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Posts posted by Shikomizue

  1. 1 hour ago, hsmsful said:

    Getting close to a human in such a short time is almost an impossibility especially since exams are after these 8 weeks so she probably couldn't care less about stuff like that in this time. In addition to that, everytime I talk to a girl out of the blue , it usually either ends up into a weird acquaintance relationship or a girl running away aka ending the conversation right away and walking away.... it might be the way I go at it that caused it but fuck doing that. If a future with both of us exists, then magic will happen and she will go to the same college or at least the same uni :Kappa:

    I didn't say get close to her, I said get to know her. Even if you think she wouldn't care that much, try anyway, you'll definitely regret it if you don't even try to talk to her. You have enough time to get to know her enough that you'd be friends and share contact info. Tell me how these conversations play out, I'm going to try to help you with this in anyway that I can. You can't just wait around for miracles to help you in life.

    Not magic nor miracles make life happen, you make life happen.

  2. 1 hour ago, hsmsful said:

    But but but we exactly have 8 weeks left in the last year of highschool and she talks in a very small cute voice you can't really hear it clearly unless you are really close and I don't really plan on confessing.

    All I'm hearing are excuses, at least get her phone number or email before you graduate so you can keep in touch. Pretend you're thinking about something near her or looking through your bag for something, anything you can think of that won't look too suspicious.

    If you don't confess to her and leave things like this then what are those feelings for? I think it'd be sad if a future that involves you and her was wasted because you're too shy.





  3. 1 hour ago, hsmsful said:

    No I am too shy to do something like that  :pyaa:

    Just start a conversation with her about her interests, is she a classmate or what? 'Cause if she is you an probably hear her talking with someone about something she likes.

    If you get to know her and become friends, eventually you'll form a bond strong enough that you can confess to her with a higher chance of the same feelings. At least, that's what I think about it.

  4. 1 hour ago, hsmsful said:

    I mean what's even bad with stalking as long as it's just for researching someone and not really harming him/her

    I would say you're invading their privacy, no one likes being watched all the time. Could you not just ask her about the stuff you want to know?

  5. 3 hours ago, Tiagofvarela said:

    @Shikomizue - What the hell's with your voice, man? I'm fond of you, but for some reason, I don't quite know why, I seem to have you pegged for being a bit thick or slow. I think it's because you're one of those people that let me win or can't be bothered to fiercely fight back when we start an exchanging of ripostes. But I really do like you, because I like people who like me (clearly superior taste) and I believe you like me. Most of what I said here applies to @KosakiFag, except the voice and except that I barely interact with him. Once every couple of weeks, at the most? And @Cyrillej1, too. What the heck have you guys been doing? Getting lives?

    So what you're saying is you want me to bring out more quips? I didn't know you wanted me to "argue" with you that much.

  6. 1 hour ago, Nashetania said:

    But there are special rules for that button (like pressing it and immediately releasing it, which we didn't get yet so far).


    I held it, it was a blue button that said detonate, which we had done before, and I was lucky that a white strip came up and it was the last second.

  7. 1 hour ago, Nashetania said:

    Try reading this five times in a row; "YOU ARE, U, DONE, UH UH, YOU, UR, SURE, WHAT?, YOU'RE, NEXT, HOLD, UH HUH, YOUR, LIKE"


    But good job. You did well by going with your gut feeling.

    I will!... once you get the game so I can direct you...

    It was part memory, I remembered that there were no special rules for that button, the other part was entirely luck for getting the white strip.

  8. 3 hours ago, Eclipsed said:

    Oh my gawd, you're that one guy that had that one messed up trolololol Ash Ketchum face avatar aren't you?!!!@# :pyaa:

    I'm surprised you even remember that...


    3 hours ago, Flutterz said:

    Welcome back! :sacchan:

    We got DDOSed and :sacchan:, as well as the usual drama, but that's about it :miyako:

    I guess I can always count on you to reply first Flutz.


    3 hours ago, Nosebleed said:

    I broke Fuwa once, that was fun! Other than that, still the same old fuwadrama.

    Welcome back~

    How did you manage to do that?


    2 hours ago, Valmore said:

    We experienced FuwApocalypse not once, not twice, not thrice, not... I lost count after that last snooty-sounding number-ish word there.

    I was mistaken for OriginalRen as being a great clickbait thread starter.

    Hulk Hogan broke the internet.

    Many lewds were posted.

    So about the usual, welcome home.

    I'm pretty sure Hulk Hogan and lewds have nothing to do with this site. (Well, maybe the lewds...)


    1 hour ago, Deep Blue said:

    welcome back :sachi:

    Thanks for the welcomes guys.

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