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visual novel in tablet,smartphones , etc,,. (yeah!)

fuwa lover

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  is it possible???


 FOR ME, I know that its really possible if psp , psp2 .. etc...can play visual novel why not in smartphones ?? ^_^ and only probably took time to decode or recode it in programs.... since were talking about pc .. desktops  . etc.. converted into smartphone.. games.




for you guys is it really possible??? 


 thank you in advance for answering this question..

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It's actually a mirror copy of this post:



If you can speak Bahasa Indonesia, you should check the post on kaskus site. AFAIK, it is more up to date than the fuwanovel post above.

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Hey there.


I also prefer to read visual novels on phone/tablet rather than on a computer. For years I used an app called VNDS interpreter, but the developer has now vanished, and it is impossible to buy the app. Therefore I have for the last 6 months been working on creating my own app that serves as a universal visual novel reader. What this means is that it is an app that can read any visual novel written in a certain format. The original app could read novels written in VNDS. I built my app upon this so it is backwards compatible, but I also extended the format (VNDS++) after what I needed for converting some visual novels.


In short, it's an app that can play many visual novels on android.


I'm currently doing the final testing before release of Visual Novel Reader (for android). I plan on making a few converts during the summer vacation, so if anyone has a visual novel they'd like to play on their android, feel free to suggest :)

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