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Japanese Blood Types

Stray Cat

Japanese Blood Types  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your blood type?

    • A
    • B
    • AB
    • O
    • I don't know my blood type
  2. 2. Do you find the traits associated with your blood type in Japanese culture accurate?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Somewhat

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You should check the wikipedia page and see which blood type you think you have, and then see if it matches when you find out which one you actually have. You know, for science! :D


Hmm I thought I was most like AB, but my boyf says I'm definitely more B... XD

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Here in Japan I get asked my blood type ALL THE TIME and people are always shocked that I don't know it. I really need to find out somehow D: Maybe I can ask at my next health check.



No idea what my blood type is, even asked my parents and they didn't know. If my blood type matches my personality, I'd be an A-type though, besides the "responsible" part :P

Its funny how we don'y know our blood types but its weirder that out parents dont, isnt it?

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Its funny how we don'y know our blood types but its weirder that out parents dont, isnt it?

Do you mean that the parents don't know our's or their own?  It's not done at birth in most cases.  Only if the child has a problem, jaundice etc., or if the mother is Rh- or type O blood because the possible incompatibilities that could arise and potentially harm the child.  As for their own, many people can be healthy and go most if not their whole life without ever needing their blood type checked.  As long as they don't ever give or have a severe enough procedure that they need blood, there's no reason for a physician to run the test so in some ways you could even say it's better that people don't know.


So no, there really is know reason why the parents would know either, unless the genetics only work out with one option.  

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Do you mean that the parents don't know our's or their own?  It's not done at birth in most cases.  Only if the child has a problem, jaundice etc., or if the mother is Rh- or type O blood because the possible incompatibilities that could arise and potentially harm the child.  As for their own, many people can be healthy and go most if not their whole life without ever needing their blood type checked.  As long as they don't ever give or have a severe enough procedure that they need blood, there's no reason for a physician to run the test so in some ways you could even say it's better that people don't know.


So no, there really is know reason why the parents would know either, unless the genetics only work out with one option.  

Well if u put it that way it means it is actually a good thing if we dont know it

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True, but it also means you've never donated and contributed to helping those in need.   ^_^

The reason for that is simply because I can't. My body is too weak and I get a fever and sick very easily. Its gotten better in the recent years but i doubt good enough to go donate my blood. Pisses me off sometimes. At least we've got pretty good weather where I live so it isn't that bad but back when I used to go to China annually to visit family there, I got sick every time.

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The reason for that is simply because I can't. My body is too weak and I get a fever and sick very easily. Its gotten better in the recent years but i doubt good enough to go donate my blood. Pisses me off sometimes. At least we've got pretty good weather where I live so it isn't that bad but back when I used to go to China annually to visit family there, I got sick every time.

Several of my friends have something similar so I know how hard it can be.  It wasn't meant as an insult just a friendly jab. 

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Do you mean that the parents don't know our's or their own?  It's not done at birth in most cases.  Only if the child has a problem, jaundice etc., or if the mother is Rh- or type O blood because the possible incompatibilities that could arise and potentially harm the child.  As for their own, many people can be healthy and go most if not their whole life without ever needing their blood type checked.  As long as they don't ever give or have a severe enough procedure that they need blood, there's no reason for a physician to run the test so in some ways you could even say it's better that people don't know.


So no, there really is know reason why the parents would know either, unless the genetics only work out with one option.  

I was born prematurely and needed blood transfusions at birth, so they had to get my blood type, but I just never got around to asking them what it was.  Being lazy FTW.


I'd still check with your doctor, just to be sure, if you want to know your blood type.  There's a chance it might be in your records, and then you wouldn't have to donate blood unless you want to.  Really, though, it's not that painful.  I just read for the entire time they were taking my blood.  Didn't even feel a pinch or anything.  Didn't feel that light-headed afterwards, either.  It feels nice to help people ^_^

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I was born prematurely and needed blood transfusions at birth, so they had to get my blood type, but I just never got around to asking them what it was.  Being lazy FTW.


I'd still check with your doctor, just to be sure, if you want to know your blood type.  There's a chance it might be in your records, and then you wouldn't have to donate blood unless you want to.  Really, though, it's not that painful.  I just read for the entire time they were taking my blood.  Didn't even feel a pinch or anything.  Didn't feel that light-headed afterwards, either.  It feels nice to help people ^_^


It was the same for me but there are so many reasons why a lot of people can't.  One of my friends was turned down because "there's nothing wrong but your blood is just too thick." XD  I'm still not quite sure what that one meant. 

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It was the same for me but there are so many reasons why a lot of people can't.  One of my friends was turned down because "there's nothing wrong but your blood is just too thick." XD  I'm still not quite sure what that one meant. 

Wut...I didn't even know that was a thing  xD


Whoops, I was only really replying to Mustkill's post with the first line of my post.  Wasn't meaning to imply that he should man up and donate or anything.  If you know you can't do it, there's no reason to waste your time and theirs, or possibly risk hurting yourself if you're physically incapable of donating blood.

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It was the same for me but there are so many reasons why a lot of people can't.  One of my friends was turned down because "there's nothing wrong but your blood is just too thick." XD  I'm still not quite sure what that one meant. 

Maybe they meant in the head but he was too thick to figure it out

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  • 4 months later...

So I finally found out my blood type and decided to necro this topic. :P

I'm B- and the Japanese thing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_types_in_Japanese_culture) is very wrong. My guess according to that chart was AB.

Also apparently B- is the second rarest group at 1.4% of the population, second only to AB- at 0.5%.


Oh shit. I B- negative as well. Although I would say that it fits my description very well except for the fact that I'm not unforgiving.
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