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Everything posted by Katatsumuri

  1. Personally, I like Bad endings that occur during the story, like in F/SN, but I dislike bad endings at the end of the route. Usually this is because I don't really want to end a route depressed.
  2. Granted, but you cannot stop using it, thus dooming you to stare at people's skeletons for the rest of your life. I wish for perfect Virtual reality to be developed.
  3. Currently, this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-gM7RNd_rM
  4. The best way to recommend something, is to generally start with the the other persons preferences and to know exactly what he/she wants, and then progress from there. Just because you love it, doesn't mean that the other person will love it too, so it's generally best to just ask him/her a lot of questions to make sure that you get the "right" one.
  5. Welcome to Fuwanovel. Despite what you might think, you are now stuck here for the rest of your life.
  6. Well, I'm a little late to the party, but let me welcome you to the forums! Welcome!
  7. As usual, this forum never fails to surprise me with its randomness...
  8. Granted. you now have an infinite amount of time, because time stands still for everyone else. I wish to be good at drawing
  9. Granted, but since your brain wasn't made to control four arms, they just become lumps of flesh, bone and nerves. I wish I could do whatever I want to without repercussions.
  10. No animes, just a ton of VNs. Fortune Arterial, Koi to senkyo to chocolate, Yosuga no sora, Mahou tsukai no yoru and of course; Aiyoku no Eustia. And a few more...
  11. Yay! (Although, I am very saddened that Sakuya appears to be already taken...)
  12. Currently playing TERA in my spare time (aka when I feel like it), Since I don't really have anything else to do...
  13. "2013, snails perfect the art of stealth"... Your picture is also nice. And btw, is she wearing old flip-phones on her head? 8.5 points
  14. I like books. Does books count as not 2D?
  15. "amazing"? No, It was better than that. It was... foreshadowing...
  16. Well, since I'm a scrub at Osu!, I would like to just ask the tiny question... Kaguya-sama, please let me join your faction!
  17. 8 for instructions being short and straight to the point. Also, Ahoge
  18. This image gives unquestionable proof of what we have always suspected
  19. Do you have a recruiting poster? or any propaganda?
  20. So basically we can talk about anything? With no limits whatsoever?
  21. 9,5. small pink cat and nekomimi. Cuuuuuuuuuute~
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