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Everything posted by nohman

  1. nohman


    That's combo decks in a netshell, though grim patron involves * a lot* more counting than Miracle did since the damage you could deal with miracle was/is set in stone. I'd say patron is more difficult than freeze mage, though I've got a lot more experience with freeze mage than patron. I would say the three most difficult decks to play in Hearthstone are Patron, Freeze, and Oil IMO. I need to give patron a shot, as control warrior is getting a little stale atm. As for taking an hour to find lethal, that seems almost unbelievably crazy.
  2. Confession: I do *not* like being on a regular human up at day/sleep at night schedule.
  3. nohman


    I lol'd at the role reversal here when she smacks the shit out of him for trying to blackmail her. Also, I for one welcome the influx of gyaru translations.
  4. Tell them: "Nuts."

  5. Welcome to the forums, it's great to have you. I hope to see you around.
  6. The potato microphone enhances it, really.
  7. I kinda get it. Watching her get flustered in the common route is kinda cute, but it's not like there's any depth or uniqueness to that.
  8. I think she's a hoot. The comedy routine between her and You is the highlight of my reading experience so far.
  9. It's funny how much these things differ, I've had two different people either call Asuho's route the worst route or Komono's the worst. I try to not develop any expectations about routes since opinions on them are usually so over the place. I will say this though...so far Chinami best girl.
  10. Finished Shinmai Maou no Testament. It was bad, I recognize it was bad, yet I managed to have some fun with it. Starting on Space Battleship Yamato 2199 tonight, looking forward to a change of pace of what I've been previously watcing.
  11. Putting on Modest Mouse always takes me back to high school. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBjiYZiv5RE
  12. This. This is what came to my mind, besides a couple of nukige titles.
  13. I suppose you mean the secret heroine, then?
  14. I didn't really like NekoPara myself because the ero content (the only reason to play it, imo) was too plain for my tastes, but I do recognize the groundbreaking innovation it brought to the medium in the form of the breast bounciness slider, allowing a player to fully optimize his breast ogling experience.
  15. nohman

    Hello :)

    Welcome to the forums, I hope to see you around.
  16. Watched Rosewater (2014) a couple hours ago. Didn't really land with me, felt like I missed all the emotional keys it was trying to hit. Some of the direction choices also felt out of place to me.
  17. Still working my way through the common route of Hoshimemo, a scene or two at a time. Impressions so far: Chinami best girl, I really like Asuho's voice acting, and overall I'm finding it more enjoyable and funny than I thought I would.
  18. That is something you never have to question, except for maybe Lethal Weapon 4.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4B6E0mijV5A Discovered this band recently, really getting into them.
  20. nohman


    Man, I glossed over the trap one when it got posted. Holy hell, that's good. It's not even really that erotic, just really nice looking and diabetes inducingly sweet.
  21. nohman


    Looking forward to the rest of this being translated. The subject matter isn't as perverse as I usually go for, but the eroticism (for me)is in Asagi Ryu's art style. His older women characters look fantastic. This tankoubon of his is definitely among my favorite MILF h-manga too.
  22. I remember being around Hongfire and the ensuing discussion around the net when it happened, but I didn't know that the controversy actually influenced a change in a business practice. When I think about it, it makes sense though.
  23. Just? 26 episodes + a movie is a pretty good run.
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