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what happened to Princess Evangile W Happiness


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guys there hv been nearly no update on Princess Evangile W Happiness for quite some time...since Mangagamer took on the project i thought it will be done quickly than the former translation team but there's no update on it....so do any of u guys know what happened to it..?

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Its being translated. Iirc, there's been updates on the manga gamer progress page. Its at 50 percent now. http://blog.mangagamer.org/project-status/

They have like 5 games at 100 percent now, maybe they switched focus for a bit to finish those games. They only have 3 games left after that so i reckon they'll get it done promptly. Well that's just what i think :wahaha:.

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If you want more detail (Maybe you already checked VNTS), the last time they had update at Evangile W was at May 14th (22.2% edited). So far, there's no update in regard of Evangile W, but at least I knew even if Mangagamer keep giving Evangile W progress, we must still wait for a while before released.

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10 minutes ago, wyldstrykr said:

and imouto paradise 2 will be released first before princess evangile W happiness despite that princess evangile get translated first....

Imouto Paradise was translated and released before Princess Evangile. It also sold better than Princess Evangile.

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3 hours ago, Decay said:

Imouto Paradise was translated and released before Princess Evangile. It also sold better than Princess Evangile.

I'm not really sure about that one despite IP being their porn bestseller and releasing way earlier. Did they actually say it anywhere? 

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Imouto Paradise is a better game imo than Princess Evangile. Although Princess Evangile W Happiness is one of the rare instances where its fandisk/sequel, whatever you call it, is better than the original. 

I expect the game to come out in Winter, early 2017. I read the Japanese version already so it would most likely be just reread material for me and to check and to make more sense of the story.

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