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Akame Ga Kill discussion *Spoilers*



66 members have voted

  1. 1. Who are your favorite characters?

    • Akame
    • Tatsumi
    • Mein, Main, Mine
    • Bulat, Braht
    • Schere, Sheele
    • Esdesu, Esdeath, Esdese
    • Leone
    • Kurome
    • Lubock
    • Chelsea
    • Senryuu, Seryuu
    • Najenda
    • Bols
    • Run
    • Wave
  2. 2. Manga Readers: What will Mine's fate be?

    • Killed by Esdeath
    • Kills Esdeath
    • Survives but doesn't Kill Esdeath
    • Survives but Tatsumi dies
    • Mein will survive and reign as the new Queen and everyone will bow down to her and praise her as the Goddess she is.
    • Mine dies by someone other than Esdeath
  3. 3. Who's your favorite pairing?

    • Tatsumi x Mine - They're actually a couple...
    • Tatsumi x Esdeath - ...who aren't as hot as this pairing...
    • Tatsumi x Akame ...but If only Akame had more lines...
    • Wave x Kurome ...then they'd be like this (future) duo...
    • Tatsumi x Bulat - ...p.s. we all regret Bulat's death.

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I've been finding these interesting pages scanned from the guidebook people have been floundering around the internet. It gives us an idea of the author's vision and where the characters could be heading.


Personally I've always thought of Esdese as an irredemable psychopath by nature but many have and continue to argue that she's a product of socialization who's capable of change with enough love later on. The author has been dancing around the subject, suggesting that she's capable of compassion (contradicting the nature of a psychopath) but also reminding us that "evil is evil." 


Mein on the otherhand is an author's favorite, according to yet to be translated words from the guidebook. She has taken on the romantic role that Akame was originally supposed to fill. No idea where these authors get their original Tsundere ideas from (kidding), but she's the only one to appear on two volume covers besides, interestingly enough, Esdeath. I wonder if the author recognizes her explosive popularity among the fans, and/or that he's been slowly converting to an Esdeath fan himself. 


Aqh6U4tl.jpg KgN389kl.jpg

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I'm trying to show everyone who the true Sadist is.


p.s. Akame is the best

I'm sorry, even my computer was blinded by Mein's awesomeness that I didn't even see the sadist in her. Even seeing it now proves she is the one and only sadist who deserves to live in Akame ga Kill!


p.s. Akame dies next chapter. Woops, spoilers. Author claims the manga will now be called: Mein ga Kill!

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I'm sorry, even my computer was blinded by Mein's awesomeness that I didn't even see the sadist in her. Even seeing it now proves she is the one and only sadist who deserves to live in Akame ga Kill!


p.s. Akame dies next chapter. Woops, spoilers. Author claims the manga will now be called: Mein ga Kill!


You mean the chapter's name is Mein got killed. 

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