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Corrupt A Wish


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Granted.  Everyone is a Yandere.  And there's 10.


Five of them have consistent access to a sharp weapon,


Seven have relatives related to the criminal underground


Three have been known to strangle people in their hair


Four have a really, REALLY creepy laugh.


Two of them have instant access to a nuclear bomb


And all ten of them will kill you if you ever look up their skirts.


I wish for more absurd corruptions.

Granted, a world in Terraria is now 6000% corrupted.

I wish for a fully-pilotable Demonbane mech.

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Granted, a world in Terraria is now 6000% corrupted.

I wish for a fully-pilotable Demonbane mech.




It's a literal demon mech, possessed by some random spirit I don't know because I haven't actually seen Demonbane.


It flies you into the sun.


Then rips you out of the cockpit,


Throws your burning corpse back into the earth


And you go crash landing into the pacific ocean






I wish for a pillow.

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Granted, its filled with rocks.


I wish for super programming skills!


You program a supercomputer.


Years later, you're about to die, but your computer is psychopathic.  S/he traps your mind inside it's hard drive and you're forced to do nothing but stare at your VN files because your ghost doesn't have the human interface to play them.


I wish I were  a mind-reader!

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I wish I were  a mind-reader!


granted you decided to mind read your girfirend/wife's and then do you hear all the bad things she have done to you over the years 

1.cheating on you (Gang bangs)

2.given you aids

3.it' ain't your kids

4. she have been thinking for a divource for years

you are now broken in despair and takes suicide

(i might have been to evil but it was payback)


ooops forgot my wish 

i wish i diden't forget my wish

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granted, it was the most pointless wish ever and you hang yourself from shame of such a wish

I wish for -_-

Granted, you are now afflicted with severe narcolepsy, triggering at least once every 24 hours and lasting 8-10 hours every time it occurs.

I wish for a third Nvidia GeForce GTX Titan for no apparent reason at all.

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I get love slaves, not you.

I wish for nothingness.


Also, to Sivachief's wish (that is a fun one to corrupt) granted, but you download a corrupted file and your mind gets a virus. After one week, you die from it.




However, your consciousness is still there.  Eventually, the big bang happens again - your consciousness attempts to link itself to a body, but it links itself to pieces of burning hot matter.  As a result, you spend the next quintillion years in intense pain as your consciousness spends an eternity inside of the universe's most powerful furnace.


I wish for wooden underpants.

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Granted, your hippocampus and the temporal lobe of your cortex have improved to near super-human levels, granting incredible memory but now take up 90% of your bodily functions, causing your limbs to stop moving and leaving your eyes, nerves and nasal cavities to cease functioning, leaving only your heart and other vital organs functioning.

I wish for a Tsumiki plushie (be gentle!  it's Tsumiki!).

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Granted you go in to the local sewers you look inside for a while after around 30 minutes do you see rats and it's around 30 rats and they are chewing att something you take a closer look att what they are doing then do you see your half eaten slimy poop filled Tsumiki plushie. 

Have fun!


i wish for the sicentific world to expand a hundred years

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Granted. However, the stress placed on the fabric of the universe by your wish reversal has caused a major reshuffling of the world as we know it. Everything is pretty much as it was, but thankfully you've been able to keep that plushie.


I wish for this wish to be corrupted in a really elaborate way, because that seems to be cool right now XD

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Granted.  The wish you wished for was the result of a wish that was wished by a young boy in some dark building in Italy.  That boy's reason for wishing that you could wish for a wish that would be corrupted in some elaborate way was because of a girl he saw through the barred window in his small room.  The boy witnessed that the girl was making a wish to a shooting star she saw in the sky, and her wish was that she wanted someone else to be able to make a wish in her stead.  Before that however, that young girl recently inherited a large fortune from the passing of her Uncle that she had never met.  This young girl was deep in poverty with her ill grandmother and younger brother who had wished that the person responsible for their misfortune to suffer greatly.  Hence, you are being forced to read this strange corruption.

I wish for a story based on the life of Marvin the Martian, written in haiku.

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Granted, but your ability to read is stripped in the process due to a car accident that impaired your thinking.

I wish for a brownie cheesecake.  (So hungry >_>')

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