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Japanese government asks universities to close social science and humanities departments


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One thing to keep in mind is that while it is possible to hide subs, airplanes, and land vehicles, battleships and aircraft carriers are just too large to hide or successfully construct secretly, simply because of all the spy satellites...  The sheer amount of resources that get redirected and the size and sophistication of facilities necessary to construct and maintain such ships means that keeping them under wraps is pretty much impossible.  That's why China is doing so much 'land reclamation' in disputed areas... they can make artificial islands to serve as refueling/rearming stations for fighters and troop transports, thus allowing them to project air power in these areas without the need to go to the expense of using aircraft carriers. 

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Aircraft carriers are pretty obvious things, and people keep on the lookout because the entire world is scared of them because it signals a countries capability of invading another by sea. That's why there was so much attention when China acquired its first one, as old and decrepit as it may have been, and its why China paraded it around so very proudly.


China is pumping a lot of money into its military, but it will be a while before they can match the more advanced countries in sea and air combat. They are progressing incredibly quickly though.

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As a historian as well as a sociologist this is a sign of history coming to repeat itself. Those who fail to remember the past are doomed to repeat it. Sure it won't be quite the same but this is nothing but bad news all around. I give major props to the universities refusing this bullshit decree. The loss of these types of classes will push Japan further and further into it's reclusive state of the past which is simply not good. If humanities is lost can you imagine how horrible the anime will be in a few years. This might actually be a first step in removing entertainment from Japan altogether. Shinzo Abe is a menace to Japan and hopefully people will begin realizing it with this push to close social science and humanities departments. They don't want the people to think for themselves and just want them to be a cog in the machine which is very reminiscent to Japan pre-WW2. The idea back then though was an emphasis on military than business but the idea is the same. The amount of people in this thread who are saying to just get rid of these things you really need to stop and think about the negative consequences of removing this from all universities. It's the fact they are trying to get all universities to do this which is a big concern. 


How accurate is this source by the way? I don't trust media these days.

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It's the fact they are trying to get all universities to do this which is a big concern. 


It's not going to happen, so it's not. It's a stupid idea by Abe though, and most likely a knee-jerk reaction to something.


Off topic for a moment: the new bill passed by Japan's Government is incredibly good news for Japan - limiting your forces in such a way in today's world was a ridiculous idea. 

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A country needs the ability to defend itself and its interests. Unlike what most anti-war people think, the world operates on a competition basis, countries will step on top of one another on its way to try and better them and their people. The only reason the world has been relatively peaceful for the past 50 years (relative being relative of course) has been because the USA has been the only superpower, and has been roving around the planet operating as the world police. It’s a role which has caused them much schtick, but it’s also helped prevent a lot of shit… of course they’ve also CAUSED a lot of shit but I think we all know they’re not perfect.


Japan has been relying on America for a lot of things, including defence, but America is waning and Asia is becoming an interesting place. It was America who forced limits on Japan’s military, but America’s been over that for 30 years now. Time for Japan to start look after itself.  


You want to be a pacifist nation? That's cool, it's modern, it's progressive... it's also suicidal.

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