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Greetings ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


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I thought i'd introduce myself since I just registered in the forums today.

I've been a regular visitor of Fuwanovel so I figured it's only fair if i sign up since this website has helped me with visual novels ever since i started.


Now about myself. I don't want to make this long so.. I've been playing Visual Novels since January this year, my first one being Little Busters which completely got me into the world of VNs. So far i've played 12 VNs but i already have another 3 on queue to play. I am a proud lolicon and if you will hate me for it then that's a shame but i will always stand for the motto "Flat is justice". I've been into the japanese culture since last year when i started watching anime around March 2012 and that eventualy led to the VN world.


I hope i can make new friends here and discuss a variety of topics. Let's all get along (⌒▽⌒ゞ  I look forward to talking to you all.

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thou art welcome


and boobs is filled with a womans hopes and dreams so the bigger the boobs the bigger hopes and dreams they have


and we are wery similar i started to get in the japanse kultur about a year ago and now can i watch anime without subbs but although i have watched shitloads off anime and read shit loads off manga and not som any light novels and visual novels

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Hi! Welcome to the forums! Which VN is your favorite so far?

Honestly it's still the first VN i played which was Little Busters, it brought me to tears at certain stances (mainly Kud and Haruka's routes) And i guess i'd have to say Hoshizora no Memoria has been one of my favorites too. I've yet to play a VN that's made me as emotional as those 2.

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I am a proud lolicon and if you will hate me for it then that's a shame but i will always stand for the motto "Flat is justice".



And i guess i'd have to say Hoshizora no Memoria has been one of my favorites too.

I'd say you and Steve would be great friends.



Honestly it's still the first VN i played which was Little Busters, it brought me to tears at certain stances (mainly Kud and Haruka's routes)

I'd also say that Little Busters is one of my favorites. Kud's route really got to me as well, and so did refrain.

Welcome to the forums, it's great to see some new people showing up around here. Feel free to ask anyone for any help.

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I'd say you and Steve would be great friends.




I'd also say that Little Busters is one of my favorites. Kud's route really got to me as well, and so did refrain.

Welcome to the forums, it's great to see some new people showing up around here. Feel free to ask anyone for any help.

If i ever come across this so called Steve, perhaps we will get along.


I'm glad other people enjoyed Little Busters just as much.

I'm also happy to have joined fuwanovel, I hope we all get along.

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Welcome to the forums, hope you'll enjoy your stay here.


Glad to hear that you also like Hoshimemo. <3

Thank you, i hope so too. So far it's been an enjoyable welcoming.


I really loved playing it, honestly my favorite route in that entire game was Asuho's which was the only one that made me tear, all the others and even the true route had great stories but i have a soft spot when it comes to Osananajimi heroines. I'm patiently waiting for the translation of Irotoridori no Sekai since it seems to be like Hoshimemo and is also by Favorite, I can't wait until the translation is finished.

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Thank you, i hope so too. So far it's been an enjoyable welcoming.


I really loved playing it, honestly my favorite route in that entire game was Asuho's which was the only one that made me tear, all the others and even the true route had great stories but i have a soft spot when it comes to Osananajimi heroines. I'm patiently waiting for the translation of Irotoridori no Sekai since it seems to be like Hoshimemo and is also by Favorite, I can't wait until the translation is finished.

Yeah, I'm also waiting for that as well. Although that seems to be a ways from now, even EH is taking it's sweet time.

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Yeah, I'm also waiting for that as well. Although that seems to be a ways from now, even EH is taking it's sweet time.

I don't think it's so far away i mean it's at 84.86% it'd be really odd to drop it or slow down at this point after so much work. They might even complete it before 2013 is over.

I'm guessing by EH you mean Hoshimemo Eternal Heart, that project has been dropped twice, no one's translating it currently. And sadly.

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No chance Tokidan will complete IroSeka anytime soon, as he is constantly re-translating and re-checking stuff. Percentage can be deceiving, he came quite far, but alas the project hasn't made any real progress in months.


That said, welcome to the forums.

Well i haven't really been checking the progress of that project regularly i just saw it once or twice but still i don't think it'll take a whole year for it to be completely translated, as far as patch progress i'm not expert but i hope that it can be released as soon as possible, i want the same experience i had with Hoshizora no Memoria and even if it does take a long time i still respect every person that puts their free time into translating it.


And thank you for the welcome.

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Welcome to the forums. What do you plan on playing next?


I hope to see you around.

I plan on starting Cross†Channel soon and also continuing the SonoHana series (i'm on the 4th) and after that i have Steins;Gate and Katahane to play. I also downloaded Konosora but i've been reading about the restoration patch and it seems that it's still not perfect so i don't plan on playing it until a 2nd patch (which the author said to be the final) that restores everything flawlessly is available. Since the normal english release even has censored kiss scenes and any sort of sexual joke censored i refuse to play it, having no sexual CGs is not a big issue for me but when you censor a simple kiss i feel like the game shouldn't even be released as a romance title, the publishing company completely butchered a good Visual Novel and did the oposite of what they wanted which was "reach a wider audience".


I hope to see you around as well, thank you for the welcome notice.

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Your time seems like it's well-occupied. ;) 


And, yeah. That business choice was strange. I can understand wanting to reach a wider market, but I don't understand how they couldn't forsee alienating the already existing one. They went well above and beyond catering to an all-ages market.

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I don't think it's so far away i mean it's at 84.86% it'd be really odd to drop it or slow down at this point after so much work. They might even complete it before 2013 is over.

I'm guessing by EH you mean Hoshimemo Eternal Heart, that project has been dropped twice, no one's translating it currently. And sadly.

That's not true, I'd say they are making some good progress. XD Waiting for Mephisto to chime in here at some point, or Steve.

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That's not true, I'd say they are making some good progress. XD Waiting for Mephisto to chime in here at some point, or Steve.


Yep what boomer said, I am not dropping this even if it meant I have force Boomer to increase his Japanese and translate it xD

Currently its going in step-like progression, as both translators are on college, they always translate in their free weeks and then have long pauses, Mephisto did some lines in his week off recently and Otonashi will have free week in October.


Last update is here: https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/1328-hoshimemo-eternal-heart-need-translator-for-h-scenes/page-5#entry33877


The need for H-scene translators still remains, if you know about any it would really help this project (as the current translators feel uncomfortable translating H-scenes)

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Your time seems like it's well-occupied. ;)


And, yeah. That business choice was strange. I can understand wanting to reach a wider market, but I don't understand how they couldn't forsee alienating the already existing one. They went well above and beyond catering to an all-ages market.

You could say that but at the same time it's sad since i have nothing else to do, i'm still attending high school since i failed to enter college but since it's only 3 classes per week i have a bunch of free time.


I honestly can't imagine people like my 8 year old sister playing it, the target demographic for such games is at least mature enough to understand the concept of a kiss. I hope that publisher goes bankrupt for such an atrocity.



That's not true, I'd say they are making some good progress. XD Waiting for Mephisto to chime in here at some point, or Steve.


Yep what boomer said, I am not dropping this even if it meant I have force Boomer to increase his Japanese and translate it xD

Currently its going in step-like progression, as both translators are on college, they always translate in their free weeks and then have long pauses, Mephisto did some lines in his week off recently and Otonashi will have free week in October.


Last update is here: https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/1328-hoshimemo-eternal-heart-need-translator-for-h-scenes/page-5#entry33877


The need for H-scene translators still remains, if you know about any it would really help this project (as the current translators feel uncomfortable translating H-scenes)

I apologize I wasn't aware of this project. I just checked VNDB and all the info said the project had been dropped so i didn't know anyone else was still translating it. But I humbly praise you for doing so and will wait for the release patiently. And I hope someone can apply to that, honestly I don't know any translators or else I would help with all i could. I myself don't know a lot of japanese for the matter so i'm sorry. I wouldn't feel uncomfortable with H-scenes but i have no translating skills so this is not for me. I feel really bad now since i have so much free time i could completely be available to help, now i feel sorry for my lack of skills (´;ω;`)

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another one with fetishes huh? whatever welcome to fuwanyan the paradise of fetishes ^^

Doesn't everyone have at least one fetish? I don't think i'm some oddball but i'm glad this community is accepting, this is one of the reasons i joined as well, people can be polite here.


Thank you very much ^^

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Doesn't everyone have at least one fetish? I don't think i'm some oddball but i'm glad this community is accepting, this is one of the reasons i joined as well, people can be polite here.


Thank you very much ^^


nyahaha, people usually have the same fetishes IRL so i count them as default and not fetishes. for me i can't pick a fetish, i like a lot of tsundere and Kuudere characters but dislike a few of them... OH!! i have a fetish with Misaka DNA!!

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nyahaha, people usually have the same fetishes IRL so i count them as default and not fetishes. for me i can't pick a fetish, i like a lot of tsundere and Kuudere characters but dislike a few of them... OH!! i have a fetish with Misaka DNA!!

I guess i see your point, most people don't have anything out of the ordinary as fetishes. Hmm I love Kuudere characters for most part but i'm ambiguous when it comes to tsunderes, they're either extremely cute or extremely annoying, it goes both ways. By Misaka you mean?

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