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  • Kaguya

    Fabulous on Fuwa - February!

    By Kaguya

    Introduction   Welcome, fellow Fuwamembers, to the FuwaRecognition thread. Starting this March, we’ll be highlighting some of the best contributions made by our members each month. From snazzy blog articles to delicious forum threads, and perhaps even a few things more on the shitpost part of the spectrum, we'll keep an eye out for the cream of the crop. And then we'll gather them here. Just for you.   *holds up giant APPLAUSE sign*   A-hem, so this is the f

Sakura Sakimashita Part 5: Serika and Kaname

Serika and Kaname Serika's and Kaname's routes are two branch-off routes, Serika branching off from Miu's and Kaname branching off from Miyako's. Kaname's has a similar ending to Tsubame's, albeit without the massive infodump of backstory. Serika's is a lot more comical (pretty hilarious) and actually has a 3P H-scene with Miu and Serika (where Miu basically manipulated Serika into it, lol). Serika's definitely goes for comedy, mostly because Serika is a comedy-relief character, though she is




WHAT IS THIS MADNESS? STOP OPPRESSING THE LOWER CLASSES, YOU DESPICABLE AUTOCRATS. I want to make a title that's two characters or fewer in length, and Big Brother restricts my due FREEDOM? Is this the kind of institution you proudly lead? Do you quell the voices of the public with pleasure!? CLEARLY somebody isn't familiar with the timeless proclamations of Voltaire. It seems liberty has declined over the ages, the result of the moral decadence manifest in those who so carelessly control us. Fr



Ryechu’s Nukige Corner: Suck My D*** or Die – OH GOD WHY

Released late in 2002 by Liquid under the title Ryoujoku Guerilla Gari, and later released in English(?) by Mangagamer in 2010, Suck My D*** or Die! is an awful nukige with very few redeeming factors, but can it possibly appeal to certain members of the viewing audience? The short answer – hell no. Here’s why. Warning: As with many of Ryechu’s Nukige Corner’s reviews, this review is NOT SAFE FOR WORK. You have been warned! <a href="http://reviews.fuwanovel.net/2015/02/ryechus-nukige-corner-s



Sakura Sakimashita Part 4: Tsubame

Haruno Tsubame Tsubame is the person who has perhaps the most 'normal' reaction to the central conflict of this VN, and for that reason I consider her to be the best representative of 'normal humanity' in this VN (though this VN deliberately doesn't show the stuff happening in the cities, referencing it only obliquely). Emotionally, she rises and falls with a predictability that is reassuring, in comparison to Miu (who is something of a nihilist) and Miyako (who has issues that distract her f



Sakura Sakimashita Part 3: Miu

Minato Miu Miu is one of my favorite types of characters... a character that has two sides to their personality that are so dramatically different that you'd almost think they had a major psychological disorder. Miu's path is focused on taking joy in life in the face of certain death (though it might not seem that way at first). To be blunt, Miu's dere is probably the most hilarious and adorable of all of them. When she goes all lovey-dovey, it is in a fashion that even puts other lolis to



Moe Repository #9

I think I did well on the test, so it's time to post some moe to celebrate! (and yes, I would still have posted even if I felt I did poorly) PS. Looks like there's quite a bit of yuri in this one, me likey.



Sakura Sakimashita Part 2: Common route, Miyako

The common route of this VN is fairly short, though what is there is pretty strong. It basically establishes the character relationships, the setting, and the characters' personalities. Since this is the role a common route should serve, I have nothing but praise for this one, lol. The character interactions are fairly comical most of the time, and the way it moves into the heroine routes is so natural you almost don't notice (in fact, you aren't supposed to notice with Miyako's route, since the




I dedicating this entry for HMN who really loves Miku. I`m not fond of Miku at all, but some of her pics r amazin. Enjoy some of Miku's pic that i think really good and it will be shameful to miss it. Which one is your favourites?



Reporting for Duty

Hello, everyone! I'm Rose and I'll be in charge of the Recognition Team, which consists of me and myself so far. I'll be looking for more members soon so if you're interested in helping me, keep an eye out for announcements on the "Help us Out" board. Tay's post pretty much explained what will be done by the team so I guess I'll be only sharing some info about me. I've been reading VNs for almost a year now and I've been in love with the medium since my first contact with it. Guess what? Yeah



taypls 4

So Aaeru's old FuwaTwitter has nearly twice the followers of the 'official' Fuwanovel Twitter account...... and the old account's been dead for almost 2 years. taypls.



Sakura Sakimashita Part 1

I'm currently replaying this, a VN by Sorahane. This is not a moege or a charage, despite the packaging. Rather, it is a VN centering around several major themes: life (its meaning), death (immediacy and fear of), and 'immortality'. This is one of the few VNs with an immortality theme that I felt attacked the matter of immortality with something approaching intelligent thought, which gave it a special place in my heart, despite the fact that this is a mediocre company overall (its other two game




So i made this blog with some of my friends here. We are just going to talk about 2ds stuff basically. From anime,manga,vn,games,pictures and Funny videos. Just remember all of this based on mine and their point of view,if some of you are disagree with some of it please let us know. So Why Mon Chérie, Ma Chéri? Fyi i`m not a french but i took it from Kana Hanazawa's song with the same title(and there is mon which is half of my name). And for the first post... i`m going to talk about one o



For Those Who are Interested

From now on, in addition to my forum posts, I will be posting my VN of the Month and Random VN posts here, as well as occasional generalized comments on trends in VNs and the Western VN world in general. Feel free to comment and argue with me, as I welcome constructive (emphasis on that) criticism (in other words, commenting just to be a troll is not welcome). If you feel that my comments on a particular VN don't fit your impression of it, feel free to write a rebuttal in the comments.



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