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Posts posted by atorq

  1. It has already been said but integration, the move from front-page to forum to reviews to Fuwazette should be seamless, everything should look like you're on the same site. The front-page would show some of the latest reviews, posts on Fuwazette (which i don't think should keep it's name, make everything Fuwanovel), popular/new threads in the forum and blog posts.

  2. 19 minutes ago, WinterfuryZX said:

    that's why i suggested to use milk cream (a similar sauce made with egg and milk cream is used for truffle pasta here, it's definitely better than kraft parmesan, trust me).

    I have never eaten kraft pamesan so I can't really say anything about that but I still think that pretty much any cheese is better than diluting the egg with cream and getting a whole other taste and consistency than you would with cheese.

  3. 3 minutes ago, WinterfuryZX said:

    You shoul use pecorino romano (which is impossible to find abroad), any other good quality hard cheese is ok, but any low quality shit like kraft prmesan will ruin it, I know for sure, I eat it in a restaurant in Japan 9 years ago.

    If this thread was called "High class recipes for a superb meal" I might agree with you but reality is such that you can't always find or afford the best quality of everything and almost no cheese will ruin it. Take what you have or what you can find, recipes are guidelines, not rule books.

  4. Some pasta carbonara type shit:


    Ingredients for one serving:

    -Around 125 grams of spaghetti

    -One lovely egg, only the yolk will be used though, fuck the white, literally if you feel like it

    -Parmesan cheese, preferably grated because that means less work and no one likes work

    -Bacon or pork belly, I usually use bacon because that is easier, the packages I buy are 170 grams so I eat half and save the rest for another day, you could of course take more or less, but it is a good amount for me

    -Black pepper, preferably from a grinder because that tastes better

    -A bit of salt, one eight of a byte in case you were wondering

    -Olive oil and butter, you can skip one if you don't have both and don't want your food to be delicious

    -Ketchup if you're feeling like a filthy peasant, I usually do


    Boil some water in a big pot, when it boils throw some salt in that bitch, 1-3 teaspoons and then throw the spaghetti in and cook that shit according to instructions or preferably, taste that shit every now and then and get the perfect consistency.

    Cut the bacon (if that's what you're using scissors are great) in to small pieces, they should be around 15 mm to 1 inch.

    While you're waiting for that water to cook, heat a frying pan with and put a decent amount of olive oil (2-3 tablespoons or just pour some in until you feel satisfied with yourself) and about 1 (or more, more is never bad) tablespoon of buttery butter, when the butter has melted and sizzled away throw in the meat and fry until it's golden brown (not shit brown, if it's shit brown you failed). Then put it to the side.

    Take your lovely egg and a deep plate, separate the yolk and white and put the yolk in the plate and throw the white away. Whisk the yolk a bit, add a bit of salt, the black pepper (about 5-8 twists on the grinder) and about 3 tablespoons of grated parmesan cheese, whisk some more and hopefully it looks something like this shitty picture:



    Put the spaghetti that hopefully is cooked by now on the plate and then add the bacon, mix around so that the yolk stuff gets everywhere and put some more cheese on the top because that shit is tasty. When you are done it could, and probably should, look something like this:



    If you are a terrible person like me, add some ketchup for extra taste, and now you have yourself a tasty meal that doesn't look all that fancy and doesn't take long. Enjoy with milk because calcium is good for your bones.

  5. 12 hours ago, Abyssal Monkey said:

    Confession: I fucking hate my car in the winter.  If my rant about it yesterday wasn't obvious, today I warmed the car for 20 minutes, but the second I hit the highway, the window fogs up again and FREEZES.  I had to pull off into the emergency lane and let it sit for ANOTHER 20 MINUTES before it stopped.  Fucking piece of shit made me 15 minutes late for class.

    That is quite common at temperatures around -5 to +5 degrees Celsius, there is probably a lot of moisture in mainly the carpet. Full speed on the fan and all the airflow to the windshield is necessary. You can also fill a sock with cat litter (preferably the kind that looks like crystals) and place it on the dashboard, that helps a lot but it will probably have to sit there a couple of days before you'll get some better results. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Decay said:

    No One But You is quite bad. It's short but somehow I still can't finish it, it just repels me with every fiber of its being. My only regret is that I couldn't finish my review sooner to save some people's money. Apparently some people here are buying it?? Madness. Don't do that, it's not worth it.

    It's just poorly written, to get the most important aspect out of the way. It enters into this weird uncanny valley-like territory where they mix in some natural-sounding english expressions into a sea of bland and unnatural dialogue. The few bits of stuff that isn't bad just highlights how bad the rest is. I think I'd prefer stiff J -> E translations over this. Simply put, the dialogue is absolutely cringeworthy. Maybe if the plot was good, I could stand to suffer the constant cringing, but it's really not. 

    Maybe I could easily power through this if the production values were good, but they're not. NOBY is obviously a half-finished VN that really has no right being sold as it is. The art is pretty bad. The sprites are okay, but the backgrounds are literally half-finished and are full of horrible-looking placeholder art. The music is really grating and some of the songs sound so amateurish I wouldn't be surprised if much of it were placeholder tunes composed by someone who has never made music before. And there are occasional typos in the script, too.

    It all makes me kind of reluctant power through and finish it so I can write a proper review, but if people here are actually buying this turd then maybe I should just grit my teeth and get back to it.


    I was actually looking for a review before I bought it but in the end it was priced at a point where I could justify buying it even if it turned out to be shit. Sad to hear it's not going to get better, it did seem less and less promising the more i read and i barely read anything.

  7. I did the horrible stupid thing that you absolutely never should do and read Alternative first, and you know what? It is still an excellent experience.

    There are like two things that are confusing in the first minutes, then it catches you up to speed and everything is awesome.  I do not understand why people who calls Extra shit (it's actually pretty good in my opinion, but i like that kind of thing) keep on insisting that you have to read it first, sure there's some character development and you might be a bit more connected to the characters at the start of Alternative but at the end of the day Alternative is certainly capable of standing on it's own two legs.

    I would say give Extra and Unlimited (that's the boring part in my opinion) a try, if you don't like, fuck it, read Alternative.

  8. 1 minute ago, Flutterz said:

    Confession: My new Pi just arrived... and along with it the original glue order which I placed on Christmas and had 2-day shipping for. :makina:

    Now you can glue it together with your old one and achieve a full wheel!


    1 hour ago, Abyssal Monkey said:

    Confession: I really wish I had a fixed 4WD vehicle right now.  It's one fix and it's good to go.

    4WD doesn't do much if you tires are shit though.

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