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Everything posted by Tyrael

  1. Tyrael


    Disagreed, Little Busters is rather overrated, and I'm saying this as a Key fanboy. I still think it's a good and entertaining work but that's almost solely because of the true route. The rest of it is hit or miss but I'd say the majority of it is actually quite mediocre. You could also argue that Clannad is overrated as it has a few mediocre routes but when you consider the fact that the main game has 10 routes (+ after story) it's hard to really hold it against Key, tbh. Kanon and Air suffer from more issues than I can count, unfortunately. The biggest drawback for those games would be the extremely outdated artstyle and the abysmal H-scenes (oh god, the cringe).
  2. Somehow it'll get bugged and you'll get Nico either way
  3. Tyrael


    Rewrite! It is without a doubt one of the best VN's I have ever read so far. All the girls have interesting (and fairly dramatic) backstories, are cute and make the whole thing a blast to read. It has by far the best comedic moments of any Key VN and the drama hits home. It is also a departure from most high school centric romance VN's since the whole thing is just a part of something much greater that really manages to 'get you', no matter what side you actually end up on. Highly recommended. Other than that, I fear you will hate Key's more traditional VN's like Clannad, Kanon and Little Busters because they are very much centered around the kind of dramatic moments you seem to dislike, so yeah...
  4. Some of the side routes are downright dreadful (Chika, Moro) but some of the others (especially the hermit crabs route) are worth reading. I'd say: go for it. Some of you guys seem to like Chika, but she's extremely shallow during the main game and her route does nothing to rectify that, unfortunately.
  5. Very interested in getting this since I don't think anyone on the review team is covering it as far as I'm aware
  6. Ren, how would you ask out an otaku girl?
  7. Okay: - What are your plans for the future? Alternatively: where would you like to see yourself in, let's say, ten-ish years or so? - How would you approach a girl you have a crush on? What would a safe and fun first date spot be for you? - What's your favourite band/movie/book?
  8. If you had the ability to suck your own johnson, would you do it?
  9. Feels more like a rant than a real review to me I think you should go more in depth when it comes to these things dude. You should also generally try to avoid using 'I' in your reviews, as it makes the whole thing seem a bit too informal. Hope this helps.
  10. Confession: If getting rejected by girls was a sport, I'd be in the goddamn olympics at this point
  11. Confession: Surprisingly, I managed to get through valentine's day without spending the whole day alone with suicidal thoughts for once. Thank god I had a concert to go to I guess.
  12. Are you interested in writing about it?
  13. I believe I had already read three routes at that point (including Megumi's) so there was no harm done
  14. More terrible OELVN's, yay! I even had high hopes for this one too... So, I was trying to wait for Unwonted Studios to release the 18+ patch but since that is apparently taking forever I decided to publish it anyways. I highly doubt it will do much to improve the overall quality of this hot mess anyways... Link: http://reviews.fuwanovel.net/2016/02/14/no-one-but-you-2/
  15. Are these all the VN's you have read so far? I could rec you a ton of 'intro' VN's but it'd be useful to know what you have already read
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