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Everything posted by ztrepzilius

  1. As I mention above, I already tried " Superheroes" before this thread was created and disappointed with the result (nukige, looks bad or far from superhero genre). The "Superpowers" and "Fighting heroine " have wider but it become less accurate like showing "Princess Waltz" and "Kara no Shoujo". Thanks for the suggestion for searching with tags but better to leave the discussion about vndb tag there.
  2. Yeah, I've seen this happen too in some rpg VNs. Granted, the action scene in VNs are depicted differently than anime or manga. I am fine with parody of superhero genre too. @r0xm2n Good, now it is on sale.
  3. 1) Hard to describe, anime example: Astro Boy, Cyborg 009, My Hero Academia. I could also give live-action example like Power Rangers. 2) I could also ask for magical girls VNs. I used the term "superhero" because some magical girls anime use villain of the week format including other overlapping tropes. For example: 1. In episode 5, Alice went to the beach on holiday. Crabman terrorized the beachgoer. Alice transformed into Redheart and save the day by defeating Crabman.
  4. @Plk_Lesiak Good example. Less suggestion than I expected like alien invasion due to action scene. I like how anime/manga portrayal of superheroes (i.e. magical girls or sentai) and wanted to how it's treated in VNs. On the VNDB page, some of them are nukige or not having English translation.
  5. Looking for those which primary revolve around superhero, not small role in the story. I prefer if it support English language.
  6. I went on train to the cinema at night around 7pm to 10 pm with heavy rain. I tried the 6D cinema out of curiosity. It includes 3d glass, Dolby atmos, vibrating chair, wind and mist. But for special effect, reality is often disappointing. The only thing it act like a massaging chair which prevent leg cramp and it's wider. I'm aware there is no post-credit scene except metalwork sound as reference to Iron Man 1. I stay there until the credit end anyway. I find "don't spoil endgame" meme actually encourage people to post spoilers. I hope for VN about Thanos as MC.
  7. Deleted the save file in C:\Users\"Username"\AppData\Roaming\qureate\NekoMiko and follow in this order (Ayame , Kaede, Harem). Bad End bug prevent harem ending from happening. Thanks for the advice.
  8. I don't expect it to have simultaneous release. Looks like it was discussed years ago. NyanCafe Macchiato looks like Nekopara to me. More catdoggirls.
  9. Body type: Similar height or taller than men. Diamond or oval shape face. Average size or sightly bigger cup but not too big. Prefer red hair or eye but any color are fine too. Position : Cowgirls, standing or any position which expose most part of the body especially the front. Hard to describe due to numerous combination fetish. Location: Anywhere, anytime. Almost Omnipresence. 1. Happy, excited and "naughty" smiling face expression. 2. As friends, helping themselves relieve sexual desire or part of responsibility as couples. Clear consent about their desire. 3. Either recently met or since childhood. I am fine with any frequency or at what time they done it. 4. In their private room. For exhibitionism, either in-front of audience or hiding like a stealth game. I like comical portrayals of it.
  10. Kuro629 mention it so I ask about this. Looking for VNs which feels like watching an anime like School Days or Steins Gate Elite. It could be 2D animation, 3D cgi or live-action. I heard somebody consider "action" might not be compatible VNs. But this format has great potential for action or 18+ scene.
  11. I prefer if it's in English or not release more than a decade ago. I am looking for those revolves around interstellar travels range from exploring Mars to other galaxy.
  12. One of the few advantage I heard compare to other platform is the developers having 90% of the revenue but it is not big as Steam. Almost the same as Epic Games Store 88%. If the VNs include adult content, then they release the 18+patch on other site for the all-age version. There might be issue with mandatory launcher. Anyway, it's worth having more competitors. Localization companies should participate in the 2020 most storefront Olympics.
  13. 2 or more times to check whether I achieved completed all route (including meaningless choice and fillers) or not. Re-reading text also aids at recalling important scene.
  14. 1. I've think that CN localization and it's market size might be worth as you can see the steam reviews on Island and other VNs. 2. What do you mean by "adapting the game to fit certain standards or values". I'm aware about the localized cut-content VNs differ from the original Japanese version. But if the contents are not removed, are there any problem? It does matter for JP dev to optimize their game for overseas release on certain issue (i.e. font size too big or small).
  15. I am using the Mangagamer version. I follow all the walkthroughs and I found there are 2 blank spot in gallery and 1 in memory. Are this suppose to be blank by design or there are other CGs I haven't unlocked?
  16. Welcome aboard on Fuwanovel.
  17. @phantomJS I didn't specify because I thought recommendation pool will be smaller like robot-uprising. I was wondering what all the fuss about episodic VNs and seen the topic explaining it so I ask for suggestion.
  18. "I Was Reincarnated into Another World as a Netori Protagonist".
  19. I am looking for VNs which handle this format nicely. I prefer completed series as I want to avoid abandoned series with cliffhangers and numerous plot holes.
  20. If there is a game called "Netopara", will it be netorare, netori, or netorase?
  21. On the other hand, less posters mean discussion are less likely to get buried by numerous comments like reddit.
  22. I am interest in discussion about adding features and bugs fixings for VNs. Modding community deserve some attention too.
  23. 1. "Blank state" protagonist (dull personality with being voiceless and faceless). 2. School settings. I am fine with university or college.
  24. I am fine whether it is 18+ or all-age VNs recommendation. I get the director's cut edition of eroge and finish all the story no matter how irrelevant since I am a completionist. For nsfw scene, I prefer nukige because I find standard eroge to be too tame. There are nukige with good art but not many are written in the way I prefer in a way (hard-to-describe with combination of non-school settings, clear consent, machine, etc). I hope there will be more genre diversity of VNs in English especially sci-fi, non-school settings and gameplay. The financial situation of VN industry in Japan doesn't seem good but I will still support those VN companies which interest me.
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