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Unlimited Chat Works - Random Talk


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Hey Nahi, you don't use skype?

I do, I am just no fan of it really since steam has a better Voicechat, and that´s what I use when I play with friends.

But sure add me :D Beware though that I made this account when I was thirteen....



I should make a new on, but that would require me to do stuff so I´ll refrain from making another account. Yay lazy!

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I do, I am just no fan of it really since steam has a better Voicechat, and that´s what I use when I play with friends.

But sure add me :D Beware though that I made this account when I was thirteen....


I should make a new on, but that would require me to do stuff so I´ll refrain from making another account. Yay lazy!

Tadaksu, you're not supposed to be lazy.

Anyway, there's no harm in having both steam and skype simultaneously online. In that case, add my steam as well: DimDito.

Also... H4ppy74ce? Really?

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Have a random fact that absolutely everyone and their mother already knows; Vending machines kill more people per year than sharks.

Fixed it for you.



I do, I am just no fan of it really since steam has a better Voicechat, and that´s what I use when I play with friends.

But sure add me  :D Beware though that I made this account when I was thirteen....



I should make a new on, but that would require me to do stuff so I´ll refrain from making another account. Yay lazy!


Everyone is going to be on Skype and I'll just be sitting here in my thread corner, alone. (゚´Д`゚)゚

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Come here Salmon-San, we shall rebuild you into a fine and confident Salmon. ~(=o=)~

Btw, I'm confused. Is Salmon a tuna or a salmon? (In my opinion, though, he's a clownfish.)



In other news I feel like a zombie this morning. Can barely move without attempting to fall asleep. x_x

Or, in other words, it's monday.

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Btw, I'm confused. Is salmon a tuna or a salmon? (In my opinion, though, he's a clownfish.)



Or, in other words, it's monday.

Well he's been compared to the Tuna-man hero off Grisaia, but other than that he's still a salmon, there's no changing what he was born with! o:


And yeah, pretty much bang on soul-bro. This Monday is going to be a tough one. ._.


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Still not got around to playing it, got it installed and what not. What class did you use for your first run then? Did it take long to finish?

I started as a Knight. Went for heaviest and most durable armor (Havel armor), so I invested heavily in strength. For weapon, I used the Great Club, which is amazing (Although I hear that the Large Club is better).


I don't know how long it took, but quite a while. It was blind, after all.

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