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Yet Another Random Mr. Poltroon Recording - An Agglomerate of Everything I had Stored

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I have no excuses. I don't even care what happens to this thread now. I just wanted to get rid of those clips.

Have a good night.


And please, don't listen to this seriously, a good deal is random dribble and the rest is me reading a book where half the words you can't even understand.




Edit: I should note that this should be the last of my "Random" recordings. While I understand the novelty of having one every once in a while, I feel I should do them differently. More organized, more thought out, more effort. As such, while I will not completely stop with recordings, this is the last unorganized mess for a good while.

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Edit: I should note that this should be the last of my "Random" recordings. While I understand the novelty of having one every once in a while, I feel I should do them differently. More organized, more thought out, more effort. As such, while I will not completely stop with recordings, this is the last unorganized mess for a good while.


So shall I expect even better goodies than this in the future?

You have a bright future ahead of you, Mr. Storyteller.


Edit: 10/10 tongue twister skills

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And I thought that made it better...


Though really, I don't know how hard that was supposed to be, but I couldn't bloody do it.

Oh, that made it all the better, I was just joking. How am I supposed to not take you seriously if you take me seriously? :makina:

Unless I just took you too seriously and you were joking that time... I don't even know any more. :wafuu:


I think all tongue-twisters are hard like that, you just need a small bit of practice.

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Oh, that made it all the better, I was just joking. How am I supposed to not take you seriously if you take me seriously? :makina:

Unless I just took you too seriously and you were joking that time... I don't even know any more. :wafuu:


I think all tongue-twisters are hard like that, you just need a small bit of practice.

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I think you may also need a bit of practice at dealing with seriously unserious people.


As in, they are overly serious in an unserious effort to convey an over-exaggeration of seriousness.

This is one of those mind game thingies isn't it?... :vinty:

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