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What's your type of blood?

Your type of blood?  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. What's your antigen group?

    • A
    • B
    • AB
    • O
    • I don't know but I'm sure it's red.
    • What does it matter? My blood is blue and that's all you need to know.
  2. 2. What's your RH?

    • Positive
    • Negative
    • I said I didn't know god dammit!
    • As my blood is blue, and blue is a sad color, negative (I'll facepalm whoever marks this).

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What if. Just stick with me here. What if you could inject those glow-in-the-dark materials into your blood stream.


What's sadder is I actually googled this and discovered they're made out of Strontium Aluminate so you can't really do this. 

But it was a nice dream.

You can always inject yourself with trace amounts of radium!

probably not a good idea, though

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