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Grisaia Kajitsu ON


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I have only one more route to go and it Makina, which I saved for last since she is my favorite character in the game. My second would be p0patchi and third Michiru, though I kind of love all the heroines in this novel. Makina is still the best by far with her personality she freaking hilarious

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Grisaia is a good VN. The only heroines I liked were Sachi and Yumiko, so I feel like I couldn't get the most out of it... Oh, well. Nothing to be done about it. Amane is way to forceful, and both Michiru and Makina were to annoying at times for me to like their characters. It also feels somewhat sad to have ended up disliking the loli.

Yumiko was probably my favorite. When it comes to VNs in general, yandere or kuudere are always the best for me~

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Wow I'm surprised someone likes Yumiko the best... But each to their own I guess.

I actually like Yumiko (well not the best but 2nd). Her aggressive actions in the beginning gave a bad impression but she defrosts quite a bit later in the common route (and not to mention her dere moments XD) But then again, I'm the kind of person that likes Tsun/Kuuderes.

I'm quite a bit in Amane's backstory and wow. I can't wait to finish it now//

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Angelic Howl was totally unexpected after quite light Sacchin route.

I'm now stuck with mental image of "girl picking maggots out of own head wound and eating them" for the rest of the day.

Also, Yuuji despite his bravado and whole "ace agent" get shot way too often. Makes me wonder how he survived so long in the first place

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Just finished the game and I have mixed feeling about. The all the ending are both good and bad no matter what. Oh, and I cannot help but feel like banging my head against a wall with how depressing some of the back stories and even the general story get at times. I mean I loved Makina's route because it was mostly funny through and through including sex scenes strangely enough, but the end did not satisfy me with how thing turned up and how fucked up things were towards the end of the store line. But, all in all a love the game and the characters in it, though I think that I am going to need some ridiculously happy TV, movie, or box after words to help get ride of the depressing feeling from part of the stories. I am sorry to say the fast forward button was used in great detail during some of the more depressing scene the I did skim through to know what was happening in the story line. Final my earlier judgment still stands on favorite characters, Makina, Sachi, and Michiru being the top three. Oh, of for some reason I think that they should have made the principle one of the heroin's, just saying.

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Things that have made me cry:

MuvLuv Alternative

One scene in Katanagatari

Sachis route.

I am not one to tear up very easy, admittedly. Sachis route doesn't contain the verbal awesome of Fujisaki and is definitely too long for its own good which leads to a couple other problems, but I will be damned if that was not the most heartwarming and great ending ever.

Eat your damn heart out, Key.

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First of all, I take my cap off to the translation team on this VN. It is a really professionally done work. Also notices during the play are FTW ^^

Finished the three routes so far, and I'm having a mixed feelings. Part of of was MC's fault. I know most of you view him as badass, and I agree that he is really cool, but his nonchalant personality at the first half of the VN, kinda irritated me. His witty responses on girl's expenses come as annoying when reused too much and always answering a question with a question lets the conversation drag too long. I'll agree with the Principal's quote within the game, which is that ''every conversation with him is an exhausting experience.'' I understand why he has that kind of personality, still doesn't mean I have to like it.

I liked Amane the best, but towards the end after you get behind her story, she pretty much looses all of the personality she carried throughout the game. The last hour is not enough to show how much is she stayed true to herself cuz' everything was too gloomy. A happy ending turned more then bittersweet, especially the time skip part...

In the end I think overall VN is alright, but I'm not satisfied as I hoped I would be. And Yumiko is my favorite girl, fallowed by Makina and Sachi,

Anyway, time to watch some funny videos on Youtube to relax. ;_;

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Just finished it now.

Yumiko wasn't that bad, and Chiru was bearable. I'd actually advice anyone who is still reading it, to do Yumiko last instead Amane.

Also, have to agree with everyone, Makina is best girl. First half of her route was best part of game along with common route as well.

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Michirus route done.



'What' is really the only thing I can think of. Whoever wrote the route was on something strong, I must say. I kind of liked where it was going at first (Michiru's 'problem' deals with something I am a bit interested in) but it's source is just... what.

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Michirus route done.



'What' is really the only thing I can think of. Whoever wrote the route was on something strong, I must say. I kind of liked where it was going at first (Michiru's 'problem' deals with something I am a bit interested in) but it's source is just... what.

I agree but, still think it was a ok route. She I good character and it had descent story to it, but did the end so much it was just annoying to me for some reason.

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Thanks. Anyway, am I the only one who don't like Yuuji? He is such a douchebag and asshole and people still like him, he's probably the most attractive human being on earth, seriously. I think the only reason I'm still playing is because I love the girls (Yes, even Michiru, even though she can be annoying sometimes).

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I'm not sure what there is to dislike about Yuuji. He holds his own better then almost any galge game I've seen and has a distinct and pretty cool personality. Sure he's standoffish as shit but he has his own problems like everyone else.

I just don't like his personality, he seems like a douchebag who doens't care about anyone and think everyone as tools, but I'm probably just with this impression because I'm still in the common route, I think I will like him more when I discover more about his past. It's like Hisao, I didn't like him at Act 1, but I'm started liked him in Act 2, 3, etc.

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I would have to agree with the Wahfuu, I find his cynical attitude rather amusing most of the time, and he has been proving to be a pretty interesting MC so far. He seems like a very resourceful kind a guy, very down to earth and practical, and also kinda badass at times, but not completely insensitive.

In other news, I think I'm almost done with Sachi's route! I will wait until I'm done with it for a final verdict, but I've been enjoying it, I'm glad I started with this one. I'm looking forward to Makina's route after that.

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