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Cultural Explosion: Japan vs. America


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I just felt like commenting how it makes me very happy that Japan and American businesses as well as the music industry have been teaming up in the last year or 2 for a lot of different things. Being an English language teacher for Japan, it's nice to see these kinds of things and share it with my students. To give you some examples, in the past couple of years here's what has happened:


1. Japan and Dominoes team up with Hatsune Miku to produce great pizza -



Yes, he is white as hell, but that's not the important part.


2. Momo from the Kagerou Project series teams up with Clearasil to promote the battle of teenage acne -



Most of the good video stuff starts around 3:50


3. Lady Gaga is currently touring on her ARTPOP Ball Tour. Her opening act? Vocaloid popstar Hatsune Miku -



That was about 20 minutes from where I currently live. Too bad I missed it.


4. Pharrell Williams remixes a song for Takashi Murakami's film debut. Hatsune Miku is featured -




His giant bull hat says it all.



It really is cool seeing the amount of connections the countries are making. Lady Gaga especially pulled a fast one and made America quite aware of Vocaloid concerts, which I think is a great thing.


Anyways, just an English teacher sharing his thoughts.

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It only seems Hatsune Miku is featured though.


"Once your pizza delivered, have some fun with Miku"

i wish they make it for Domino's Australia too but with Gumi...

Give Leonardo Dicaprio an oscar. Amazing acting, even though it was an ad. Where do you even find these things?

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There's a youtube channel that I check regularly that actually posts compilations of Japanese commercials for a 2 to 3 week stretch of television.

Someones bored...... So people just decide to record ads instead of the actual TV. To me that is just weird



I want Gumi~~~

well YT have lots of weird side so, yeah...

YT is also quite large. Its hard for you to find something so deep inside of YT unless you specifically looking for it or someone you know tells you.

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Someones bored...... So people just decide to record ads instead of the actual TV. To me that is just weird


I don't know, there's a lot of amusing ads now a days and his channel is decently popular; I can see the incentive in it.

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I don't know, there's a lot of amusing ads now a days and his channel is decently popular; I can see the incentive in it.

Yeah guess your right. I mean i didnt have to stroll further than Monmon's Nii-chan's post (he forced me) to see that the world of Jap ads is completely screwed up.

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