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Is Grisaia no Kajitsu good? (There's more)


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Most VNs use the ADV (adventure) text format, Kira Kira and F/SN use the NVL (novel) format. One of the benefits of the NVL format is to lay down long unbroken descriptive narratives, which can be beneficial for action VNs, F/SN famously goes into heavy detail for all of its action scenes and the NVL format supports that well. Grisaia actually uses NVL in various flashback sequences, because they're usually light on the dialog and heavy on the narration.

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Most VNs use the ADV (adventure) text format, Kira Kira and F/SN use the NVL (novel) format. One of the benefits of the NVL format is to lay down long unbroken descriptive narratives, which can be beneficial for action VNs, F/SN famously goes into heavy detail for all of its action scenes and the NVL format supports that well. Grisaia actually uses NVL in various flashback sequences, because they're usually light on the dialog and heavy on the narration.

Ahhh, I understand. I've seen where both are used in conjunction, though I didn't like it when it got n the way of the CGs.

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is Grisaia no Kajitsu worth my time to postpone my other half/almost complete visual novels? 

are being serious?xD

of course! drop everything and read Grisaia now! :lol:

but it's very very long especially the common route it'll take some time to get things going in this VN

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I haven't played it. I have an advice however when it comes to backlog. Either play what you feel like playing or the one that's not that hyped at the moment. I have nothing against hyped VNs but they usually fail my expectation due to the hype.

i understand where you're coming from. Fate/stay night was like that for me in that regard. too much hype.


are being serious?xD

of course! drop everything and read Grisaia now! :lol:

but it's very very long especially the common route it'll take some time to get things going in this VN


Is this for real? Of course Grisaia is good. Sorry I mean great... Definitely go for it

It is already next on my list now ^.^

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I suppose the best thing I had going for me with my entry into the world of VNs is that for the first few months I wasn't involved in any of the communities and knew very little about them. I seriously just sorted by most popular VNs on VNDB and read whatever looked decent, with a few modest recommendations from a handful of people along the way. Nothing was hyped for me, I somehow went into Grisaia without even knowing it was primarily comedy.

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I suppose the best thing I had going for me with my entry into the world of VNs is that for the first few months I wasn't involved in any of the communities and knew very little about them. I seriously just sorted by most popular VNs on VNDB and read whatever looked decent, with a few modest recommendations from a handful of people along the way. Nothing was hyped for me, I somehow went into Grisaia without even knowing it was primarily comedy.

That is what I used to and continue to do so today. Though, the list of translated visual novels on that list are dwindling. 


Grisaia is a comedy? i can kinda see it, but i don't want to hear too much about visual novels before I start them, as I want to get hooked by the Narration, not a summery.

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Oh, yeah. I accidentally found this visual novel and I thought that it was fairly interesting. "Maybe it'll be decent" I thought. Ha! How foolish I was back then :P

Ahh I thought that way about far too many visual novels, only to be captured by their amazing stories.


yupp, it is :)


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I didn't like it, it would be better if they cut a lot of those pointless drivel that happens at the first part of the game, after that it gets a bit intesting but still didn't like it. 

It is all a matter of opinion, lad. That "pointless drivel" of yours were some of the best moments for me.  

But I understand that people generally believe that the common route was too long.

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It is all a matter of opinion, lad. That "pointless drivel" of yours were some of the best moments for me.  

But I understand that people generally believe that the common route was too long.

I've survived Rewrite's common route. I'm sure I can survive this one.

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It's one of my favorites. If you liked Sharin no Kuni, you'll like Grisaia.


It comes down to how you like pacing though.


Sharin is fast paced, leaving you pretty anxious for time with the characters. It does a pretty good job of raising your heart rate.


Grisaia had a few of those moments. It's a lot more laid back with the slice of life stuff where there's no immediate sense of danger. You'll yawn for about a majority part of the VN. They purposely add in those mundane days to give you that realistic slice of life feeling. All those days though are what brings you closer to everyone. Everyone genuinely felt like a supporting family unit to me by the time I started the third route. You'll hate one or two of them but love them at the same time. There's a lot of cross over heroine interactions that Sharin didn't have.


Both have troubled heroines and similar MCs.

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^^^ Sharin no Kuni is a very weird game to compare to Grisaia. They're so incredibly different. One is linear, the other has multiple heroine branches. One is heavily story focused, the other has no real overarching story and focuses on character drama. One is primarily drama and suspense with some moments of comedic relief, the other is primarily comedy until suddenly it isn't.  I'm not even sure why you brought up Sharin no Kuni. The two are just not comparable.

I've survived Rewrite's common route. I'm sure I can survive this one.

Grisaia's common route may be longer, but it doesn't branch. It's hard to say if Rewrite's has more content if you count all of the common route branches.


But if you enjoy slife of life comedy it will be enjoyable to you. It's largely aimless until you get to the heroine routes, but it's still hilarious. 

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It is all a matter of opinion, lad. That "pointless drivel" of yours were some of the best moments for me.  

But I understand that people generally believe that the common route was too long.


Indeed, I consider myself quite patient but Grisaia really bested me in that department. Dont get me wrong I'm all for it character development, but what I saw was not that, for me all the time was just reinforcing the same character traits in a excessive manner.


Well, I played 3 routes, maybe Ill play the other two some other time, Ive heard that the sequel its quite better and I admit that im curious about the main character story, so I'll give it a chance some day. 


Right now im playing Ayakashibito, that one has quite a lot of slice of life moments but they are well developed and not excessive and Im enjoying so far... and Cuddly Tonya is awesome. 

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^^^ Sharin no Kuni is a very weird game to compare to Grisaia. They're so incredibly different. One is linear, the other has multiple heroine branches. One is heavily story focused, the other has no real overarching story and focuses on character drama. One is primarily drama and suspense with some moments of comedic relief, the other is primarily comedy until suddenly it isn't.  I'm not even sure why you brought up Sharin no Kuni. The two are just not comparable.

Grisaia's common route may be longer, but it doesn't branch. It's hard to say if Rewrite's has more content if you count all of the common route branches.


But if you enjoy slife of life comedy it will be enjoyable to you. It's largely aimless until you get to the heroine routes, but it's still hilarious. 


They are not THAT different. You play a very similar role when you step into the MC. I'm not the first person to compare the two and enjoy the similarities they bring because of it. You make it sound like they're from different planets.

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They are not THAT different. You play a very similar role when you step into the MC. I'm not the first person to compare the two and enjoy the similarities they bring because of it. You make it sound like they're from different planets.

...Well they aren't exactly from the same time period either.

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