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Everything posted by Valmore

  1. Nice. Mine retailed for $24 but I got it at 30% off... shipping was a pain, though.
  2. Yeah, it's more stylish than the Saberface I have, but for the low price I paid I'm pretty darn happy with the figure I got.
  3. Sorry, I only meant the "childhood friend" part about Kotomi, not being the only person who liked her route.
  4. I'm a sucker for the childhood friend and will inevitably want her to win in the end. Which explains why I am the only person in existence who thinks this girl's route is the best in PE: Same thing with Clannad: Etc.
  5. Yes! This is good experience for one of what will be hundreds of part-time jobs. Soon you'll have all menial task skills a protagonist needs in order to impress every waifu. Just remember to find the true route first - girls don't dig the harem route without some one-on-one experience. Have fun!
  6. Swimsuit event. Oh how they taunt me. I'll probably pull a punch of 3* Thong-clad Jeckyls.
  7. Ooooh, got my 150 day 20 quartz bonus today. Combined with what I had and a login bonus one, I just need to clear a free quest to get a roll. I've got tons of those sitting around. Guess I'll be trying the gacha later.
  8. Theoretically, after you shower you are the cleanest thing inside your house. Hence, when you dry yourself off that towel should be getting cleaner and cleaner each time. Except mildew happens.
  9. Yeah, I think his plan calls for maxed out Zerkers with attack-heavy CEs attached to them. Since you go first, and by default Zerkers get a ton of Buster draws, the plan would be to make a Buster chain with alternating Zerkers (ie: Hercules-Beowulf-Frankenstein or Beowulf-Frankenstein-Beowulf) so that you one-hit kill down a line of three enemies. You'll likely never get an NP (unless one of the CEs gives you a huge NP bonus) but with some luck the team should shred through each round, and even if they don't you should at least have two enemies out of the way most of the time.
  10. Yeah, but then it forces you to save the NP until the exact moment she can wipe all enemies off a board. Not that it matters since I build NP in early rounds anyway, but it's the principle, man!
  11. Holy crap, I'm so rarely right and yet here we are...
  12. One need only look at the titles and you can pretty much guess what's going to happen. A lot of "copy/paste/reword a few things here and... done." Change the artwork a little and presto, you have however many games you want. To his credit, whoever did the rewrite of the original Beach Bounce did about as best he or she could, given the story was little more than an excuse to get the females in bed within hours of meeting them to begin with. It's almost passable as a story, which is about the best one could hope for without a complete and total rewrite.
  13. Sure he does. He hops on Twitter and messages me that the boards need to crash now and to make it happen. There's usually some sort of chanting music linked in his message, but I've gotten used to it.
  14. Tay... I think he's a lurker. Sometimes he asks me to crash the boards.
  15. Did you try clicking the link? I hear sometimes when you do that, magical things happen. Like if you chant @Flutterz name into a mirror three times, he pops out and gives you a Twizzler.
  16. I'd hope not. Most people these days don't even know what a command prompt is.
  17. Yeah, I've pulled Tamamo as well. Haven't done anything with her since I'm still building Frankenstein. That and while she has AOE damage, the demerit of stuns self is stupid. Zerkers already take it up the ass on damage, forcing a stun on an NP use is lame. Of course, Frankenstein has that demerit as well...
  18. Open command prompt C:\> Format C: <ENTER> y
  19. Having a wife is like having a dakimakura only better because she actually interacts with you. Sometimes she'll even make you a sammich!
  20. Yes, today we celebrate you (and me), those of us who have managed to pass on our genes and helped create a new life for this world. In visual novel terms, it goes like this: "No, it's not a safe day." SELECT A - cum inside "You, you're filling me up with your hot semen. I'm gonna get pregnant!" NINE MONTHS LATER "I'll bet this never happens to Shirou or Shiki." So thank you, mom, for letting dad have his way with you on a not-safe day where he came inside you.
  21. That's some superior waifu material there. Nice job! She sort of reminds me of Aaliyah a bit, though a darker skin shade. The face and body build resemble her a lot in her prime.
  22. Do you really live in your parents' basement, or did they let you keep your bedroom from childhood?
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