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Windows tablet for VN


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I just found a windows tablet for $90 and wanted to know if could be used for running visual novels or not.

The tablet is the Chuwi VI8 type C https://www.fasttech.com/products/4029203

Its has a Intel processor quadcore 1.84Ghz

2Gb Ram

32 Emmc

Windows 10


Will I be able to use it to play visual novels on the go?, my only problem would be the battery, but with a powerbank thats fixed.



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It would be better to just get a used laptop for the same price... it would probably have more capabilities anyway.

Also, some VNs have ridiculous RAM and graphics requirements for what they actually do (the newer ones sometimes require 1GB graphics memory, 3GB of RAM, or some BS like that). 

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You won't be able to play say... the Baldr Sky Zero games on that thing.  The same goes for roughly one-fifth of the non-nukige VNs that came out last year.  Some of the VNs that came out last year required a minimum of 2GB ram, and since the OS and background programs are going to consume at least 200 MB of RAM at any given time...

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I did the same thing two years ago. I bought a super cheap Windows 8 pro tablet specifically for reading VNs in bed without having to worry about an overheating laptop. I personally really enjoyed the small form factor of the device and it worked very well for reading F/SN and F/HA which were the only two VNs that I read on it before I got a folding laptop.

Things to look for:

Full USB ports. I got the Lenovo Miix 2 which only has a micro USB port. They make micro to full adapters, but it's better to just have a full one. At the $100 price range though, you're probably only going to find micros. Or, at least that was the case when I went shopping.

USB ports that can power external hard drives. One of the deciding factors in the tablet that I got was the fact that it could power an external hard drive. Any of them will power a thumb drive if that's all you plan on using, but if you want to plug in your 1TB hard drive, make sure the device has enough power to spare. Unfortunately this information is not forthcoming. I had to watch YouTube reviews to find out if the Miix 2 would run external hard drives or not.


As for the RAM thing, 2 GB should be okay. You might have some long load times on newer VNs, but so long as the system reqs are 2GB or lower you should be fine. I was able to play StarCraft II on my Miix 2 which also has a minimum RAM req of 2GB.

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I will still have a computer on my house its just for some on the Go reading, normally I dont play VNs that are more than reading (like those RPG or tactics) 

For the moment I think I will go for it, if anyone has more opinions they are welcome


EDIT: Is there a list or something of visual novels that dont run well on windows 10?

Found this list, but isnt really big https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1itCvY8aWGjjhAA1fS8tYCGwcpq4b7tI574NsNb0d_eI/edit#gid=0

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another thing to consider would be 8" vs 10", i've had both, end result is 8" i always felt i wanted a larger screen and 10" always felt I wanted it to be less bulky feeling on the hands

so 9" is the way to go :P jkjk

uhh there should be a win10 vn compatibility list somewhere around here but idk. I've never heard of any standout compatibility issues though

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1 hour ago, Clephas said:

You won't be able to play say... the Baldr Sky Zero games on that thing.

Not necessarily. My tablet have a cover (sort of smart cover on a magnets), where in one part you have a tablet (retractable) and in other - on magnets as well - bluetooth keyboard. So when I need keys - they could be used as well.

Mine is 8", after I put 150% font sizes in Windows - became very comfortable to use (as anyway I usually play old VNs, which does not have 720p widescreen).

One major flaw with W10 is its compatibility. Lot of old games work with problem/slow to draw/etc., seems it is related to remade direct draw support with zooming capabilities. But about 90% of the games I tried I was still able to run (in one or another form), so I think it is still decent buy.

Actually I read most of VNs on tablet, as I cannot sit near PC for 50 hours, really... Yes, probably laptop could be used as well, but it is laptop, it take lot of space and not always convenient. So I came to that setup with BT keyboard and magnetic cover. Too bad that it seems not possible to install W7 on that tablet, or it would be just ideal for VNs...


1 hour ago, tahu157 said:

USB ports that can power external hard drives. One of the deciding factors in the tablet that I got was the fact that it could power an external hard drive. Any of them will power a thumb drive if that's all you plan on using, but if you want to plug in your 1TB hard drive, make sure the device has enough power to spare. Unfortunately this information is not forthcoming. I had to watch YouTube reviews to find out if the Miix 2 would run external hard drives or not.

Just imagine yourself on the go with an external hard-drive... Now there are SDCards like 128GB, so there is absolutely no reason to drag a hard-drive with you. Also much more convenient to put small Micro-SD in a bigger PC and copy all you need there, rather than do it reverse.

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Just now, Scorp said:

Not necessarily. My tablet have a cover (sort of smart cover on a magnets), where in one part you have a tablet (retractable) and in other - on magnets as well - bluetooth keyboard. So when I need keys - they could be used as well.

Mine is 8", after I put 150% font sizes in Windows - became very comfortable to use (as anyway I usually play old VNs, which does not have 720p widescreen).

One major flaw with W10 is its compatibility. Lot of old games work with problem/slow to draw/etc., seems it is related to remade direct draw support with zooming capabilities. But about 90% of the games I tried I was still able to run (in one or another form), so I think it is still decent buy.

Actually I read most of VNs on tablet, as I cannot sit near PC for 50 hours, really... Yes, probably laptop could be used as well, but it is laptop, it take lot of space and not always convenient. So I came to that setup with BT keyboard and magnetic cover. Too bad that it seems not possible to install W7 on that tablet, or it would be just ideal for VNs...

Baldr Sky Zero's specifications require a 1.5-2GB RAM, but it generally won't work properly (the gameplay portions) except on a 3GB or above.  Even then, if you use a text hooker, it will freeze up on you on anything less than 5GB, so you essentially can't play it on anything short of a gaming computer, lol.  I'm speaking from experience... I had to basically shut down everything else on my PC (including the internet and the tons of background bulk I generally have running) to get it to work properly (16GB RAM).

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4 minutes ago, Clephas said:

Baldr Sky Zero's specifications require a 1.5-2GB RAM, but it generally won't work properly (the gameplay portions) except on a 3GB or above.  Even then, if you use a text hooker, it will freeze up on you on anything less than 5GB, so you essentially can't play it on anything short of a gaming computer, lol.  I'm speaking from experience... I had to basically shut down everything else on my PC (including the internet and the tons of background bulk I generally have running) to get it to work properly (16GB RAM).

Well, in this case I doubt that it really matters, if it is a PC or a laptop or a tablet :) I do not have 16GB RAM even on desktop for example.

Japanese "code geniuses" are famous for creating sloppy unoptimized code...

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22 hours ago, Clephas said:

I'm speaking from experience... I had to basically shut down everything else on my PC (including the internet and the tons of background bulk I generally have running) to get it to work properly (16GB RAM).

lol that's not how it was for me. No problem running and hooking the game while doing a dozens of things on my second monitor (like running multiple virtual machines). And I only have 8GB RAM.
There's clearly something wrong with your PC or how you do it.

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23 hours ago, Scorp said:

Just imagine yourself on the go with an external hard-drive... Now there are SDCards like 128GB, so there is absolutely no reason to drag a hard-drive with you. Also much more convenient to put small Micro-SD in a bigger PC and copy all you need there, rather than do it reverse.

Whatever floats your goat I guess. Personally I have a bunch of blu ray rips that definitely won't all fit on even a 128 GB SDCard. I did add a 32GB SDCard to my tablet for VNs and some Epubs, but if you want to store and watch videos on the go, you're gonna need more storage than an SDCard can offer.


Also external hard drives aren't much bigger than a wallet. They fit very nicely into a computer bag's storage pocket so you're hardly "dragging" them around.

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1 hour ago, tahu157 said:

Whatever floats your goat I guess. Personally I have a bunch of blu ray rips that definitely won't all fit on even a 128 GB SDCard. I did add a 32GB SDCard to my tablet for VNs and some Epubs, but if you want to store and watch videos on the go, you're gonna need more storage than an SDCard can offer.

Just as we speak about VN aspect, I doubt that topic-starter have such a requirement :) 

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4 hours ago, tahu157 said:

Whatever floats your goat I guess. Personally I have a bunch of blu ray rips that definitely won't all fit on even a 128 GB SDCard. I did add a 32GB SDCard to my tablet for VNs and some Epubs, but if you want to store and watch videos on the go, you're gonna need more storage than an SDCard can offer.

Well go get a 500 GB SDCard then? :P those are quite expensive

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