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Hello from Thorontir


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Hello all!


My name is Thorontir and I am a fellow Poland-based fan of visual novels. To be honsest, I've been around since few years, but I've never posted anything. I've seen many dark clouds gathered over fuwanovel but you guys always managed to come through any obstacles, hereby I'd like to say thanks to all people involved with this website and community.


My adventure with interactive novels started with Clannad and then many other has followed. What dragged me into them was the new dimensions the story gained with music, art and voice acting. And, of course, the choices... Interactivity of computer games gave the storytellers a possibility to have a talk with a reader and show him many possible outcomes. Of course, in many games the choices are rather shallow, but the potential in this medium is strong. Not to mention, that even linear novel can defend itself with a solid story.

Lately, I've decided to do something for my hobby and started a polish website devoted to visual novels and other bishoujo games like Kancolle. So if you're Polish speaking don't hesitate to drop by galge.pl. Website is still under development, but I am slowly adding more and more content.


I hope I'll be more active here and we'll have good time together!

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Thanks for the warm welcome, guys.


Where in Poland is this?

Why can't Canada name their cities like this?


Seems like my inept conduct of English caused some misunderstanding. I thought that I can use phrase "hello from" with a person as well as a place. Unfortunately, there is no place called Thorontir in Poland (at least yet). On the other hand I think some Canadian cities have really nice names like Quebec or Winnipeg.


How do I pronounce this?


To be honest I am not entirely sure myself as this nick has its origins in Sindarin ;)


What's for breakfast.


Canada, eh? Then maybe pancakes with maple syrup and recorded last night Habs game?

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It was exactly as you said, Flutterz. I have watched anime adaptation of Clannad (TV series by KyoAni) and I liked it very much. Then I discovered that it's based on a computer game. "How the hell could you make a computer game out of this?" I thought and felt curious enough to try. I stumbled upon unfinished translation at TL wiki and that's how my adventure begun... My second piece was Narcissu which deepened my love of the genere as I think its minimalistic art and music shows nicely how those additions can enhance the overall feeling of the story.


BTW That's a great picture... And it gets +100 for zettai ryouiki ;)

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As soon as I read Thorontir many questions appeared I my head.

How do I pronounce this?

Where in Poland is this?

What's for breakfast.

Why can't Canada name their cities like this?


Well, while cities have normal/respectable names, the names of villages... the names of SMALL villages... Some of them are just bonkers.


Like, you are driving through some area, and you enter Large Pants village, then drive through Small Pants village. No kidding. Wolven Muds, Chicken Feets... Of course not all of them are like that; but you can get sometimes some chuckles from reading accurate map.


In some region - for example, Pomerania - it's kinda different. There are Polish names for cities and villages, of course; but lots of those have German roots, and have German version names. For example, Słupsk-Stolp, Szczecin-Stettin, Swołowo-Schwolow, Krzemienica-Steinwald. Kinda cool.

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