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Everything posted by Aizen-Sama

  1. What @Rooke said is totally on point. Double checking those long sentences in order to get rid of needless redundancies and elements like "..." is a way to solve some of these problems. Like the image below, which as you can all see, just by eliminating the extra "..." located in the text that phrase could be saved without having to do anything else. Same thing could be applied in this one, eliminating the parenthesis phrase "(mostly boys, of course)" could be done, since it could be taken as something obvious for the player to know and needless to put in the phrase in this case, although I consider it risky. However, there are some cases where the problem gets harder to solve. This phrases of course can be re-done in order to fit the text box, but since they contain a lot of information rephrasing them could be a risky bet for me, since I could potentially harm the translation, which could harm the player's experience and the overall consistency and meaning of the text. By the way, we managed to achieve widening the text box, this means that more text can fill the box, and this problem could be probably solved. Since I'll be posting the weekly update on my blog today at some point and I'll give a full explanation there if you want. Anyways, hope I enlightened you a little bit with this short explanation and have a nice day.
  2. Actually very useful to read, thank you. I was stuck on some parts of my work but you helped me with your posts. Keep it up and thanks!
  3. Hello. Always good seeing new faces around here. See you around.
  4. 1) Handle (the one you use or plan to use): Aizen-Sama 2) Positions you can fill: Editor, Proofreader, QC and Coordinator. I am very confident in my English, I may not be a native speaker but I can assure that I have a level that could even rival them. Currrently have a Proficiency level of English and enough redaction/writing skill in order to become a decent proofreader. I am a very commited worker, so once I get into a project I will give my 100%. 3) Types of projects (VNs) preferred: VN's with great art, I thrive towards Yuzu's titles, but as long as I like the art anything goes. I don't care about Nukige, since I'd like to enhance my skills regarding H scene editing. 4) Availability (edit this one as you get involved in projects): I am currently NOT AVAILABLE at the moment due to my involvement with Luna Translations as the leader, coordinator of 3 projects and lead editor of Majo Koi Nikki. 5) VNs most interested in producing an ftl for: I'm primarily looking out for a decent plot (doesn't have to be a masterpiece, but has to have some plot in it, not just randomness or just slice of life titles, although I find some of those interesting, it all depends). My interest when taking on a project mostly goes to the art, games with good CG's, sprites. Good quality in general is what I look out for the most. 6) Motivation for joining in on ftl: I feel like giving back to the community is an essential part of what somebody who has read other fan translations should do. Although that's my personal opinion of course. 7) Conditions* (any additional conditions, under which you will or won't work): - The team I get into must be communicative and motivated. I'd like to stay friendly with the members since I am a very open guy, so cold teams or non-communicative people will be a no-no in my book. - Bad coordinated teams will also be a no-no, unless I'm willing to help with that aspect. - Just contact me if you need anything, I don't care if it's just for random chatter, or if you just want to be friends! Contact: Skype: virtetz E-Mail: [email protected]
  5. I simply LOVE Edgeworth, so I'll give this one a 9.5/10 because the face he makes in this one is priceless.
  6. Great work as always. I feel you with the exams, I have a very important set of exams that decide if I enter my career of choice in a couple of weeks. Anyways, it's always good seeing progress of a project. Keep up the good work.
  7. There is a way, but in order to do it the entire bytecode of the game should be decrypted first, and that is pretty difficult and is too much work. Sadly there are no other options for font. And believe me when I say that theprevious font was even more horrible than this one. For now this is the only decent font we've discovered that the engine allows, but if we find another one that offers better possibilities we will definitely look into it.
  8. I actually posted a pretty shitty example, I'll just post a few screenshots comparing both fonts in a moment.
  9. First line would be the modified size, second line is the default size, followed by a smaller size (forget that one), third line is default size too.
  10. Hello guys. Basically doing this because a problem has arised and we decided that leaving this matter to the community would be a far better idea then deciding this ourselves. Basically what happens is that some of the translated lines end up being long, so some of them don't fit entirely in the text box. We can't "create" new lines in order to fit the entire text, so there are two options for this: 1. We make the font size smaller, which would mean hardening the patching process of the game (e.g: you would need to delete all of your save files if you have those, you should patch before starting the game or else it will give problems with font size). 2. We try to shorten the lines without touching the font size, which would mean harming the translation. By this we mean, we can rephrase some lines to shorten them, that's why Editors are for anyways, but some of these lines are very long, so this can't be applied to all of them. Anyways, I'll leave this at your hands.
  11. Happy birthday @Zenophilious!
  12. Stupid human if I'm not mistaken.
  13. Ok, here it goes. I'm terrible when it comes to image/art related stuff, so I'll leave my signature in your hands. Size: just like Nosebleed's, if you can't, then like yours. Render: I'll link to you the image of Aizen: https://i.gyazo.com/a97faae37cc46f3e81561acdec9c0566.png Background: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/a/a3/10-11.png/revision/latest?cb=20150606141651 Text: "No one stands on the top of the world. Not you, not me, not even gods. But the vacancy of the throne in the sky is over. From now on...I will stand in Heaven." I'm guessing that one is pretty long. If that's so, just put as the text "From now on... I will stand in Heaven." Font: http://www.dafont.com/es/korean-calligraphy.font
  14. Just watched the fourth chapter, and it left me pretty happy, everything's getting spicier by the minute! Glad Petyr finally appeared, he's a character that honestly I'd like to see a lot more. As for Khaleesi, well, I do think it was very easy for her to do what she did in the last scene but oh well.
  15. Hello! Welcome to the forums! It's always nice seeing new faces around here. See ya around
  16. Hello Sanzy! It's always good seeing new faces around here, since this community is pretty niche. I'm actually a fan of undertale too (not as much as you, though) and I remember that in order to beat Sans I spent more than 6 hours in front of the screen for two days ragequitting the game several times. Let me ask you a question, since I do it a lot: Are you interested in translating or being part of the Fan Translation community in the future? Anyways, nice to meet you and see ya around. Oh, and have this picture I just found, its badass.
  17. Just remembered littleshogun has a different hour than mine, so I can't congratulate @Zenophilious still, lol
  18. Happy birthday @john 'mr. customer' smith, I've seen you a couple of times in chat and another couple in threads, but I can tell you're a nice guy. Have a nice day
  19. Yo @12kami I totally missed your B-day, sorry about that. Anyways have a nice one.
  20. Hello Forte, it's nice to have new people around, especially someone that can provide to the community in some way or another. Although let me tell you that watching anime won't help you a lot in terms of knowing how to speak japanese at all . Anyways, welcome and I hope to see you around.
  21. After you finish your studies, will you consider joining other projects or will you continue to translate solo?
  22. Well, I'm thinking about some questions, but here comes the first one: In your team roster you have at the moment two Editors. Why did you make the decision of having that number of them? Usually having more than one would mean having several translators (at least in my book) because it could cause problems regarding the homogeneity of the final product in general (everybody has his own writing style). Was that decision made because there was a need to have two of them (basically, is there a reason behind?), or was it done for another motive?
  23. Oops. My bad then. It's just that when I hear difficult content I get pumped up.
  24. Could I have a look into it? I'm just interested in the content, since you said it was pretty difficult to say the least.
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