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Everything posted by nohman

  1. It seems what I've always suspected is true, Batman is really a spambot.
  2. nohman


    Yeah, same. I lasted all of about a week using it. I enjoyed the card tracker feature, but it can make you (more) lazy and develop the bad habit of not tracking what's been played in your head.
  3. Happy birthday to Asonn. I hope you have a good one.
  4. We (Nayleen) recently added the option for users to link their Steam ids underneath their profile information, in the same way you can already link to your MAL and vndb lists. To do so, simply go to My Profile -> Edit my Profile -> Profile Settings and scroll down to the profile information section and input your Steam username
  5. Happy birthday Rin, I hope you'll continue to stick around the forums.
  6. nohman


    If you're not already aware of it, look up hearthtracker, It's a program that'll keep track of your stats for each deck plus your overall stats, as well as having an option to automatically count cards for you.
  7. nohman


    Interesting. I hope a new mode comes out soon then, just so r/hearthstone can shut up a bit.
  8. nohman


    He had his fair share of good RNG plus a number of misplays, so I'm relatively glad Phonetap won. Plus, it's nice to see someone win who's not already a visibly established HS personality/player.
  9. This toddler is cooler than me: Aw hell, who am I kidding? Everyone's cooler than me.
  10. It's already come to pass, but Okami. It's just not the same without him. I would say arukura, but I can just talk to him on Skype.
  11. nohman


    I could be very well mistaken about the difficulty of the matchup, and given my recent success against midrange paladin, I'm reconsidering it. A couple months back though I recall getting stomped by midrange like 70% of the time, but that could be a combination of bad luck and me sucking. I found a few guides favoring the midrange pally in the matchup and others in favor of the warrior, so not exactly a clear consensus. I don't think any of the guides calling the paladin matchup crushingly good in favor of the warrior could be talking about control paladin though, since that's definitely in the control paladin's favor.
  12. nohman


    I don't know if that's true. From previous experience, and from what I can tell from other people's experiences I've read about, midrange paladin is favored in the control warrior matchup. In general control beats midrange, but warrior is terrible with dealing with a lot of minions outside of brawl/geddon and midrange paladin is good at just that. You'll often toss out a brawl while behind and quickly find yourself behind again next turn. The matchup is a lot better if you get acolyte of pain while on coin or you have death's bite in your opening hand, but if you don't get your card draw or back to back threats you'll quickly be at a card disadvantage from dealing with all the chows, minibots, shredders, and so on.
  13. nohman


    I don't know if I'm just more comfortable with the matchup, if it's just luck, or something has changed, but I'm finding myself handling midrange pally as a control warrior quite handily recently. Also, I haven't seen a single druid since the ladder rest, though I've maybe only played 15-20 games.
  14. Welcome to the forums, It's good to have you.
  15. Welcome, I hope to see you around.
  16. nohman


    In a combo deck, the more draw the better imo. Especially since the value you pick up from battlerages can vary.
  17. Yep me too, ever since you mentioned using f.lux as an alternative when I was talking about really wanting a dark theme. Now that we have one, I don't even use it.
  18. Big brother's wedding today! Then I'm free!

    1. Tay


      Good luck!

    2. nohman


      Thanks, hopefully this is the last time I'll have to sit in as a best man.

      I know it sounds grumpy, but wedding's are a lot more fun when you're not in the wedding party. =p

  19. nohman


    Seems like an older, more top heavy iteration of Patron. I don't really know about those Belchers or Boom. Think I'd rather have Inventors/Loothoarders instaed, it's a combo deck after all.
  20. I graduated high school 6 years ago. Still waiting to grow up.
  21. No technobabble. As I understand it, they cost money and carry a renewal fee.
  22. That will be a sad day; It's what I still use. Though looking at Fuwafabulous and its options, you can get it looking pretty nice.
  23. As an aside, and I might just be completely imagining this, but didn't the Fuwafabulous theme used to be like pink/red or something like that? I just switched to it for the first time in awhile and was surprised to see it was green. Am I thinking of some other theme?
  24. Not for me, a little too much white space for my taste. I also don't like how the user info to the left of posts doesn't really have a clear boundary from the rest of the real estate, if that makes any sense.
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