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My switch has always beem on for the last 28 years. It depends if im talking about it or not. And thank you.

Im debating whether Nui should count as a loli or not. I feel dirty sexualizing lolis, but Nui has boobs and shes not human. Sometimes she appears tiny but when atanding next to Ryuko shes the same height.

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Tonight, after work, I was supposed to relax and fap to the stuff I haven't read yet. But no ... stuff have to happen. Friend wants to go watch a movie. Okay, sure. Mom's birthday, ... Oh okay. Her friends and other people coming, including my best friend .......... Oh okay ... (I could probably get away by dragging my best friend out to the movies tonight? ...)


On top of that, I had a long day and I had this co-worker who snapped at me because I didn't tell her about a certain item that she was supposed to receive, which  I actually did. My first time, in a long, long time, defending myself after her mouth running out without stopping. I quickly contacted a third party affiliated with our company and they said they're going to report it in and I'll be contacted about it later. I'm getting yelled at because I'm doing my job. Ha.


I mean ... all I want to have is a good fapping day people. Darn it ... I have to like, save my stuff on Honeyview .. it automatically saves when I close anyways.


Oh they'll be here soon. Guess I'll watch Amagi Brilliant Park new episode and play D3 or something .. can't fap till past midnight :/ ...

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Don't expect to fap to this, it's pretty PG http://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/mahou_ineko_to_ibarahime

BBT. Torrent that for safe keeps.


Can someone recommend me a good loli h-manga? I'd also like one more yandere h-manga. I liked the last one whomever posted it. The one with the girl meeting with her old friend then drugging him and chaining him. Really nice art.

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BBT. Torrent that for safe keeps.


Can someone recommend me a good loli h-manga? I'd also like one more yandere h-manga. I liked the last one whomever posted it. The one with the girl meeting with her old friend then drugging him and chaining him. Really nice art.

Uhh, Perfect Girl was one I recommended. Yandere. There is an idol one, where she kidnaps the producer and fucks him.....was pretty good.

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Can someone recommend me a good loli h-manga? I'd also like one more yandere h-manga. I liked the last one whomever posted it. The one with the girl meeting with her old friend then drugging him and chaining him. Really nice art.

That was the only yandere I had, you're welcome. EDIT: Nevermind, I thought you meant me. Sorry Phersu.


I don't know shit about mangas, but I always have a bunch of doujins lying around, if that's something.


Lolicons probably know these already, but it's still worth a post:



oshiete-sensei: TeacherxStudent, the girl is adorable.

Somersault: Tomboy loli is best girl. Includes two sequels, both linked on the same page.

make-believe: I won't spoil the "plot". The usual happy sex/vanilla -love.


Then there's this pearl. It was linked on reddit a few days ago. Be aware of amputee though.



Tsubasa x Help: Handicapped sister goes for her brother.


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