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Here I will post things about my wordpress (https://euphemictranslation.wordpress.com/) and about VN's in general. Hope you enjoy your stay.


| Warning | 

May or may not contain bias and or high amount of bitching.

Entries in this blog


I'M FUCKING DONE Just look at this I-I-I just can't. This is too much. This flipping game, man. It's just brilliant. Kamige, nothing more, nothing less. Well, I guess I should elaborate even a little bit, given that I'm really just talking about a shit game full of baka gaijin punches and weeb references. Keikaku, desu, slice of bread, stupid Nipponese emotes, jabs at VN and anime tropes, fucking FACELESS side character named Classmate-kun that has a lenny emote as his face. Yup



Dracu-Riot Saga Part 3: Nicola Cepheus

[WARNING] [This entry will hold massive amounts of bias within it. If you don't like me gushing about Dracu-Riot, I'd suggest you turn away now. Also spoilerz. You have been warned]     Nicola Cepheus is a dorm mate of Yuuto, suffering from a little severe case of chuunibyou syndrome, and is an aspiring dealer, working at a local casino. Contradicting her appearance, she's actually a girl. She hails from an aristocratic family of vampires from Europe. She wears manl



Dracu-Riot Saga Part 5: Yarai Miu

[WARNING]  [This entry has great amounts of spoilers from Miu's route, which you most likely haven't played, so if you wan't the best experience for the obvious best grill, turn around now. If not, go ahead and enjoy.]       Miu is a so-called 'senpai' to Yuuto in their workplace. When Yuuto gets attacked in the very beginning of the VN, Miu feels responsible for this because she couldn't stop it and Yuuto got dragged to the ambush pretty much unnecessarily. Afterwards,



Dracu-Riot Saga Part 2: Mera Azusa

[WARNING] [This entry will have massive amounts of bias in it. If you don't want to hear me gushing about Dracu-riot, I'd suggest you turn around right now. Also spoilerz. You have been warned]     Mera Azusa is your average responsible petite girl, whose also a huge closet-pervert. She is the dorm leader and also the only human living in the dorm. Azusa starts out as this reliable senior to Yuuto at the start in her route, but their hierarchy evens out as the route



Dracu-Riot Saga Part 4: Elina Olegovna Oven

[WARNING] [This entry will have massive amounts of bias within it. If you don't want to hear me gushing about Dracu-Riot, I'd suggest turning away now. Also spoilerz. You have been warned.]     Elina is a vampire from Russia. She is a pervert, who will say dirty joke at any possible event. Later in her rout it is revealed that she is a masochist. As a special vampire, she can only drink vampires' blood, human blood has no effect. She works in a casino. Honestl



Dracu-Riot Saga Part 1: Inamura Rio

[WARNING] [This entry will have massive amounts of bias in it. If you don't want to hear me gushing about Dracu-riot, I'd suggest you turn around right now. Also spoilerz. You have been warned]     Inamura Rio is your pure, kind-hearted, big-breasted kouhai. She seems like a rather shallow personality, who only wants to take care of everyone in the dorm and doesn't understand perverted topics. However, throughout the route, Rio, little by little gets more depth in a



Manga Chronicles Part 1: The World God Only Knows

The World God Only Knows This manga is one of my favorites and one of the best I've read so far. Since I finished re-reading it yesterday, I'd decided it would be a good point to start this series at. Nonetheless, Kami Nomi zo Shiru Sekai is a manga created by Wakaki Tamaki and consists of 267 chapters and one alternative final chapter. It was made in the span of 6 years and it's main genres are harem and romance, with a spin of fantasy. In it, Keima Katsuragi hs unwillingly made a con



Manga Chronicles Part 3: Mayo Chiki

Mayo Chiki   Mayo Chiki, a short romance manga with a trap heroine and a satisfying ending. That's the gist of the manga. In all honesty, it really isn't anything special. The characters are decent, the art could be better and the events and interactions are pretty average. However, the central dynamics and the ending are something really special. Anyways, Mayo Chiki is 40 chapters long, including all the extra chapters and omakes. It also has a short anime for it, but it's awfully but



Bishoujo Mangekyou - Mistakes were made and Prologue patch 2.0

Well, as most of you know by now, I completely obliterated all the links concerning BiMan1's prologue patch. This was because of two reasons: Because it was terrible in every possible way to put it frankly. In order to make room for this post. The prologue patch was bad, really bad. The sentences were akward, spacing was weird, translations at some points didn't even make sense, etc, etc. That's why I've been fixing the first quarter of the script; retranslating, modifying and



Bishoujo Mangekyou TL Update 37: The Great Return

Alright, I have some excellent news this week. Our long lost TLC from over half a month back, Fukukaze, has finally returned back to us. This is great news, and he will be TLC’ing the new, secret project. As for the progress, I’m just going to quote my editor on this: So, there’s not that much progress like normal, but still progress nontheless. Anyways, about the secret project, 10 more days until the reveal. Time sure does fly. The team’s pretty much picked, so there’s no



Majikoi A-1

Since this specific title will be in the talks for quite a while, I thought that I'd do a 'review' on it.  Majikoi A-1 is the first of five Majikoi fandisks, released early 2013. It includes routes for Azumi, Benkei and a brand-new character, Yukie's little sister, Sayaka. There really isn't that much to talk about anything else except for the different routes. The music and art are mostly taken straight from S, with including more sprites for the heroines of each fandisk. There's also a ne




Well, I guess it’s time to show something. Don’t worry, dearest follower of this site, I’m not dead, I’ve just been incredibly busy. I’ve had exams left and right, and thus, I’ve felt a little demotivated. But, I’ve never given up on this project, there’s no way I can. I mean, it’s been over a year since I started this “passion project”, and I still intend to finish it with all of my power. I won’t give up, there’s no way I’ll allow myself that. This project is



Bishoujo Mangekyou TL Update 28: Oh QC, Where Art Thou?

Another week, another update. Nothing much this week, editing had a nice bump of progress is moving along nicely. Also, one of our two QCs gone MIA came back, so I'll be updating the staff now. He had some issues with his computer breaking down and thus he went MIA after one or two weeks after starting this project, but I'm glad he's back. Progress: Translation: 100% Editing: 32% QC: 18,2% Proofreading: 0%



The Best Eroge Ever

Let's find out then, because I have way too much time to waste to do something ACTUALLY useful, and thus we arrive at this point, with a brand-new mistake I can lament about when I eventually get ripped apart by a group of ravenous 12-year old, overly sexually active fuccboi-weebs who can't see a difference between the totally obviously right opinion and their own. Anyways, It already seems like the greatest thing ever seen by man   I remember when I played Kusoge. I als



Manga Chronicles Part 5: Tsujiura-san to Chupacabra

Tsujiura-san to Chupacabra Well, if Karin had good romance for shounen manga, then this one has terrible romance for a shounen manga, almost to the level of Nisekoi in terms of stagnation, but not quite. Anyways, the manga is 35 chapters in length and is made by Sakurai Atsuhita. The premise is that the MC named, basically Hikigaya Hachiman gone oh so wrong, saving a new transfer-student, who's pretty much the perfect student, from danger a few times and they start this fake-datin



Bishoujo Mangekyou TL Update 26

(Still a Work In Progress) This week I was busier than in a long time with the project. First, I must apologise. When I released the prologue patch I was sure that everything from the engine to the buttons would've been translated, and according all common sense it was the case... until I revisited it this week. Let me give you a short version. I resumed my work on the engine since there were a few quirks I wanted straightened out. So I finished my work and gave the interface patc



Bishoujo Mangekyou TL Update 23: 100% Translated

It's finally done. I finally managed to 100% translated Bishoujo Mangekyou in its entirety. Actually it happened quite early, 20th, if I recall correctly. It took me 5 monsths and 7 days to translate the whole scrip according to my calculations. It's ben awfully rewarding and I appreciate you all sticking with me along this project, my team and I will do our best to make sure the end product is of high quality. I'll say this now, this won't be my last transaltion project, but it s



Manga Chronicles Part 4: Karin (Chibi Vampire)

Karin (Chibi Vampire) What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think or Shounen romance? Bland? Shallow? Stagnating? Un-progressive? Well, for about 90% of the Shounen romance mangas that is indeed correct. Karin however, is a different story. But before we jump into that, first some background information. Karin (Chibi Vampire in the US) is about Karin, your average 16-year old high-school girl, but she has a secret. She is a vampire, a mysterious vampire, who can walk in the su



Manga Chronicles Part 2: Hadi Girl

Hadi Girl   Hadi Girl tells a story of a shy girl named Kagura Sae, who is visited by the so-called 'Fairy of Love' and if she manages to complete all of her tasks, she can achieve everlasting love with someone. The catch? If she fails just a one of these tasks, she'll never find successful love ever again. The manga is comprised of 30 chapters and a few omakes and it was completed in a span of 2 and a half years. The main genres it belongs to are Seinen and Romance.   This o



Mid-project Q&A

So, I have time, so I thought "Why not?" I'm willing to answer all sorts of questions, as long as they have something to do with the translation project in some way or other. Here're the questions and answers I devised on my own Ask away!




Truly, I am sorry. The last update was three weeks ago, and in that period of time, I’ve had a bunch of things happen to me, both good and bad.    First up, I was facing a little bit of an identity crisis after two, three years of nothing of the sort. Now, this was quite big, which did block my progress for a while, but I still got some done and posted an update that week. The after-shocks, however, did ripple for a bit longer. Worry not, I’m all over it, and a better pe



Bishoujo Mangekyou TL Update 5

Another Saturday, another update. This week was full of needless things for me. Travels, schoolwork, visiting relatives, ugh. But enough of that, I'm still quite content with the amount of progress I got, even if it is about the same amount as last week. I really do hope to get more done in the following weeks. Update here: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Week 5: 204,5 kB/710 kB (28,8%) -----------------------------------------



Bishoujo Mangekyou TL Update 24 (lol IPB repost)

strikes again, so I'm reposting this, more or less for my self-gratification and to sate my inner perfectionist Well, now that my part is mostly done, these posts are most likely getting much smaller. I also got asked to join the revived Witch’s Garden TL project as a Proofreader/QC’er over at Luna Translations now that I’m free and personally, I really like the game, so I’m happy of being asked to do it. If you want, I’ll leave a link to their translation blog here and you can find th



Bishoujo Mangekyou TL Update 38: Editing's Final Stretch

‘Nother update. The final week before the big reveal, pretty exciting. Anyways, as I said last week, all the different kinds progress would continue stronger the next week, and so it did. Editing’s now at 85%, meaning only 15 percent remains, and it might be very likely that we’ll reach 100% on editing and perhaps also on QC, but that might not happen, so don’t count my word on it, in either case. After those, only proofreading the whole thing remains and then injecting the translation in t



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