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Love Live! School Idol Festival Thread


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I don't have a crazy reason to not like Nozomi, I just don't like the onee-san type characters generally, and I always disliked her fortune telling stuff as well as her "punishment" method.

This question hasn't been asked in a long time, but I'm curious on it. How many of you play frequently when there isn't an event going on?

When there isn't an event, and once I max level my cards/bonds, I don't really play unless I feel like it. I'll sit at max LP for hours and hours until I just feel like wasting some time. I guess I'm not too worried about anything in the EN version, since I have like 250 members in my present box, so I don't need members for fodder, I have almost all the normal hits A clears, and I obviously am not starving for EXP since I'm rank 133. If I don't waste ANY LP between events, I'll almost get 1 level (it's almost 4k EXP, I need over 4k to level)

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Well, here, I don't feel like sorting through my images any more to figure out what I missed, just have the whole album of Rin pictures <3


Here's an Imgur album, though it only has a little over half the images from that download.


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I remember SanadaShadow mentioning how he felt it was wasteful to have to bench our units for newer ones.

Looking at future SR card stats and how they avg ~4700-4900 max stat instead of the current SRs' 4300-4600 I'm sort of dreading when that time will come.

It's only natural, of course; how will we keep playing this game if the new cards for us to collect aren't better than our current cards? But I'm still dreading this xD


Looking forward to Score Matches. While I'm sad I'm not Rank 70 for the 60 LP/4 hard songs per love gem, I'm interested in seeing how well my teams have improved. Especially my Cool team, which only had 1 SR cool in the last Score Match...

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Don't worry, my first 11* runs weren't the best either.

My first ever 11* clear was Mermaid Festa Vol2, I got rekt.


Funnily enough, Mermaid Festa is my 2nd closest to FCing 11*, I got 1 good, 1 bad, 2 miss recently.

And here's my other first clears, sadly, I don't have my screenshot of Kokuhaku clear.



Mermaid Festa was in early August, Soldier Game mid August, Otomeshiki was early September, all after events.

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HOLY WALL OF TEXT, I didn't think it would be this long. I'm sorry for being so wordy :( I also didn't revise this after typing, that would take too long, so if thoughts are incomplete or jump around, so sorry about that too~

Well, it's still Rin's birthday (well, in my time zone at least). I'll start off with yet another HAPPY BIRTHDAY RIN. Here's my Rin post I've talked about making. This isn't a "Why you should love Rin" post, this is a "how I came to loving Rin".

So, where to start. I think I've passed the point of saying "I love Rin because of x reason", because it's now simply, I love Rin because she's Rin. There's nothing about her that I don't like. Things weren't always like this though, Rin has only been the uncontested best for me for a mere 9 months, despite being aware of the franchise for nearly 2 years now.

Everything started back in winter of 2013. I was new to anime and otaku stuff in general, and when I'm new to something, I like to completely immerse myself in it to learn stuff as fast as possible. I started watching anime in fall of 2012, and winter 2013 was the first season I watched stuff as it aired. I bought my subscription to Crunchyroll and was watching what CR was streaming, one of the anime was Love Live! School Idol Project.

Now, before you think this is where the obsession began, you're wrong. It was just another anime I was trying out, and it aired 1 hour after the anime Amnesia. Unfortunately, Amnesia is still on the lower end of things I've watched, and since it came out right before Love Live, I was always in a bad mood going into Love Live, so my opinion was a little harmed by the time I finished. Opinion wise, I liked it a lot, the first Start:Dash performance definitely moved me back then as it still does now (though, more so cuz of the end of S1). By the end, it placed around the top of my favorite things that aired, but was overshadowed by Little Busters and Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo (Ezeefreak knows ;)) I had one other friend that watched the anime as well, and we talked about it a couple months after it finished airing (though, I didn't know him while it was airing, he's also here on this forum, username Niko), we told each other our favorite characters. I said Honoka, then Maki, then Nico. He said Nico, Maki, and the orange haired girl (he couldn't remember her name at the time). My response was, there was an orange haired girl?

That's right. I didn't even remember her. When he reminded me who she was, I remembered Rin not for herself, but for being Hanayo's friend who helped her join the group, and nothing about Rin herself. (**I shed a tear in shame typing this, I'm not exaggerating/lying). In the first season of the anime, Rin played absolutely no importance, often was on the side of scenes, and didn't get any where near as many lines as other characters. She played her part in episode 3 getting Hanayo to join, had a couple moments where she shined, but not enough. And so, interested, I went back and rewatched the series (I've always been a fan of rewatching stuff). Here, I paid more attention to the characters themselves to remember them better, and especially paid attention to Rin. No, this wasn't a "I finally found her", still more time to come. By the end of this rewatch though, my top order changed, and Nico was knocked out of my top 3 in favor of Rin, who was tied with Honoka as my favorite (genki ftw!). I loved a few things about Rin at the time, like how she was always energetic and joking around, I liked that. What really topped her off to being tied with my favorite of the time, Honoka, was episode 3 where she helped Hanayo. Helping others is such a great trait to me, it was a major driving reason for Rin to be right at the top when I focused on her. Along with her genkiness (which I'm fond of in people, I'll add more about this waay at the end), she was a star in my eyes (Get it? Hoshizora?)

Now it was early fall 2013, Rin and Honoka were tied for my favorites, but my time with Love Live didn't disappear. I loved the music, and I had started to play osu! at that time, and had a few Love Live maps downloaded that I played a ton, and I also watched each of the 5 PVs of the time (Music Start wasn't out yet). I didn't really know the non-PV songs at the time, only Bokura no Live (obviously), Snow Halation, Natsuiro, Mogyutto, and Wonderful Rush, along with the anime songs, and the Kokuhaku because it had a map as well as Spicaterrible (Kotori solo). Anyway, because I was still involved with the music, I was still watching clips from the anime at times, and eventually I declared Rin my favorite over Honoka, so it was only really a marginal difference. Then Season 2 was announced, and everything changed.

I was hyped, Season 2 was coming. My friend and I had both agreed in the past that Love Live NEEDED a second season. **Spoilers for S1 here**

We both disliked how long the character introductions went on, how they hadn't even formed their full group until episode 9, and even introduced the Love Live really late in the series. On top of that, they failed to even enter, which we felt was a defeat of purpose because the anime was named Love Live! So Season 2 announcement was that whole thing blown away

I was starting to get obsessed with Love Live at this point, I listened to the PVs a lot of times each, and was looking forward to another season for months before it was announced. This was also where I started listening to some solo songs occasionally at night before going to bed too, since they came up in the related section of the PVs (back when Youtube didn't murder every single Love Live video uploaded!), and I realized Rin had an AMAZING Singing voice. i don't remember what song it was, but when I first heard her solo (I never paid attention to voices in the anime performances or PVs), I was like... wait... this is RIN!?

Season 2 started airing, and the first thing I noticed, this season literally quadrupled Rin's screen time. She had more lines than ever, always on screen, making jokes, just participating in general. And then episode 5 came, the episode "The New Me". Previously, Rin wasn't an obsession, she was just my favorite character in my most anticipated anime of Spring 2014, ranking midway in my favorite characters of all time list. Episode 5 changed that favorite characters list. Suddenly, the red haired Shana wasn't #1, it was an orange haired girl.

**S2 E5 spoilers, not bothering with spoiler tag. This is the most crucial part, so deal with being spoiled. Me explaining it won't do it justice anyway.**

Rin displayed the ultimate trait that made me fall in love with her. The insecurities and the shyness. I'll relate this below, but the insecurities and watching her eventually overcome them makes me so happy, and puts so much depth to her. She was troubled the entire episode, and right up to the end, denied her cuteness (omg, this opinion is definitely wrong for most people, but Rin's Cuteness levels overall is a 100 on a scale of 1-10 already!) Love Wing Bell makes me cry every time I listen to it, it makes me so happy. Watching someone I care about overcome something troubling them is pure joy for me. Also, her shyness when they were practicing was adorable. I can't really describe how I feel about this episode well enough, it is one of my favorite episode of anime.

And the anime kept airing, Rin kept getting screen time thankfully, not just dropping off like some anime tend to do with characters they gave an episode to. She continued being cute, continued to wear her new outfit, embracing the fact she really is cute. She continued just being herself. And lastly, she continued to keep me locked in.

Time to wrap this monster post up with relating reasons I love Rin with personal stuff. As Maki~chan has already imagined, I am, to put it simply, similar to a male version of Rin. I'm energetic, all jumpy over my friends (I seriously jump on them in the hallways :3 despite being short), I'm small (Like Rin being skinny and stuff), and slightly like the opposite gender (Rin is more tomboyish, I'm a bit feminine in many ways). I'm also energetic while around friends and shy when attention is specifically on me in certain situations (like when Rin was leading in episode 5). I care deeply about my friends and drop everything to help them. My mind is going blank typing this, so I'll leave similarities alone now~ Another thing, Rin is also similar in some ways to my childhood friend, and first girlfriend (it didn't work out sadly). They both have orange hair (probably where my love of orange hair comes from), both act like cats at times, both have insecurities, both joking and teasing but very nice and dedicated.

I'm bad at conclusions, so uhh, thanks for reading all this, this was a FUCK TON of text. Originally, I knew it would be a bit and delayed starting it, which is why this is coming so late, but I didn't realize it would be THIS long, taking over an hour to type, sorry D: I wish there was a way I could make it up to anyone who reads this~ And also, I wish I were Hanayo, so that I could have Rin all to myself <3

And so, once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RIN. No matter what you think, you're the cutest in µ's, as Hanayo says, and one of the girliest, like Maki said. You're a great friend to the members of µ's and a wonderful idol.


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Ceris, I read that giant wall of text and it's beautiful. I can see your love for Rin just by reading it and also the effort you put into writing it and even relating it to your own life.


Since it's Rin's birthday and I was also moved by your piece, it made me want to write a little reflection (more like something I wanted to say for awhile now) as well. Rin, (well none of the girls except the second year students) didn't stand out to me because what's screen time? After season 1 was over, Rin was second last in my ranking. After playing SIF and watching season 2, my ranking began to change, including Rin. It wasn't until recently that she went from 8th place to 5th. I started to like Rin because I began to see herself in me as I sat down and began rearranging my ranking for the third (and hopefully the final) time. There's also the fact that Rida Iiho (Rin's seiyuu) is my third fav out of the girls for the seiyuu's.


Months ago my friend asked out of all the girls, who did you relate to the most. I had an answer immediately, it was Rin but back then I couldn't figure out a concrete answer to give him, all I had going was the tomboy personality but I knew the answer was Rin. But a few weeks ago, I sat down and thought about it carefully and now I have one. Just like Rin, I wanted to change. I grew up mostly hanging out with boys and I don't have many girl friends, probably only one. I don't consider myself a tomboy but my mind is similar to a guy's. I'm shy and socially awkward, I barely have any friends. I can't even keep a proper conversation going without thinking in my head "he/she probably thinks I'm weird". After watching episode 5 and listening to Love Wing Bell and watching Rin being able to change, it made me wish I could change as well. Like Rin I want to be cute. I dress like a hobo (sweater + jeans or shorts if it's the summer time) on a regular and I don't wear dresses/skirts unless it's a for wedding (which was like once or twice) or the few times in high school (school uniform). But deep inside I don't want to all the time, I want to wear a skirt or a dress in public, I want to dress how "normal girls" dress but I can't because I'm afraid, especially afraid that people would make fun of me. Everything that Rin went through, I'm afraid that it would happen to me too and it would make me more depressed. I have no confidence and low-self esteem but I wish and one day I hope I'm able to take the step that she did and change into the person I want to be.


...I guess this is why I see Rin in me out of all the girls. I'm really sorry for making it a little too personal.

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@ Ceris that was a beautiful post. Your devotion & love towards Rin is unrivaled by any other xD.

It kind of makes me feel ashamed, cuz while I can be all like "Ohh yeah I love u's! Especially Maki!!@# MAKIIIIIII :wub:  :wub:  :wub: " I don't actually have like the same amount of passion and meaningful reasons as you do so it makes me feel like, idk, fake. If that makes sense xD 


Ceris, I read that giant wall of text and it's beautiful. I can see your love for Rin just by reading it and also the effort you put into writing it and even relating it to your own life.


Since it's Rin's birthday and I was also moved by your piece, it made me want to write a little reflection (more like something I wanted to say for awhile now) as well. Rin, (well none of the girls except the second year students) didn't stand out to me because what's screen time? After season 1 was over, Rin was second last in my ranking. After playing SIF and watching season 2, my ranking began to change, including Rin. It wasn't until recently that she went from 8th place to 5th. I started to like Rin because I began to see herself in me as I sat down and began rearranging my ranking for the third (and hopefully the final) time. There's also the fact that Rida Iiho (Rin's seiyuu) is my third fav out of the girls for the seiyuu's.


Months ago my friend asked out of all the girls, who did you relate to the most. I had an answer immediately, it was Rin but back then I couldn't figure out a concrete answer to give him, all I had going was the tomboy personality but I knew the answer was Rin. But a few weeks ago, I sat down and thought about it carefully and now I have one. Just like Rin, I wanted to change. I grew up mostly hanging out with boys and I don't have many girl friends, probably only one. I don't consider myself a tomboy but my mind is similar to a guy's. I'm shy and socially awkward, I barely have any friends. I can't even keep a proper conversation going without thinking in my head "he/she probably thinks I'm weird". After watching episode 5 and listening to Love Wing Bell and watching Rin being able to change, it made me wish I could change as well. Like Rin I want to be cute, I want to be wear a skirt/dresses in public, I want to dress how "normal girls" and act (to a CERTAIN extent) but I can't because I'm afraid, especially afraid of people making fun of me. Everything that Rin went through, I'm afraid that it would happen to me too and it would make me more depressed. I have no confidence and low-self esteem but I wish and one day I hope I'm able to take the step that she did and change into the person I want to be.


...I guess this is why I see Rin in me out of all the girls. I'm really sorry for making it a little too personal.

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Oh are score matches based on team stats?

(UR Leaders)

Smile: 39497

Pure: 38402

Cool: 37409

EDIT: if my cards were to be max leveled (while keeping consistent with which SRs/URs are idolized or not)

Smile: 41980

Pure: 40580 (40700 if I use Hanayo R instead of Kotori R)

Cool: 40150




I wanna know Praeliator's team stats :P. I don't think he posted them yet.

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