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Mass Effect is... alright, I guess?


It's pretty nice but the graphics annoy me for some reason and the gunplay is not satisfying. Also, I keep accidentally pressing space and opening the tactical view for no reason at all, which is jarring.


We'll see if it gets better.


Oddly, there are some games with graphics that really rub me off the wrong way, like Bioshock and also ME1 now.

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Evil Within has been kicking my ass in the later chapters. On around chapter 10, and I'm constantly just getting put into situations where I'm using all of my resources just to get by. Definitely keeps me on the edge of my toes, but at the same times it's starting to frustrate me a little bit. Kind of wish the game would go back to being like the first 5 chapters.

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Still haven't decided what to buy. I really really want The Evil Within, but the PC problems worry me, and I don't want to play a horror game on console without my head set. I do want Alien: Isolation a lot, but it seems ripe for a price cut around Xmas. 


Meanwhile, Wolfenstein sits on my wishlist. 

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Still haven't decided what to buy. I really really want The Evil Within, but the PC problems worry me, and I don't want to play a horror game on console without my head set. I do want Alien: Isolation a lot, but it seems ripe for a price cut around Xmas. 


Meanwhile, Wolfenstein sits on my wishlist. 

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I couldn't play evil within and keep my sanity, not because it was scary but rather because it both bored the living crap out of me and frustrated me to no end.  The "horror" aspects get reused to a saturation point where you actually get used to it, and the actual "combat" was as exciting as a sloth climbing a tree.  Btw the random item generation and lack of any hints whatsoever in the progression of the game makes it incredibly evil to the person playing, no this cannot be argued as a "hardcore" game, not when you can literally kite an entire floor's enemies in a circle for 15 minutes because you have no means of possibly killing them or even defending yourself after using the 6 damn bullets you had at the start and the other 2 that you found because the item generation is complete bollucks.


I would not recommend playing the game on PC purely because of it's inherent technical problems (i.e. the natural lock to 30 fps and black bars on large resolutions).  I definitely do not value the game at $60, probably more like $10  :(


Alien isolation on the other hand is something I'd recommend in a heartbeat to any fans to the Alien franchise, as I believe it takes place between the first and second movie?  The gunplay feels great, the story....while it is decent it makes up in how horrifying the Alien is if you're at a part involving avoiding it.  Also....dem robots is freaky man, I was honestly more scared of those damn robots than I was in the entirety of Evil Within.


As far as what I'm playing now, going back to Tomb Raider since a lot of my friends bought it during the sale and we've been playing a lot of multiplayer.

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I couldn't play evil within and keep my sanity, not because it was scary but rather because it both bored the living crap out of me and frustrated me to no end.  The "horror" aspects get reused to a saturation point where you actually get used to it, and the actual "combat" was as exciting as a sloth climbing a tree.  Btw the random item generation and lack of any hints whatsoever in the progression of the game makes it incredibly evil to the person playing, no this cannot be argued as a "hardcore" game, not when you can literally kite an entire floor's enemies in a circle for 15 minutes because you have no means of possibly killing them or even defending yourself after using the 6 damn bullets you had at the start and the other 2 that you found because the item generation is complete bollucks.


I would not recommend playing the game on PC purely because of it's inherent technical problems (i.e. the natural lock to 30 fps and black bars on large resolutions).  I definitely do not value the game at $60, probably more like $10  :(


Alien isolation on the other hand is something I'd recommend in a heartbeat to any fans to the Alien franchise, as I believe it takes place between the first and second movie?  The gunplay feels great, the story....while it is decent it makes up in how horrifying the Alien is if you're at a part involving avoiding it.  Also....dem robots is freaky man, I was honestly more scared of those damn robots than I was in the entirety of Evil Within.


As far as what I'm playing now, going back to Tomb Raider since a lot of my friends bought it during the sale and we've been playing a lot of multiplayer.

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Mainly been playing Smash Bros 3DS lately, my platinum trophy escapades on Xillia 2 have been put on hold. My copy of Drakengard 3 arrived, so I'll probably start that too before going back to Xillia.


The Evil Within just gives off this charm that I love. Actiony horror games with weird enemies and cheesy voice acting is right up my alley. Also the gun play is really fun for me. 


Now for Alien Isolation I found that game boring as hell. i am a huge scardey cat (RE:5 scares me) so when anything chases me its scary as a mother ****** but other than that, from what I have played, it just wasn't for me.

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