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Everything posted by LinovaA

  1. I definitely agree with the "healing" aspect of moege. After reading something pretty heavy (heavy meaning dark in this case) like Saya no Uta or Kara no Shoujo, I kinda need a break from the heaviness with something a little more lighthearted. For me it doesn't come down to quality per se, rather it is more just about what I have been reading recently. I can go through five or six absolutely amazing VNs, but once I hit something that is heavier than most, I generally need something really lighthearted like most moege to get me going again. Sure it is in abundance, but that really isn't a problem really. I think one can compare moege to teen fiction. With teen fiction, while most are not necessarily bad, most are not necessarily good either. Just kinda... meh. Cookie cutter is probably the best term. I feel like the same can be said for moege. Plus you will have the hordes of people who do not care and consume both anyway, as they are both in abundance. Of course, there are some exceptions. I personally much prefer reading something with a higher quality than moege. They are just a nice way to lighten things up in my opinion. ... Doesn't mean I don't like them though. Oh no no no. I definitely still like them. I actually kinda love them, as they are perfect for what I use them for. ^^
  2. I always find that hilarious. I love it. Cousins, sisters, brothers (when protag is a girl), just.. everything. Forbidden love is best love. Confession: Best of all is twincest.
  3. True, currently learning Japanese. Kanji... why doth thou hurt me so? Next person is bilingual.
  4. I really only have my foot in the door when it comes to K-Pop, despite some of the K-Pop I do listen to being what I listen to on a daily basis. I listen to a lot of Big Bang and Girls' Generation. But what I have been really into as of late has been this band I came across awhile back: Their stuff is a lot more ballad..y, but I have been really liking what I could find of them. They are the entirety of my relaxing playlist.
  5. 1) Die alone. Either way I die, so might as well just be me. Would you rather 1) Be forced to watch SAO 30 times in a row. 2) Be forced to watch School Days 30 times in a row.
  6. Incest is wincest. Confession: I love it too.
  7. I haven't even touched it. Way too lazy. Been sitting on my computer for... a very long time.
  8. I have been having an urge to watch Lain again ever since I got my copy of it a few weeks ago.
  9. Please no... my virgin poor eyes cannot handle another abysmally written monstrosity like this. o-o
  10. False, as of now. When Clannad comes in I will has one. Next person has passed out outside unintentionally.
  11. Definitely more on the normal side, as you said. I'll still enjoy it though. I would have enjoyed this regardless of it was Shaft who was producing it. ^^ Just not exactly what I was expecting is all.
  12. Waiting for Aldnoah and Koufuku Graffiti. Aldnoah as I want more soundtrack awesomeness and MAYBE some semblance of a decent... anything really. Koufuku Graffiti because... After watching Nisekoi's food porn preparation sequence in the first episode... Anime food has never looked as Akiyuki Shinbo presented it. I can only imagine the difference now since this is going to be dedicated to food. *salivating intensifies*
  13. True to the fullest extent. Next person can sleep in tomorrow.
  14. LinovaA


    I remember this one! I think I have it saved... somewhere... xD
  15. I would help if I could... but there is way too much of everything everywhere to write anything. And 600+ pages of thread... can't be forgetting 600 pages.
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