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Spring 2014 Anime Discussion


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Ohjesus, zcgzhgiomothergceiogodz;gnz

That assistant-san episode is so disturbing xD and disgusting at the same time.

This guy is such a creep bwahahaha

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Oh my god, that nipple scene in Mangaka was cringe worthy but had me in stitches the whole time. Also Black Bullet is becoming really interesting, and I don't usually like lolis that much but damn they're adorable in it! :o

I am also partial to the art style in the show.

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I'm actually somewhat disappointed in blackbullet, the drama and action are kinda bad (quite cliche as well) and it seems it's strong point is, well, loli fanservice. Not my type of thing.


Watched the eight episode of NGNL. I knew what would happen since I read the LN, but it was still very nice. (this spoiler is about the next episode, not this one)

Sora x Shiro shippers might be pissed since Sora disappears at the beginning of it and no one has any memory about him besides Shiro, though.

Also, Ino is drawn like that, huh? I imagined him as more of a slender old man.


Izuna is fine and all, but the warbeasts are all about Miko. A pity she never gets much attention in the story. Well, it's going to get pretty fun from now own~

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Last No Game No Life episode was okay.

Saw the "Actually we can't read minds" thing coming from miles away.


I really don't know what to think about this anime.

The tricks they use to win or to get what they want are surprising and kinda of clever.



However most of the time the format is : Winning seems impossible ! But no, because the enemy made a massively stupid mistake or the said enemy doesn't really have the power he said he had.

Everything seems to be about the other side being overconfident, and that's a shame.


And the "video game" ... seriously ?

Technology = video games, it's not flawed cause they are geniuses !

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Last No Game No Life episode was okay.

Saw the "Actually we can't read minds" thing coming from miles away.


I really don't know what to think about this anime.

The tricks they use to win or to get what they want are surprising and kinda of clever.



However most of the time the format is : Winning seems impossible ! But no, because the enemy made a massively stupid mistake or the said enemy doesn't really have the power he said he had.

Everything seems to be about the other side being overconfident, and that's a shame.


And the "video game" ... seriously ?

Technology = video games, it's not flawed cause they are geniuses !

Well to be honest I think that it is basically impossible to find any kind of story that does not follow a set pattern. "The key to originality is knowing how to hide your sources". If you thought of it someone before you probably did too. I mean cliches are cliches because they are good enough to be repeatedly used. I can see your point but anything is pretty boring and simple if you oversimplify it. I mean for example most shounen are either weak to strong by guts/will/hidden talent he had not tapped into or they are overpowered until they loose for the first time and have to train.

Its about the attitude you give the show.

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Well to be honest I think that it is basically impossible to find any kind of story that does not follow a set pattern. "The key to originality is knowing how to hide your sources". If you thought of it someone before you probably did too. I mean cliches are cliches because they are good enough to be repeatedly used. I can see your point but anything is pretty boring and simple if you oversimplify it. I mean for example most shounen are either weak to strong by guts/will/hidden talent he had not tapped into or they are overpowered until they loose for the first time and have to train.

Its about the attitude you give the show.


I completely agree with you and you make Valid points.


However I felt that this show could have been much more than just a display of shonen clichés.


And everything revolves around the charismatic "genius" protag and everybody else reduced to being stupid a fuck and overconfident.

And that is a shame in my opinion.

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Well I see that and partially agree. But what I am hoping for is that there is still some time for better Villains I mean this IS the first race they actually take on. The other antagonists so far were single individuals rather than the whole nation. So maybe the villains get better with time. I mean you dont usually start off in Hardcore mode the first time you play.  You have to unlock it.

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Just started the LN and I didn't feel anything like this in the game who'll appear in the next ep. I'm agree that before there is manipulation and a little luck but here (little spoiler)

everything was planned


And what's your opinion on Brynhildr in the darkness? 

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Best way to get over a hangover is definitely to watch No Game No Life


Interesting development, I like Izuna though her speech bothers me a bit, but that gap moe.

They spent waaay too long on explaining the theory behind the game though. 

I wonder what will be of Shiro after the last scene..

Such a tense build up is killing me. Can't wait for next week.

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