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Everything posted by Happiness+

  1. That's because incest is wincest! (I couldn't resist myself.) But think about it, the first hentai, cream lemon starts off with a sister coming along to her brother. I mean if you were going to make the world's first hardcore porn anime, why would you start with incest unless that's their version of "vanilla" porn.
  2. Sexy af, yo, you're single and ready mingle BABE?
  3. I am watching Citrus because it's a true yuri. I convinced some of my normie friends to watch Violet Evergarden with me every week I usually cycle through weekly shows. I will binge on bakemenogatri, D.Gray Man, and maybe Ghost in the Shell Second GiG.
  4. I am going to clarify a few things. I have no Japanese experience. I am more of manager guy, because from I have seen at the commie subs issue is that herkz, just did not put as much effort into it. It kinda fizzled out. I am more than willing to help @izzeybee since they don't wanna one man army this thing. I just wanna help any way I can. I have experience managing people and coding. That's why I say, let's put the thing on Github and people can look to see if the translations work or not. Github is social coding, it allows people to agile develop projects. For example, let's say we are building something. What do we do? We start by asking questions? What kind of questions? Questions that bring about a problem. We design a solution to fix this problem. The solution is an app. But, the app needs to be tested. Every feature needs be tested at least once. They call these user case reports. If it passes the test. We add a new feature, and so on until completion. Ideally, there should be some progress every week. No need to bum rush it.
  5. I feel bad that I had to google Pretty Cure. Maybe I divulge all the yuri I watched so that people can Gauge where I am at. Madoka magica! Homura did nothing wrong. Riddle Story of Devil. The ending was eh, but I was just there for the ride Citrus is life. Citrus is love. I would love it if Sailor Venus can take me out sometime. I tried. I mean I really tried watching Maria Watches Over Us, but damn..... Mariaholic was insanely fun. Could you call that a yuri? I am going to call it a yuri.
  6. Long post alert! So, I learned how to code from college and online. If you are broke I recommend and wanna learn web https://www.freecodecamp.org If you have money, I recommend you do this udemy tutorial for web https://www.udemy.com/the-complete-web-developer-course-2/learn/v4/overview Also this is the homework I had to do. I had to make a blog for advanced web authoring class this semester. https://ilovephp.jondh.me.uk/en/tutorial/make-your-own-blog For web, I used to recommend Notepadd++, but then I found VS Code and never looked back. Every good coder needs a good editor. It's like an IDE, minus the fact that's quick. I am looking at you Netbeans and Android Studio!!! Now things get interesting for mobile. If you plan on building android apps, I highly recommend this tutorial from Udemy. https://www.udemy.com/complete-android-developer-course/ BEST 5$ I HAVE EVER SPENT. But if you are broke again, this was my first android tutorial https://www.udacity.com/course/new-android-fundamentals--ud851 if you want to get into iOS, try https://www.udemy.com/ios-11-app-development-bootcamp/ Best $10 I have ever spent. If you plan on making VNs like me, learn python. My first tutorial was https://www.udacity.com/course/programming-foundations-with-python--ud036 It's the language of the Ren'Py engine. Of course, Ren'Py takes in it's own syntax. Arguments. etc, but some of the best VNs are coded very well. They are pretty damn eloquent, and then you look at mine from 2016. People will say "Did this bitch forget how to encapsulate?" But remember, I took the course after I fell off from my VN back in early 2017. Now, if you wanna see an A+ site. A website that kept me at 98% percent have a look here. https://thai-morris.github.io/CSC-223/ Jokes aside, if you wanna see a professional website I built for my normie friends. I used bootstrap. genzcapitalgroup.com Quick facts: HTML is just the structure and layout of the website. CSS is what makes the website look sexy. Javascript is what makes the website do sexy things, from animation, rearranging items, lightboxes, (you know when you click on an image and the surrounding the area gets dark. I have that example on my github from class.) Bootstrap is a framework that makes building websites easier, it's a combination of HTML, CSS, and JS. It was developed by Twitter. Now what I described was one-half of web dev. The client side. If you wanna make static websites that just look pretty then that's that. The other half is server-side. Which is when you have code like PHP that runs on a server and reacts dynamically on the website itself. For example, as I post this long ass post. My device sends a message to the Fuwanovel server. my device: "Yo, Happiness+ posted something!" Fuwanovel forum server: "I see. Hold on lemma add this." It gets added to the database which is usually in a SQL language. Every post has an ID associated with the user, and every time it's added it automatically updates. PHP is the langauge that most people use for stuff like this, but some smart kid found out that JavaScript can run a server. Hence NodeJS was born. However these days web design is more of a art than a science, trends rise. Others fall into obscurity. Most people getting into development learn Node and forget PHP because it's not hip and cool anymore. I could go more into detail about the different types of servers like SQLlite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. But, it depends on what kind of project you are making, if it's a VN. Just go ren'py.org and go the Lemmasoft Forums. Most of the time, they will just redirect you to the documentation. Any more questions?
  7. I am talking about a VN that you instantly regret the moment you pressed "download", but for some reason. You opened up the game. You saw that menu. You clicked play. But there you were playing, this... abomination. And every CG you saw. You felt yourself straying further away from God. You passed by Satan on the ninth Circle of Hell, and he said. "Shit. I have standards. Hold on let me make a tenth circle of Hell for this."
  8. For me it was Air, which is odd because I saw the anime before I knew it was a VN. I look back at it, like it was the shit. I managed to download the VN on my netbook, and it just sits there. MENACINGLY! Will I ever read it? Will I feel bad that pirated this game off of Fuwanovel back in the day? Will It stop seeding on my torrent? Will i ever go back to my netbook? Who knows?
  9. I can understand this. Unforutnately, I haven't found any VNs that are like evangelion to me. I mean my life was changed after Evangelion. Because I told myself, I would never be like Shinji. In fact Shinji doesn't even want to be shinji.
  10. Umlimited Blade Works was my favorite route, but I agree that the philosophy at the end boiled down to this. Shirou: "heroic ideals are awesome!" Archer: "Ideals suck." Shirou "You're wrong!" Archer: "How?" Shirou "You're wrong because being a hero is awesome!" Archer: "Wait, how--" Shirou "Trace ON!!!!!"
  11. Keep on asking. So far, this is pretty great.
  12. I sleep with my device. I tried once upon a time to run Fate/Stay Night on my phone.... it worked fine for a bit. So, I was on the crapper reading my VN. That is until my got suspicious for why I was spending hours on the toilet.....
  13. Same. I asked this question on the reddit way back early this year. Who knew I was bringing upon the wrath of Allah? I mean damn.
  14. IKR, I still get Vietnam style flashbacks of being hit in the face with a Hello Kitty purse.
  15. ooh, a deep question, I am really grateful for all the good things in my life. Like seriously, I am watching the new breadwinner film, and it's rough seeing how people lived in the Taliban. I go to a decent university in the south. I have food, water, shelter, and peace of mind since it's spring break. I mean I have free time to play Kara no Shoujo and join a new forum. That's epitome of privilege. Sure, I am not as wealthy as I want to be, but I am a computer science major that graduates in 2019. So yeah, no worries there.
  16. Yay! I also love your avatar. That anime has taught me some valuble skills. Basically the same skills I got from playing certain types of games. Sometimes I wonder, in a parallel universe have PUAs and Weebs found common footing in those types of games?
  17. Good question, is there a Hate++? No. Exactly.
  18. 1. Sure, but because this shit is contraband In DA HOOD 2. *Vietnam Flashbacks Intensifies* 3. Yeah, there's also this one that is a RPG Shooter as well Thanks for the compliment!
  19. The back end is so instantaneous. I am used to site's like Lemmasoft where I would wait for a reply to only realize, they already did. I just didn't know, because there were notifications! I love how I can sync this with Firefox.
  20. Well, it too them a while to develop the game. It was apparently very expensive, one of the more expensive FF's of recent memory. The only Fantasy I've played was 12.
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