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Akame Ga Kill discussion *Spoilers*



66 members have voted

  1. 1. Who are your favorite characters?

    • Akame
    • Tatsumi
    • Mein, Main, Mine
    • Bulat, Braht
    • Schere, Sheele
    • Esdesu, Esdeath, Esdese
    • Leone
    • Kurome
    • Lubock
    • Chelsea
    • Senryuu, Seryuu
    • Najenda
    • Bols
    • Run
    • Wave
  2. 2. Manga Readers: What will Mine's fate be?

    • Killed by Esdeath
    • Kills Esdeath
    • Survives but doesn't Kill Esdeath
    • Survives but Tatsumi dies
    • Mein will survive and reign as the new Queen and everyone will bow down to her and praise her as the Goddess she is.
    • Mine dies by someone other than Esdeath
  3. 3. Who's your favorite pairing?

    • Tatsumi x Mine - They're actually a couple...
    • Tatsumi x Esdeath - ...who aren't as hot as this pairing...
    • Tatsumi x Akame ...but If only Akame had more lines...
    • Wave x Kurome ...then they'd be like this (future) duo...
    • Tatsumi x Bulat - ...p.s. we all regret Bulat's death.

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Oh sure, I like Kurome, I mean who wouldn't like a cuter version of Akame who happens to be a little insane? In fact I think Kurome is absolutely freaking adorable, and am interested in how her relationship with Wave goes, but she just can't compare with the lord and savior that is Esdeath.

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Alright some more on topic discussion.


The character design for the Jagers as well as the voice actors in the anime has been revealed


Why does Hanazawa Kana have to be in everything now..? Well her voice is cute so i guess i'll let it slide.

I'll feel like crap when Seryu dies though.


Also surprised by Kurome's voice, it's the same voice that does Momoka from Sabagebu.. it's going to be hard to take that in.


Kurome (Voiced by Ayaka Ohashi)


Seryu (Voiced by Hanazawa Kana)


Wave (Voiced by Yoshimasa Hosoya)



Dr Stylish (Voiced by Ken Narita)


Bors (Voiced by Eiji Takemoto)


Run (Voiced by Junji Majima)


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Alright some more on topic discussion.


The character design for the Jagers as well as the voice actors in the anime has been revealed


Why does Hanazawa Kana have to be in everything now..? Well her voice is cute so i guess i'll let it slide.

I'll feel like crap when Seryu dies though.


Also surprised by Kurome's voice, it's the same voice that does Momoka from Sabagebu.. it's going to be hard to take that in.


Kurome (Voiced by Ayaka Ohashi)


Seryu (Voiced by Hanazawa Kana)


Wave (Voiced by Yoshimasa Hosoya)



Dr Stylish (Voiced by Ken Narita)


Bors (Voiced by Eiji Takemoto)


Run (Voiced by Junji Majima)


Seryu = 1337659256058.jpg


♫ Tu-tuu-ruuu ♪ 


FruitsPunchSamurai, on 27 Jul 2014 - 06:03 AM, said:

I Feel So Bad For bols' wife and daughter, they seriously didn't deserve anything to go out like that. It was nice seeing Wave get revenge like that though, I honestly think he is the best male character in this entire series.

Bohls was a good male character. One of the more entertaining and interesting ones. Bulat was the other. Every other male is generic. Wave is generic Tatsumi 2.0.
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No ones seen this weeks episode yet huh? I haven't been able to with poor 3 g signal out here and lack of wireless at the hotel. I hear a special person is making her appearance next week.

Nope, I never saw the latest episode. I plan on watching it eventually of course. (Who's the special person...?)

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The latest episode was pretty cool, we got glimpses of Kurome, still didn't hear her voice though.

And they finally explained what Teigu are, although CR's subs really annoy the hell out of me by calling them "Imperial Arms" like just keep it single word at least.

Next episode is likely to be Seryu's appearance. And you know what that means..

RIP Schere.

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The latest episode was pretty cool, we got glimpses of Kurome, still didn't hear her voice though.

Next episode is likely to be Seryu's appearance. And you know what that means..

RIP Schere.

I didn't particularly care for Schere anyways.

It was obvious she would die when they focused on her.

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I didn't particularly care for Schere anyways.

It was obvious she would die when they focused on her.

Yeaaaah, saw it coming. Not to mention she had like, no reason to be in Night Raid to begin with. I'm good at killing people, therefore I join a rebellion against the government.... just felt like a weak reason to me

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Yeaaaah, saw it coming. Not to mention she had like, no reason to be in Night Raid to begin with. I'm good at killing people, therefore I join a rebellion against the government.... just felt like a weak reason to me

Nightraid lacks manpower. They constantly seek out skilled people to replenish their numbers. Schere was a good killer but she also only killed people who possess a threat to innocents. Nightraid provided. Seemed like a perfectly good reason to join powers- albeit a generic one.

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Mein x Tatsumi for the win!

(massive spoiler)

You've been warned

You can still go back

Okay then, have it your way


*Nosebleed intensifies*



I approve of that coupling.

And the same thing happened to me too when I found the manga a few months ago. I couldn't stop reading even when I disliked (and still dislike) grim developments like rape and death and all that. When I got to the last translated chapter I was like "what, why, I was just in the first chapter a while ago D:" and when I heard about the anime... Dayum.


I am utterly obsessed with this manga. I read it all in 2 days (I stayed up until 7AM just for the sake of reading it).

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I approve of that coupling.

And the same thing happened to me too when I found the manga a few months ago. I couldn't stop reading even when I disliked (and still dislike) grim developments like rape and death and all that. When I got to the last translated chapter I was like "what, why, I was just in the first chapter a while ago D:" and when I heard about the anime... Dayum.



Welcome to the fray. AGK is indeed an unfriendly place but that's what makes it so interesting.



Anyhow, just saw episode 4. We got to see the ball rolling finally. It's getting to the faster and meatier parts of the manga. They upped the animation this episode for the fights. It seems they are saving up for the ladder parts of the manga, thank god.


The anticipation for Esdeath is getting me ever more excited each passing episode. Yes, I love Chelsea, Kurome and Seryu as well. The OP for the anime has this just wicked teaser for Jaeger. I had to grab a still shot and make something out of it.



(My breasts are a little bigger... can you tell?)

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