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Sales = people who actually bought the game

Views (read: page clicks and not unique visitors) = people who stumbled upon your site probably because you keep spamming your blog links everywhere in an attempt to shamelessly self-advertise.  :makina: *Makes a blog post on Fuwanovel just to link to an external blog on your site*



Now you're just derailing the conversation from "Denpa Soft advertising" to "Winged Cloud is scum" - completely different company, by the way.


Your post already lost its relevance after its first line, and went from "actual legitimate data" to "presumptuous statements and ranting." Did you seriously just reply to post about your 8k blog views / boast about your massive e-penis?

And you're derailing this thread even further with your personal attacks.  What makes you think you're in a position to condescend on others here?  You criticize me for external linking to my blog... but at least I've contributed something.  Does it really matter where I host it, if it's relevant to visual novels / Fuwanovel?  Just yesterday people were complaining that there wasn't enough discussion / content on this site.  One of the areas singled out for improvements was the blog area.  I could stop updating my blog here--but what problem would that solve exactly?  Or do you just snipe at people because that's the only way you know how to interact with people on the Internet?


I posted the page views to argue against the statement of your's I quoted.  I think that was obvious to... everyone except you?  I can see where the traffic comes from by the way.  Most of the traffic came from the Steam forums, specifically from a forum thread titled "Sakura Swim Club adult version + Uncensoring Patch now available", with a link title of "How to uncensor the Steam version of Sakura Swim Club".  I imagine people who clicked the link inside were... interested in uncensoring their game they bought on Steam!  Shocking, I know.


But I suppose to double-check you could ask Denpasoft how many downloads the patch got (it's hosted on their Amazon servers).  You know, instead of posting needless snark.  Then you could match that up against Steam sales and Denpasoft sales and show once and for that the demand for adult content is substantial but that Denpasoft itself is unpopular for any number of reasons--as I'm confident that both Steam sales AND patch downloads overwhelm the number of sales that Denpasoft has made.  But no, you're more interested in posting useless speculation (and ironically, criticizing others for doing the same) rather than doing the legwork to arrive at actual answers.



Who knows what will happen when sanahtlig finds out we still have more Steam copies sold than he has self-advertising posts on Fuwanovel? Well, Jenkins, here - a 100-dollar bill. Wipe your tears with this.

Great post.  Way to add to the discussion.  Glad to see you took the effort to write that out.

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Yeah...if you guys could cut it out with the personal attacks and snark, that'd be great.  I really don't want to have to sit in this topic and make sure everyone plays nice, but if the situation requires it, I will.  Seriously, stop it.


I will nix any posts that are off-topic (if you need a reminder what's on-topic, go reread the first post) or obviously meant to piss someone off from this point on.  If you want to argue, take it to PMs.

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Sales = people who actually bought the game

Views (read: page clicks and not unique visitors) = people who stumbled upon your site probably because you keep spamming your blog links everywhere in an attempt to shamelessly self-advertise.  :makina:


It's not rocket science. Winged Cloud made sex scenes for their game because, surprise surprise, their fanbase has an interest in it. Which is also why they released a patch and posted it on Steam. I wouldn't be surprised if a good number of the people who bought Sakura Swim Club played through the adult version. 

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It's not rocket science. Winged Cloud made sex scenes for their game because, surprise surprise, their fanbase has an interest in it. Which is also why they released a patch and posted it on Steam. I wouldn't be surprised if a good number of the people who bought Sakura Swim Club played through the adult version. 

Winged Cloud didn't actually post the patch on Steam (as far as I know).  I and other community members did, and eventually people made installation guides that walked users through how to actually install it.  Winged Cloud didn't even include installation instructions with the patch, which was a pretty hilarious oversight given it was made for Steam users (where everything is auto-patched).


The patch was a publicity stunt.  And well, it worked as expected.  As with Sakura Clicker, they're always looking for new ways to get people to notice and talk about their games, especially since sales have been flagging with every subsequent entry in the series.  They may or may not continue making adult content, but at the very least they got a burst of attention from including it once.

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sanahtlig's statement about the series' rapidly decreasing popularity actually disproves your statement. The main reason it was popular at first is because it was a meme, but like all good jokes, they die down when overused. Of course their new 18+ lineup is doing decent, but if players actually gave a shit about sex then why aren't the sales for it topping their first game? This is what I mean by "please read the conversation before jumping in" because many of you keep derailing and contradicting yourselves more times than I can count. Also, the patch wasn't posted on Steam. You guys are now going from logical arguments to "saying things just for the sake of saying it" without anything to even back it up, which really isn't bringing anything to the conversation. Good debate, guys, good debate.


You literally answered yourself. Sakura Spirit has a high amount of sales because it's popular for being tit CGs slapped on a 2 hour bland story. People buy it to troll gift their friends, or whatever, because it's literally only like 5 dollars. Naturally, none of these people are going to keep buying these games because the joke dies down over time. By their 'fanbase' I'm referring to the people who keep coming back and buying the Sakura games, not everyone who owns Sakura Spirit, because many of those owners aren't really fans. For the sales of Sakura Swim whatever to top the sales of Sakura Spirit would require them to bring in sales from outside their core fanbase.

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By their 'fanbase' I'm referring to the people who keep coming back and buying the Sakura games, not everyone who owns Sakura Spirit, because many of those owners aren't really fans. For the sales of Sakura Swim whatever to top the sales of Sakura Spirit would require them to bring in sales from outside their core fanbase.

Yes, and we've now established that that is a very small number due to the drastic difference in sales. Can we move on now?

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