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Everything posted by BookwormOtaku

  1. Critical Point for what's available in english Shinsetsu Ryouki no Ori 1 and 2 for the untranslated stuff: http://gamesforadultsandeveryone.blogspot.com/2013/05/import-games-for-adults-shinsetsu.html http://gamesforadultsandeveryone.blogspot.com/2013/10/import-games-for-adults-halloween_17.html While not really a VN, the Growlanser games have the artwork you're looking for and are close enough that I'd recommend them if you don't mind gameplay (and have a console or emulator to play them)
  2. Soul Link kind of has what you're looking for as does Critical Point (only have a review for the former). http://gamesforadultsandeveryone.blogspot.com/2012/10/games-for-adults-soul-link.html Demonbane also kind of fits your bill but it's a pretty long game. http://gamesforadultsandeveryone.blogspot.com/2012/10/games-for-adults-deus-machina-demonbane.html Otoboku has a decent route for its loli heroine and strangely she has the most ero scenes (and the kinkier ones too) http://gamesforadultsandeveryone.blogspot.com/2013/07/games-for-adults-otome-wa-boku-ni.html The Sagara Famiy's loli heroine also has a pretty decent route for its loli heroine, especially if you want ero scenes. Of course if you want a game with a loli heroine with pretty kinky ero scenes then Eroge! is probably worth your time.
  3. I'll back some of these up with reviews by yours truly: The Da Capo games are lighthearted enough. http://gamesforadultsandeveryone.blogspot.com/2012/10/games-for-adults-da-capo.html http://gamesforadultsandeveryone.blogspot.com/2012/10/games-for-adults-da-capo-2.html If you don't mind gameplay then Princess Waltz is definitely worth playing though I should point out the story is 99.9% linear. http://gamesforadultsandeveryone.blogspot.com/2012/10/games-for-adults-princes-waltz.html Another one worth playing if you don't mind gameplay is Koihime Musou, though the gameplay isn't really complicated or difficult. http://gamesforadultsandeveryone.blogspot.com/2012/10/games-for-adults-koihime-musou-heart.html Moero Downhill Night 1 and 2 are pretty good, though the second game is alot better than the first: http://gamesforadultsandeveryone.blogspot.com/2012/10/games-for-adults-moero-downhill-night.html http://gamesforadultsandeveryone.blogspot.com/2012/10/games-for-adults-moero-downhill-night-2.html Come See Me Tonight 2 is pretty good, better than the first game which is just okay.
  4. Basically it's a jump scare, admittedly a decent one if only because of how it's placed. For a good explanation of jump scares, I think Spoony explains it better for the first few minutes of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBdssnZ0pn8
  5. The first Kansen game could use a remake with some better graphics and it would be interesting to see what they could add to it storywise. Would really be interested in seeing some of the Sakura Taisen series get a remake if only to increase a chance to see it localized (and since Atlus is part of Sega now...). elf's older titles like Koihime and el I'd definitely like to see remade. Mainly because their OVAs have me curious as to what they could be like. Speaking of which, one OVA that had me interested in seeing the original game was Moke Moke Taishou Dendou Musume Arisa: http://vndb.org/v4509 Couldn't find the game for sale anywhere and finally found a pirated copy...only to find it doesn't work on any computer made after its release date (and believe me I've tried different computers ). So yeah the only reason I want this remade is so I can actually play the thing
  6. Here's a few technical details I don't like: 1) When on a different route you can't skip through previously read text for what's basically a previously read scene because in this case while the content is pretty much identical there are one or two different sentences in this route that wasn't in the previous one. 2) When the skip function isn't able to discern text you've read from the text you haven't be it because of lack of such a function, meaning if you select skip it'll skip every text even if you haven't read it. 3)When a game has no scene recollection
  7. Speaking of S' music, anyone besides me think that there's a part of this one track (it's the one that usually plays when the characters are hanging out outside(in the track section of the extras it's on the second page and a little past halfway down the right side) that sounds a little like part of Final Fantasy 13's battle music?
  8. And what's the general opinion on headless protagonists?
  9. I applaud you for even making it that far; between an unlikable protagonist (I've seriously encountered protagonists in rape eroge more likable), the over reliance on Norio Wakamoto's character for the humor, and the blandest slice of life scenes I stopped before I think the common route was even close to halfway done.
  10. Glad to see I'm not alone in hating Magical Teacher (which only loses to Super Secret Sexy Spy because that one pissed me off way more). One thing that made the main heroine's friend even worse for me is she's voiced by Miya Serizono, one of my favorite eroge voice actresses .
  11. From the looks of things it seems to be referring to a mobile game, though bear in mind my Japanese literacy is probably comparable to a Japanese kindergartener at best
  12. Just curious, but is that Autumn eroge scene a reference to an actual game that was made?
  13. 1) When a heroine being a tsundere is used as a get out of jail free card for constant douchebaggery (curse you Love Hina for making that popular!! ) 2) When the title part of "pervert protagonist" is run into the ground. 3) True endings that flat out retcon or completely ignore the other routes (only applies to games where the routes are supposed to be their own stories, not games where the routes are meant to be false or a piece of a story puzzle like with the Infinity or Zero Escape series)
  14. Never played a Monster Hunter game before, but what I've been hearing about this game has got me interested in trying this series out.
  15. Here's a review of a little expansion to Kyonyuu Fantasy 2: http://gamesforadultsandeveryone.blogspot.com/2014/01/import-games-for-adults-kyonyuu-fantasy.html And for those of you not familiar with this series, below are my reviews of the previous games: http://gamesforadultsandeveryone.blogspot.com/2012/10/import-games-for-adults-kyonyuu-fantasy.html http://gamesforadultsandeveryone.blogspot.com/2012/10/import-games-for-adults-kyonyuu-fantasy_27.html http://gamesforadultsandeveryone.blogspot.com/2013/08/import-games-for-adults-kyonyuu-fantasy.html
  16. EVE burst error's pretty good if you can look past the cheezy translation.
  17. Sorry, the Tolkien nerd in me couldn't resist
  18. Just finished Momoyo's After Story in Majikoi S. Decent overall, much like the rest of them; out of all the after stories in S I'd say the best one I've played so far is Chris' mainly because that has funnier moments. I must say though what feeling of accomplishment I have from hearing that nice ED music and seeing the "clear" stamp appear was completely overshadowed by seeing Miyako's After Story not cleared and knowing I still have to wait.
  19. Worst Translated Experience: Super Secret Sexy Spy - more specifically the Kusakabe sisters' routes. My review better details it: http://gamesforadultsandeveryone.blogspot.com/2013/06/games-for-adults-super-secret-sexy-spy.html Worst Untranslated Experience: Tie between Cthulhu: Great Hunting for putting me through the most self eye gouge inducing ero scene I've ever seen (not to mention crappy writing all around) and Kansen Ball Buster not only for a rushed and crappy story, but also for a segment that shamelessly betrays the fourth game of the series
  20. Well if one CG from Majikoi S is an indication, Miyako seems willing to share if you were to even joke about that with Yuno...er, try tugging on Superman's cape instead
  21. Chain The Lost Footprints fits everything but the route requirement since it's a linear story, but a very good one. Plus it's only 15 bucks.
  22. I can say thanks to untranslated ero scenes I was able to learn the kanji for "inside", "mouth" and "enter" (and the latter two together make "entrance") fairly quickly
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