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Everything posted by iamnoob

  1. The thing is.... It isn't really Sayori's fault since they were banging on the hope her art would sell copies and so did fk all about the story and characters.... Can honestly say I'm not surprised and feel quite vindicated when I told people to stay away from those 2 VNs. Still though, I hope she gets pulled into better VNs. Her artwork is really up there.
  2. From what I understand, arn't the 2nd and 3rd going to be kickstarter goals and not 100% going to be translated? Am I mistaken?
  3. All I can say is they had better damn translate all 3 VNs. I'm going to be so angry if they only decide to trainslate the main game considering the other 2 are so important to the story.
  4. If you've played a few Yuzusoft titles and know the VAs this will be funny as hell xD
  5. Oh I meant the actual source. I saw this comment too but couldn't find any official poll or chara popularity poll.
  6. Ok looks like they just threw away free money. Lavi LN is selling like hell and the waitress isn't at all..... WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING THROUGH THEIR MINDS WITH THIS DECISION
  7. Who are the 2 at the corners? I only know the middle 3
  8. Not sure if MiKandi Japan is still monitering this but can we get an answer on this? "Are we seriously not going to have the main heroine's side story but get the side character waitress side story? Seriously do Alice instead of hers. I'm pretty sure the entire community thinks the same way." It seems absurdly weird to have the side character's extra story instead of the main character ON THE FRONT ARTWORK OF THE VN.
  9. I've only seen memes of it. Is it really good good or just meme good? I might read it if it's actually good
  10. Is it really that good/memey? Like what's with this VN -.- It's all over jap twitter
  11. The child's name is rain. And his autistic brother is named hurricane @Silvz There are more balanced reviews out there. It's a generally good VN though be wary of those claiming its 10/10 it's not at that level yet. It needs to be coupled with Eternal Heart since it's more of a continuation than a fan-disk.
  12. Are we seriously not going to have the main heroine's side story but get the side character waitress side story? I WANT ALICE OVER ILSA. Seriously do Alice instead of hers. I'm pretty sure the entire community thinks the same way.
  13. Can we at the very least have the choice of buying Alice after story later or something? Why would you lock the Main Heroine's story behind such a high wall.......... I WANT MY TWINTAIL AFTER STORY
  14. Yea It's kinda easy to see the bias in his review though I very much agree with the disaster of the translation. The worst part is that they had a decent amount of time to translate and check. Untranslated lines should be the easiest to spot. I speculate ( and this is pure speculation) that they are just trying to take on too many projects at once. While they try to be professional they are still a relatively small company so I'm guessing they didn't manage their time and resources and too on too many projects at once. Which is purely their fault. If there's any consolation they did release an apology Hopefully they will fix this and learn from their mistakes....Definitely lost some faith
  15. I have a makeshift solution to this since I decided to play it again. Set your screen resolution lower. Mine is 720 when I play. It helps somewhat.
  16. I want a HD remake :/ The CGs are big enough to make a patch but I know 0 coding
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