring out mysteries. SSY definitely isn't a mystery anime, but it can be watched like one. You know that something is going to happen and all the clues are there for you to figure out what, why, and who. I actually managed to get quite a few things right, and caught some clues that I didn't get until the corresponding reveal, but I still felt good that I had at least spotted them. The first time I watched it this really made me enjoy it even more, and upon rewatching it you realize just how much foreshadowing you missed.

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I realize that we barely have 3 days till the cycle ends. That makes 8 eps each day .......... ok its definitely gonna be hectic.

I was busy playing vns and kept delaying Shinsekai, didn't notice that it had become so late already.


So without wasting any more time I shall get started with Shinsekai Yori.

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I will participate in the next cycle as well.


Shinsekai Yori thoughts 2nd time around:


To be honest the second time around watching this lost a lot of its original impact on me. I already knew everything that was going to happen and I felt like this show played a lot on suspense for quite a bit of it. The characters were still more or less enjoyable just not as much as the first time :/


At the moment no recommendation, I tend to stay away from magical girl.

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I finished till ep 18 Shinsekai Yori.

I loved the first 7 episodes, but after the time-skip the whole thing felt a bit underwhelming. That arc about Shun especially felt that it could have been a lot better. And now after the second time-skip it feels like it is getting better again. 


As for the next cycle I will be participating again. And no recommendations from me this time around.

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Finished episode 21

This arc is definitely the best so far. But I'm sad that the ED changed.

Well first of all I have a hunch that Shun is still alive or maybe it's just wishful thinking

At the time when Mamoru was attacked by the Tainted Cat in the hallway there was clearly a powerful cantus at work which stopped the Cat from attacking Mamoru. My guess is that it was Shun. Then there is the scene of Shun's 'death', that scene mostly looks like Shun sealed himself instead of actual death. Then there are all the visions that Saki keeps getting, they always have Shun who is helping her something(he even told to leave Maria in that nightmare Saki had). The most recent one is the giant-ink-fish-blowing-up incident where some cantus pulled her away from the explosion and Saki even gets a vision of Shun at that time. 

Shun could arrive at the end as a saviour or something.

There is another interesting although unlikely ending that I thought of - Shun comes back but is hardly alive so Saki uses here telomere-regeneration proper to heal/revive Shun but dies in the process and then we get happily ever after Shun X Satoru end.



There are some things that confuse me though. 


In episode 18, the dancing guy with the fans is killed by the Rats and then when he dies some light shoots out from his eyes. This was never explained as to what it really was. I thought for a while but can't really see any reason behind it.


How did the Rats get Maria and Mamoru's child ?

I mean sure that the Rats killed those two somehow but how was the child born so fast. The Rats had given the bones a couple of days/weeks after Maria eloped. This would mean that Maria and Mamoru did stuff and the child was born within a week. Come on we all know the basics of biology that it requires 9 months for child to be born. And even if the child didn't grow fully it would require at least 7-8 months. So the whole Maria and Mamoru's child doesn't really add up.

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