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To all North American FuwaFuwa [important]


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What I want to know is how an American nurse was infected with Ebola after wearing an astronaut suit. They suspect that not all protocols were followed, following the treatment. I think that's an excuse to suppress fear because scientists are admitting they have to re-examine the way Virus's infect others. 



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Ebola can be transmitted through the air via tiny droplets that emerge when you cough or sneeze.  Even you don't breathe them in, if these tiny droplets should land on you or some object near you...

Have you ever been in a situation where you were on a plane, in a theater, in a meeting, etc. and somebody was coughing right near you for a period of time?

Have you ever forgotten to wash your hands before eating, or touched something that a sick person used and touched your own eyes or nose without thinking about it?

Most people know how to avoid getting a cold, but mistakes can happen.

When you're risking just getting a cold, it's not so bad.

When you're risking getting a killer hemorrhagic fever that has no cure, you might want to take it more seriously.

The people who treated the Ebola patients, don't you think they took every precaution imaginable?  And then came down with it anyway?

Isn't it better to err on the side of caution given the symptoms of the illness and its recovery rate?

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While the situation in Africa is horrible, the media has way overblown what it might do to the US or Canada. Both countries, while large, are equipped to prevent such outbreaks.

Keep in mind that just about every year, we have some new, terrible epidemic that will end America. ie. Bird flu, SARS, MRCA, Swine Flu (I got that one and survived just fine), and before that things like AIDS and what not. Point is, the media absolutely loves scaring you. That is why minor weather events like 2 inches of snow in a southern state gets insane coverage. People get scared and watch, meaning they see more ads. Works the same way with this. The media is going to try and scare everyone into watching using "expert analysis" to scare you thus making them more money. 

The west will be fine. 

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Keep in mind that just about every year, we have some new, terrible epidemic that will end America. ie. Bird flu, SARS, MRCA, Swine Flu (I got that one and survived just fine), and before that things like AIDS and what not. Point is, the media absolutely loves scaring you. That is why minor weather events like 2 inches of snow in a southern state gets insane coverage. People get scared and watch, meaning they see more ads. Works the same way with this. The media is going to try and scare everyone into watching using "expert analysis" to scare you thus making them more money.

You forget the part where giving a feeling of impending danger to the population facilitates the deployment of "emergency measures" that take away a bit more freedom every time.

Interestingly it works the same with video games apparently.


“When we have a new product that has elements that we’re not sure how people will respond to, what do we do as a corporation?” he asked. “We market it, and we market it as much as we can—so that whether people like it or not, we do all the things we can to essentially brainwash people into liking it before it actually comes out.”

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What I want to know is how an American nurse was infected with Ebola after wearing an astronaut suit. They suspect that not all protocols were followed, following the treatment. I think that's an excuse to suppress fear because scientists are admitting they have to re-examine the way Virus's infect others. 



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American's Homeland Security is obsessed with anti-terrorism policies to the point of violating their own citizens for years at airports. After years of complaints they finally lowered their stick (literally.) Then a man flew conspicuously from Africa to Texas, interacted with more than 100 people, before being detained. I'm having serious doubts that chemical war fare wasn't taken into account since that theory has been hatched for years. Oh the possibilities. I hope this innocuous (in comparison to what actual terrorism can stir) situation will give pause and thought, "Hey, we need to worry about more pressing matters than being WMDs being hidden in anuses." 


These were some scenarios that crossed my mind during lunch break yesterday. I'm not trying to stir up fear. My belief is people who are prone to fear and irrationality will act that way regardless. 

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  • 3 months later...

Just going to take a second to say that there are fairly good methods of statistics in epidemiology and nobody should be freaking out that this will turn into a zombie-style outbreak. The etiology of Ebola is well known, and hopefully a little info will help you realize the threat isn't as dire as uninformed newscasters can make it out to be.

The following is summarized from the website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the national public health institute of the United States:

Ebola virus causes a hemorrhagic fever disease, presenting with fever, headache, joint and muscle aches, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting and abnormal bleeding. The incubation period is 2-21 days after exposure, most commonly between 8-10 days. The most important fact is that the virus is transmitted through direct contact with blood or bodily fluids of an infected person or by exposure to objects, such as needles, that are contaminated. There is no spread from droplets (for example coughing) or from food or water.

The major concern arises if a person with the virus leaves West Africa, and this leads to the necessity of increasing awareness of the condition. The major potential for preventing spread of the virus is avoiding contact with secretions from an infected individual. Medical personnel in particular do need to be vigilant and take immediate precautions if a person is suspected of having the virus. This might include immediate isolation of the patient and those who have been in direct contact. There is no risk of transmission during the incubation period and only low risk of transmission in the early phase of symptomatic patients.

So! Like pretty much anything else in life, limit who you swap body fluids with and don't reuse needles. The actual # of people who need to be concerned is very low, thanks to how poorly Ebola spreads.


Basically be careful of STDs, whenever you make out with a girl ask her if she has ebola or not. Put tissues before sitting on a public toilet. After Fapping don't clean your chinpo with used tissues of someoneelse (who does such thing anyway).

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