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Thoughts on long common routes


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Fair point, I wasn't trying to say that a bad long common will not be worse than a short bad common, it's common sense to know that the longer you're exposed to something you don't like it's worse, I was just saying, to some people, that a short common route is also bad, since they were trying to make he point that long=bad. Nothing else Tiago, it seems you missed my point a bit.

I'll just repeat what I said earlier...:

"As for people saying that a route is bad because it's long, that has no basis on anything whatsoever.

Length has nothing to do with quality, except for the fact that quality is lost the more it's stretched (which could be the argument they tried to make)."

And hopefully this time you get my point. :D

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I'll just repeat what I said earlier...:

"As for people saying that a route is bad because it's long, that has no basis on anything whatsoever.

Length has nothing to do with quality, except for the fact that quality is lost the more it's stretched (which could be the argument they tried to make)."

And hopefully this time you get my point. :D

I did get your point, this conversation is going in circles :P . I was just explaining mine.

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I don't understand long common routes.


As a player, I want to be in the action as fast a possible. Yeah comedy is good but you can't feed me 6 hours of nothingness and ask me to tell whether it's good or not.

Their length is a huge break for players like me. It's like a book, if you don't convince me in the 15-25 first pages, well chances are i'll drop it on the floor.


And I don't say it makes the book bad, maybe it became interesting at the 26th page. Well too bad cause I won't read it.

I think a proper introduction or common route as you call it is essential in a Visual novel.


And in VN's, as long as you are in a common route, you don't get into the story, simply because in the great majority of these games, every story is independant (all hail the exceptions).


So in my humble opinion, long common routes are really bad.

*And don't come saying Clannad has a common route please, It's not true*

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it depends largely on how the story is written. Some long commons are just dragged to make the game feel like it has more content than it really has.


For me that is exactly the case in Grisaia. But not only in the common route, also in the heroine routes.


(Personal Opinion!!! Don't kick me ;) )



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For me that is exactly the case in Grisaia. But not only in the common route, also in the heroine routes.


(Personal Opinion!!! Don't kick me ;) )



I know Ezee, I won't bash you for your opinion just because Grisaia happens to be my favorite VN, each person has their tastes and perspective. It's just the natural way of life, it's much better than everyone liking the same thing.

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  • 1 year later...

I hate common routes in general. I haven't really read that many vn's but character traits in common routes are identical in more or less every vn i've read. Indecisiveness, secrets, stalling. Girls show affection, but doesn't do anything about it regardless how much time the common route lasts in days/weeks/months and protagonist wouldn't even understand a girl liking him even if she undressed and jumped him. Common routes are good for advancing the story i guess, but for character traits, it's absolute garbage that doesn't add up when you enter a route and everybody pretty much change in a flash.

I guess Canvas 2 had the worst heroine routes i've read though. Protag only figured out he liked a girl the last few minutes or so in the heroine routes.

Edited by Stormwolf
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Damn, that thread necro. 

But for the actual topic. I find it depends on the novel. I typically do not like it since it means I skip through a lot on my next reading but it can also be enjoyable. 

The thing I really don't like is when the common route and heroine routes aren't divided into separate sections so you have to go through the common route every time you read a new route just with some new scenes switched for others. I understand why it is done because it does make more sense to a degree, but it makes me want to read one route and then be done.

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I haven't minded the long common routes from the visual novels that I have played so far. I enjoyed both Rewrite's and Little Buster's common routes a lot. I didn't really mind them being there too much when going through other heroines routes because I could easily use skip mode to get past what I had already read. 

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I hate when theres a choice in common routes and they are inconsequential when they dont affect any of the heroine routes progress and all they do is change/mix up the dialogue a bit.

If you end up with the same waifu with the same ending without picking whether you let her go home by herself or accompany her (typical choice scenario in common routes), then those pointless choice options should be removed.

Edited by CeruleanGamer
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