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chances of a Seinarukana walkthrough?


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So we all know that seinarukana got an English patch recently and i wasted no time in acquiring it. 

But the problem is since it's a Jrpg how do i naviagte the routes? i finshed the Nozomi route by rationaling that the process of gaining 'love' point would be the same as Eien no aselia and it worked. but what about thos that never played Eien no Aselia?

they would have a hard time. so i want to finish the game and gather some of you guys who've also played it and we make a comprehensive walkthrough.

how does that sound?

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Well, I can tell you you can't do the Murakumo route until the second playthrough... but other than that, you could ask someone to translate one of the half-dozen or so Japanese walkthroughs...

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Girls get love points for being selected during dialogue choices or when they are in Nozomu's team during a boss battle. They also get even more hearts by being MVP. And lastly, the heart battles give every romanceable girl a relationship point as long as Nozomu is in the team.

So basically, you should pair up the girl you want to get the ending on with Nozomu all the time and always pick her during dialogue choices. The only exception to this is Narukana when you choose "Reach out to her" which will lock you to her route regardless of your progress with other girls. 

Really, the relationship walkthrough for this game is not needed because you can still fuck up your route progress if you give a girl you dont want too many MvPs or boss battle/heart battle wins with Nozomu.

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Nice idea there. In fact I'd think of making the walkthrough for this game for a while, and I still didn't find enough time to make it yet. Looking forward to your walkthrough then, and to elaborate CerulenGamer opinion here, it's quite possible to balance the relation points between the heroines from choices only. For battle, you could actually made Nozomu all rounder (He strong enough) or had him team up with other than heroine (Thalia, Jatzeita, and Euphoria) if you worry about relation point balance. Other than that, I just said that if you keep the point balance for each heroine, you'll need extra effort to entering Katima route here.

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15 hours ago, littleshogun said:

Nice idea there. In fact I'd think of making the walkthrough for this game for a while, and I still didn't find enough time to make it yet. Looking forward to your walkthrough then, and to elaborate CerulenGamer opinion here, it's quite possible to balance the relation points between the heroines from choices only. For battle, you could actually made Nozomu all rounder (He strong enough) or had him team up with other than heroine (Thalia, Jatzeita, and Euphoria) if you worry about relation point balance. Other than that, I just said that if you keep the point balance for each heroine, you'll need extra effort to entering Katima route here.

Sure, i'll make sure to include that in the walk-through. if i ever need help i'll give you a message. :D

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