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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/11/21 in Posts

  1. Larxe1

    What are you playing?

    https://vndb.org/v31262 Reading Monkeys! It's a very lighthearted story, I'm still in the first few hours of the game and the presentation does kinda stand out from other vn's, There is early on a large amount of cg's but it is mostly in the form of a manga, so basically its like reading a voiced manga sometimes while coming back to the VN format again. It has both a trap protagonist and an outrageous setting. Usually I dislike trap games, because well, I'm not really into traps but more on that I dislike the common trope of trap protagonists being a mixture of extremely kind, and girlish. Like trap protagonists are usually the same just like how self insert protagonists in random moeges are the same. The trap protagonist here Saruyoshi is kinda a fresh take on it since I don't think I have read a trap VN before where the protagonist was a delinquent, but yeah idk I don't read trap vn's a lot. The setting is outrageous in the sense that it is fun but just dont think about it too deeply lol, I was able to notice a lot of weird holes in the setting but I think that I nor future readers should take this setting a bit too seriously just suspend your disbelief. I'm still early on so I can't say if its good but it did pass the test of me not dropping it within the first hour, I drop a lot of VN's in the first hour if it doesn't hold my attention but Monkeys is a standard lighthearted vn so far with good execution and a unique presentation for me. Also Karasu's VA is new but her voice is very nice, looking forward to her career in the future
    2 points
  2. littleshogun

    Yo, I’m new here

    Welcome to Fuwanovel and sorry for the belated greeting. I already see your recommendations thread, so let me give the VNs recommendations at said thread later. I hope that you'll have fun here.
    1 point
  3. https://vndb.org/v16858 Currently reading through Master Magistrate. Despite the story being serious, the balance of comedic moments keeps it from being serious. The CGs I have seen so far look great. I like the use of the CGs in black and white during actions scenes. It is almost like I am reading a comic book. Since I haven't played any Ace Attorney game yet, getting evidence and the trials are new to me. While the one for the first chapter was easy to figure out, Chapter 2's trial did stump me a few times. I am currently on Chapter 3. I am excited to see what happens next. Also, I finished Love Duction. While Yoshia's route was good, Annie's route disappointed me. To explain why, Despite my thoughts on Annie's route, I still thought that this VN was still decent. You will enjoy more if it can make you laugh. Unfortunately, I didn't even laugh once.
    1 point
  4. World End Syndrome on switch! Little Busters and Planetarian, by the same company that made Clannad, are also on the Switch. You should read all their games if you enjoyed Clannad. Aokana is also pretty cool and also available on nintendo's platform.
    1 point
  5. Tokyo Babel Dies Irae Dies Irae Interview with Kaziklu Bey Aselia the Eternal Seinarukana Fata Morgana Untranslated The Silverio series by Light
    1 point
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