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Posts posted by atorq

  1. I didn't think so many would have read 50 shades here. But I guess porny games and porny books go hand in hand.


    4 hours ago, Funyarinpa said:


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    While it certainly is nice to not care it's not all that nice to not really have any goals or aspirations in life. I really wonder what it is like to truly feel the importance of education and have something to want to do with one's life

  2. This is a truly great visual novel that everyone should read, probably the best thing I have come across since Muv-Luv Alternative. Neon is probably the most likable protagonist ever, the translation is great and the way it is separated into chapters makes it easy to pace the reading. My only complaints would be all the repeated introductions, the first two times was bearable but after that it gets a bit old, and also Chapter 9 felt like it didn't bring much of anything but filler.

  3. If you want "real" drama, you won't really get much of that at all here. I get the feeling that Yuzusoft actively tries to avoid serious drama.

    And that is really a good thing, so many moeges introduce these silly problems and blow them up to the sky like it's the beginning of the BETA invasion. It is nice to read something that doesn't necessarily treat the issues like anything much more than what they are. Fucking shitty pointless filler.


    After reading it I came to the conclusion that Maya is the best girl, she is also nice in the way that she doesn't have any extreme proportions, which is rare and therefore makes it so much nicer.  Sena is not bad either, quite nice actually. Akari was not all that interesting, she had her stupid ideas which luckily wasn't around for too long but the character felt pretty much like nothing at all. Nice to look at though. Hinata could have been sort of fun but in the end it wasn't. Shizuru is just a waste of a nice voice. The character has zero appeal in any way.

  4. Take advantage of opportunity's and just go with the flow.


    How many years should one wait for this "opportunity" and how does one know that this "opportunity" is available? Does this "opportunity" have a certain smell or flashing lights? Does a choice screen pop up when this "opportunity" arrives?

    You have friends right? Whenever they ask you to hang out, go hang out. Or if they are the reclusive type, ask them to hang out with you.

    I did have friends once. I now have a friend. The rest are people.

    Grab that friend and go out into the world. Go and explore! See what the world is hiding from you two.

    You give shit advice.

  5. Take advantage of opportunity's and just go with the flow.


    How many years should one wait for this "opportunity" and how does one know that this "opportunity" is available? Does this "opportunity" have a certain smell or flashing lights? Does a choice screen pop up when this "opportunity" arrives?

    You have friends right? Whenever they ask you to hang out, go hang out. Or if they are the reclusive type, ask them to hang out with you.

    I did have friends once. I now have a friend. The rest are people.

  6. Take advantage of opportunity's and just go with the flow.


    How many years should one wait for this "opportunity" and how does one know that this "opportunity" is available? Does this "opportunity" have a certain smell or flashing lights? Does a choice screen pop up when this "opportunity" arrives?

  7. Confession:
    I got a pocket watch for Christmas. Suppressing my grin has been rather difficult.

    And no picture or anything, at least give the make.


    Confession: I've owned a pocket watch way before it wasn't cool.

    So you are like at least 100 years old?

    I own three pocket watches, only one works though.It is a Hamilton from around 1908 and it seems to be a bit too slow.

  8. Confession:i`m not fond of lolis...yet i watch/downloaded lots of AVs with actress shorter than 150cm. Damn it, im not a pedobear. I swear.

    Since when does short = loli? I like short women too, there's something really appealing about a woman that I could throw over my shoulder and carry away... Not a fan of lolis though. I also like tall girls I might add. It might be that i simply like women.

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