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That gif, what anime? Not like i'm even interested by the dance!!

But it's not like I dislike traps or anything b-b-baka!


Also Loli-kun, if by any chance an Australian loaded with puns starts approaching you, stay alert or get to cover. Your chastity is compromised.

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Osu!Osu! welcome n have fun

enjoy a pun and a extra gift

A man walks into a psychiatrist’s office wearing only shorts made of plastic wrap. The shrink says, “Well, I can clearly see you’re nuts.”



It really was a trap.  :o

But it's not like I dislike traps or anything b-b-baka!

And i`m from Australia too...nice to meet u..again.

And since u said u like traps...you are closer to paradise on earth.

If you wanna talk about traps, please dont be shy and go to this thread https://forums.fuwanovel.net/index.php?/topic/5447-are-traps-cute/ 

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...This forum turned into a roleplay forum somehow.


Welcome to the forums young loli.


I do warn you though - There are many a lolicon lurking within these halls. Take this before going out into the night.


Send any lolicons who approach you this:

Then we can be together for-

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