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Unlimited Chat Works - Random Talk


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Do you have a skype? I think it'd be easier for me to explain everything you need to know, else I'd be spamming pages here ^_^. Anyway it's the hooded woman in Majula, the same person who gives you the Estus Flask. 

I do have Skype. It's in my profile. At any rate, I think I have it more or less figured out.

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well...stopped watchin digimon n pokemon.....a loooooooong time ago.

its pretty fun, but as time passes it bored me.

havent watch anime for long time too. The last anime i watch was Seitoyakuindomo S2.

too many vns on my plate. For example, was planning to complete Lee route, but got Koiken fd n Yumina fd rite now.

priority changed....... 

I think my pokemon count stopped at teh 350 pokemons

And also


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hahahaha old times~~~~

I stopped pokemon in 1st gen lol....i know Pokemon will get a lot of generations, n i decided to stopped.

and readin some mangas too rite now.Finished Nozoki no anna yesterday. My god, it easily become my top ten.

it makes me wanna drill a hole in my wall. sadly my neighbour is a male...dang.

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It's alright, at least I just pwned the Gargoyles, after having been invaded by grey spirits 4 times in a row before the boss fight o:

I rarely get invaded, on any character ( I have 3) to be honest, I didn't really have too much trouble with them (again I rarely get invaded) I was just surprised at first but that was about it. 

Off topic here. Do any of you guys/gals like vocaloids? Just looking for some nice/funny songs to listen to to get my mindset on to something else for a bit

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He said the material was bad, though o:

He either didn't see the ones you just listed, or...


Dont twist and pervert my words pal ;]


I said it is disapointing that there arent that many Doujinshi will her (I found like 6 maybe)

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I rarely get invaded, on any character ( I have 3) to be honest, I didn't really have too much trouble with them (again I rarely get invaded) I was just surprised at first but that was about it. 

Off topic here. Do any of you guys/gals like vocaloids? Just looking for some nice/funny songs to listen to to get my mindset on to something else for a bit

Well, it's easier to get invaded in the Bell areas, since anyone in the convenant can be summoned to attack you.

Aaaand killed the Lost Sinner ;D


Also, I do like Vocaloid o:

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I've never played Dark Souls. Never really sparked my interest. Is it that good? Pretty sure my brother has it so I could go try it if the fancy hit me hard enough.

The first few hours are pure fucking pain, but then something clicks, and then it has ruined all other games for you. I'm serious, I've met several people who've said that, even one of the people I'm subscribed to on YouTube.

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The first few hours are pure fucking pain, but then something clicks, and then it has ruined all other games for you. I'm serious, I've met several people who've said that, even one of the people I'm subscribed to on YouTube.

True indeed. The Dark Souls games mark a before and after. It's a hardcore game in its true core. It's not hard cuz they try to make the AI insane, it's not tough because of super-long dungeons, or any of that easy and cheap stuff.


Dark Souls rocks because its whole world is built to be mean and try to destroy you.

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